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Everything posted by Bobba

  1. Bobba

    Urban foxes

    Same here in Bristol where Bristol University once ran a fox watch project. We live very central and there is an allotment to the rear of the house where foxes can be seen almost any time of the day.. They even come into our garden. Sadly I do not have a FAC otherwise the fox population would be reduced considerably.
  2. Something is digging a hole in a flower bed and using it as a latrine. I think it's a badger visiting from a nearby allotment. Would my guesse be right? I went to the local chinese supermarket for a big bag of crushed chillies (much cheaper than Tesco's etc.) and sprinkled copiously around the area with the hope of deterring them by getting up their nose! Do you think this will do the trick? Other ideas welcommed
  3. Strongbow and Fosters? Look on the bright side. A gentle way to start the day. Down this way certain groups mix White Diamond and Carlsberg Export for breakfast while sat on the steps of the hostel. Very sad.
  4. Good luck on the day and your speech - some useful thoughts already. My observation is on the Best Man's speech. In my long life I have often heard attempted coarse witticisms and smutty innuendos passed off as attempted jokes from someone who is not a natural comedian. Quite embarrassing for most guests. I'm no prude but think such an approach is best avoided. Nail the tinker before it happens and ask him to Keep it light.
  5. Bobba

    What's in a name?

    "A rose by any other name............" !!
  6. Depends how you place them in the cabinet. I've a two gun cabinet. I store two 20 bores barrel down, an Air Arms S410 with scope and moderator barrel up and a little webley .410 barrel up and bolt out. Perhaps I'm just to tight to buy a new cabinet!
  7. I agree. Totally. Whilst the complete list of reasons didn't come to mind at that time it just seemed to me to be the correct thing to do.
  8. Pigeons are not grey in the sense of car spray grey paints. If you look at good photo's of pigeons they do, indeed, have a touch of mauve / purple. I once took photo's of a pigeon's back and a wing (on matt paper to avoid reflective shine) to B&Q paint matching for a sample tin and was surprised at the purple / mauve / blue type of pigments in the resulting colour. I still use it and it has no negative effects which I can judge.
  9. I really despair at the inane thinking from tosspots like this. Hopefully the minority view otherwise, over time, it will not only be the anti's against us!!
  10. Last night after rabbiting I left my permission when in a nearby gateway I saw two cars and four heavily armed policemen. Overhead was a helicopter!! I stopped and asked if they were looking for a man with a gun as it may be me. They asked if I had been in full cammo (I had changed clothes). I said yes so they confirmed it was most likely me. They said they had received a call about a man in the road with a gun. I said I would never be anywhere near the road. I produced my SGC explained how I transported the shotgun (my choice, I dry fire the shotgun then carry the foregrip in the glovebox the remainder in a gunslip in the boot. Cartridge belt under the seat.) I then put my point of view that this could perhaps be a mischievous call as the farm is completely arables and without gates and locals treat it like a park, walking off footpath and trespassing and getting disagreeable if they see me going about my legitimate pursuit. It was agreed I should inform my permission. After a few radio calls we concluded our meeting. I was complemented about my safety procedures. They would include this in the log. They would call the complainant and inform them that all was OK but that the complainant should respect the fact that it was a farm on which shooting takes place. We parted on good terms Throughout the whole incident the Avon and Somerset ARU were very thorough and professional. A very measured response. With shootings taking place worldwide and the public geting increasingly wary about guns then it is not too surprising that once in a while someone will call the police when they see a man with a gun. We may sometimes feel indignant when we are in the right but It seems it may be something we have to learn to live with.
  11. It can be done. YouTube 7 lever gun cabinet lock. But I suspect finding the right person could prove difficult..
  12. Thanks. And for the description of the River Wear. Guess I'll stick to Blagdon and Chew.
  13. Would welcome Clarification please Kernel Gadaffi. I thought the rules for Triploids which came into force Jan 2015 was for brown trout only. What are the rules for Rainbows? Thanks
  14. Channel 5 @ 9.00 pm Wednesday. It's ok in it's way as long as we keep in mind that the picture it paints is the one chosen by the programme makers.
  15. I have to say that after reading all of the above I need a wet towel around my head to concentrate on the complexities! And so, with one exception I'm glad I'm not a wild fowler. The exception is that on one eveninga year I am invited to join my permission shooting ducks over a small pond on one of his farms (arables). The origin of the pond is it is where the stone was quarried many years ago to build the farmhouse. It is not a natural pond formed by Mother Nature. The pond is bounded by trees on three sides and the way the shoot is set up there is never any prospect of shot falling anywhere other than on a field. in this set up is it a requirement of the law that we use non lead shot? Advice welcomed. Incidentally, he does require the use of steel shot and I see no reason to change. But my request for advice is therefore more academic in nature. Thank you. Bob
  16. Bobba


    May I suggest that "asking locals" is not the right way to go about it. They may not know the answer or perhaps they are protecting their own self interests!!! And don't want you there!! There are posts on here on ways to try in order to get permission. Do a search. They make interesting and helpful reading. But In brief it involves the heavy slog of knocking on farmers doors and asking. Saying what type of shooting you're looking for eg. Bunnies and squirrels and how you propose to go about it. In other words research what you want to do and your approach to safety, as you may be asked questions to ensure that their interests are safe in your hands. Let them know the gun(s) you would be using and, importantly, that you are insured eg BASC or other. Good luck By the way, what, exactly, do you mean when you say you got your first "full power" air rifle. Is it sub 12 ft llbs or FAC rated?
  17. Bobba


    These ****** are not so good neighbours in Ireland either. I recently visited some friends in Newbridge, Co Kildare. He took me on a tour of the town. Small bungalows with large gardens were the pie keys purchase target. The gardens then tarmacked over for a large car park for their vans. Where no apparent access ways are available they bring in a JCB and create their own. Businesses set up in said bungalows. None of it with any planning permission or abiding by the rules or byelaws. Neighbours who complain are threatened. And the authorities, both local council and Garda, do nothing. A complete blot on the landscape.
  18. Bobba


    Something of an institutionalised response. The majority of complaints are not about the fact they are camped where they should not be and most people are fully aware from years of media news that there are "procedures" to be followed in order to evict them. What grates most with the general public is the lawbreaking travellers (oh how I hate that euphemism for *****) and that little or nothing is done about that aspect of their behaviour. Of course the police cannot just roll up and search vans but they can get warrants like they would against the general public. And they can run vehicle checks for tax and insurance offences as they correctly do against the general public, possibly seizing vehicles where necessary. But the fact of the matter is the general perception that nothing is done against their crime breaking. Often travellers camp in the surrounding area of where I shoot. Their reputation is such that my permission has told me that if I find them on any of his farms that I report to him but take no direct action as their retaliation would be disproportionate with little prospect of meaningful support by the appropriate authorities.
  19. Bobba


    Have thing changed? Recently the Unions have been telling the Labour Party to pick the right Leader who most closely represents union views or they will withdraw Union funding to the Labour Party. Since the threat the message has been diluted but is still there. Unions still believing they (a small minority) should have a greater say in the running of our Country than we do by way way of the general election and the ballot box.
  20. Guns at a celebration may not be unusual to some folk. Visited my Brother-in-law in the south of Corfu last Easter. We attended a late night Easter service in a small church high on a hill. After the service the custom is for fireworks. The locals here had a different view on fireworks. Four of them fired volley after volley of 12 bore into the air. The ground was littered with spent cartridges. I was told that it added atmosphere to the occasion!!
  21. [quote name="shaun4860" post="2844111" timestamp="1434145193" Reduced to 4 laps as original race had a bad accident (Rider serious but not life threatening) /quote] Very glad he survived. Great spectacle, not without its risks. 246 riders since 1911. My father was mechanic for Ray Ashford, a family friend, who is No 47 on the list and died in practice in 1954
  22. Bobba


    Some of it to do with the Government forcing baks to separate their investment functions from their high street banks. The changes are unfortunate in some ways. They are worldwide. You won't find a Barclays, or Lloyds or NatWest in Hanoi, Vancouver, NY etc but you will find an HSBC. I travel a lot and have had minor problems in the past e g my debit card was once potentially compromised when in New York. I popped in to HSBC NY and they provided a phone, office and advice to resolve the matter. Had another minor problem in Vancouver which they helped with. So, changing from a worldwide bank will have its downside.
  23. Thanks for the advice. Most helpful. Bob
  24. Yesterday I was searching on my PC for showers, vanity units etc for a new shower room. This morning on my IPad while looking at PW all the products that I have been viewing on my PC with one company now appear as a sort of strap line at the bottom of the screen. Photo's, company name etc. I presume something similar will be on my PC. Quite an invasion which I find extremely annoying. Is this beyond my control or can I stop it happening? Advice welcomed. Thanks.
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