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Everything posted by Bobba

  1. Nigel Teague put me in touch with Jim Spalding, who makes and fits recoil systems. Jim was kind enough to spend a considerable tiime exploring the possibility of fitting a system to my Miroku 20 bore. Sadly, fo me, a complete rethink is necessary. It would appear that 20 bore stocks being thinner than 12 bore stocks means that the amount of timber to be cut from within the stock to fit the system would leave the Miroku 20 bore stock in too delicate a position. If such systems are fitted to the to the Beretta a400 I am wondering if it can be fitted to my 20 bore SPigeon. Update. Just spoke to GMK. A retro fit to my 20 bore SP is not possible. Grrrrrr. Back to the drawing board.
  2. Erudite as ever grrc but the OP asked what does everyone do for a living? And your answer is?
  3. There' a YouTube clip on how to make crow decoys from black bin liners. Very cheap I suspect and only requires your time. I use FUD's (bought them before I saw the clip!) but they are expensive at around £30 for six. But they do work for me. I put three either side of my pigeon decoy pattern. It works on crows and jackdaws and doesn't deter the pigeons.
  4. Retired (aged 56) Chief Accountant; retired (aged 63) Diving Instructor; retired (aged 68) part time Office Manager. Now permanently retired after 50 years of work. Now it's my time - shooting, fly fishing, travel and skiing (Spending the Kids Inheritence).
  5. Gentlemen, thank you for your inputs. Food for thought. Bob
  6. Stupid insults like this generally tell us more about the person who make them than those who are the target of such a remark. As to th OP I recently moved my cabinet. I checked with Avon & Somerset firearms dept and an inspection was required. It was completed by two Officers from the firearms team. The whole process was completed in a timely and efficient manner. Well done Avon & somerset - again.
  7. Hi a303 Which Kick off did you put on your Beretta please? Thanks. Bob
  8. A guy I shoot with from time to time has a Beretta A400 20 bore with kick off. I used it the other day and for me the recoil reduction was impressive. By comparison, my 20 bore Miroku has a kick eezee pad but still gives a bit of a thump. The after effect on my shoulder after a good day out is begining to become a little tiresome as I get older (72 yrs) and I was thinking about maybe having a recoil reduction / kick off system installed on my Miroku. i like the gun, can't afford a third gun, and am not a lover of semi's (each to his/her own) so I do not wish to go down the part-ex route. (Although I may have to consider selling my little used 20 bore Beretta SP to fund things) Does any PW member have any relevant experience of fitting and using recoil reduction / kick off systems? Which ones? e.g. I've googled systems like Danuser and Gracoil. Costs and benefits / disbenefits. Many thanks.
  9. Bobba


    Manchunian??? What''s that? A Chinaman from Manchester? :-) In fact the word does seem to exist. One example is Manchunian United which is the Indonesian ManU fan club. We learn something every day.
  10. Bobba

    Tile Bits

    If using raw plugs make sure they pass through the tile to bed in the brick/block behind i.e. None of the raw plug remain within the drilled hole in the tile. If the raw plug is in the tile when you tighten up the screw then you run the risk of expanding raw plug and cracking the tile. Not only will this mean replacing that tile but in doing so you will have to do it in such a way as not to cause cracks in the surrounding tiles!
  11. Forgetting the dog and the Rabbit!! I had a similar problem with one of my neighbours who also planted Leylandii his side of the fence. It was his fence but he didn't regard the fence as a problem as he couldn't see it. But for us it was an eyesore, our grandchildren's dog kept going through it and part of his garden kept slipping into ours - they are uphill of us. My suggestion that he replaced his fence was met with a refusal. So, for peace of mind etc, etc, we replaced 45 ft of fencing. Don't regret it.
  12. Bobba


    Agreed. But sometimes the banks may not at first play ball. So here's a tip on what worked for me. I was responsible for my late M-in-laws affairs and there were two direct debits where I was getting an uncooperative response from the people concerned. (Sounds familiar?) I went in to the bank to cancel th DD's. Initial reaction was that it was a requirement for the other side to cancel. The banks hands were tied. So I handed over a letter addressed to the manager which I prepared in anticipation of such obstruction. It referred to the two DD's and said that the bank no longer had the authority of the account holder to make these payments from the account. It worked on that occasion. They were cancelled while I waited.
  13. I, too, am not a fan of sauce with my steak. Where you ar offered a choice of sauce e.g. Pepper, mushroom etc I decline the offer. Where the sauce forms part of the described dish and I've never experienced that sauce before I ask for my sauce in a small jug. I can then sample the sauce and leave it if I dislike it.
  14. Yes, flashing in the sun can cause problems with the birds!! I give the arms of my rotary a quick spray with Matt brown undercoat aerosol paint from a car bar. Another tip is if you are set up in the field and notice the flashing and no spray paint is to hand then make a small portion of mud and smear it on the arms. It will last the session.
  15. One access to one of my permissions was recently obstructed by fly tipping. Knowing the unhelpful in-action he would get from the local Council my permission neatly relocated it, without causing any obstruction, adjacent to the minor road which led to his lane. He then informed the Council of fly tipping. Unethical? Most probably. But until the well paid, pension protected, town hall jobsworths change their attitude to those who are adversely affected by fly tipping then similar reactions are likely to continue around the country.
  16. In addition to wanting to remove Assad, ISIS market themselves as Islam versus the west. Well, from my limited understanding, this cause has been going on since the days of The Crusaders and the Saracens. So, sadly, it's unlikely to be resolved in my lifetime.
  17. Bobba

    Ugly accents

    Why be a shrinking violet? Glaswegian, Belfast, Scouse and Essex
  18. I do not know the details here. Presumably it is within the CAP rules? But, in general terms, If the French Government pay farmers "subsidies" which have not been approved by the European Commision then this is regarded as a State Aid. Unapproved State Aids are a big No No. So, in response, the Commision would then reduce the CAP funding it reimburses to France by the amount equivalent to that State Aid. They call ithis process a "Disallowance" (a sort of Penalty or Fine). Would this disallowance worry the French? Not at all. If they want to subsidise their farmers and it means breaking the rules in a structured way they do it. Their philosophy seems to be that the end justifies the means. C'est La Vie!!
  19. Hello David, thanks for your openness. If I went into filling station protocols, cylinder markings, test requirements etc our PW colleagues would quickly go to sleep. and these are some of the reasons why I disagree with you. If I appear over sensitive it's perhaps with your use of "kill a diver". A subject not talked about. Yet, sadly, this year our club lost a leading member who was diving on the wreck of th Aparima. He was a personal friend for over 20 yrs. As you were courteous enough to share your tickets It is only proper that I do likewise. BSAC Advanced Diver, Open Water Instructor, Practical Rescue Management Instructor, Nitrox Instructor, compressor operator ticket, TDI (Technical Diving International ) gas blender - Nitrox, IANTD (International Assoc of Nitrox and Technical Diders) Advanced Nitrox Diver. RYA powerboat ticket. Sadly, aged 70 and with over 20 yrs of fun the old arthritis kicked in (new hip and they want to do my knees!!) so I have reluctantly hung up my twinset (300 bar 7's) and increased my pigeon shooting etc Good luck with your diving Bob
  20. I agree with the first part of your post about "narcs" and "DCS" (which can be gleaned from any Google search) and that others have made amendments to cover those points. But you have not answered any of my questions concerning the second part of your post on cylinders. Nor have you enlightened me on any qualifications you hold which give you insight into what you seem to believe in. My concern is that those PW members who know nothing about such matters will take your word as Gospel when, in fact, it doesn't even measure up to a Janet and John book.
  21. Not understood at all. Please explain. What are these "PCP bottles" you say that divers use? What do you mean by breathing circuit? eg are you referring to open circuit or closed circuit (rebreathers)? What will confuse the filling station to the point that that confusion could kill a diver? Finally, are you a qualified diver? If so, agency and level please. I ask because I've not read such rubbish for many a year.
  22. Just had a loft conversion and when clearing it out before start of work I came across a signed cricket bat. I recall my late father saying he'd won it in a raffle. Headed "Old Trafford 1953" it has on it many signatures, most still legible, including Hutton, Graveny, Compton, Evans. Seemingly the England v Australia 3rd test teams. The match was drawn. I'm uncertain how to make best use of it. My sons aren't interested and giving to my grandson would only transfer it from one wardrobe to another! Selling it somehow doesn't seem best use, and I was thinking of cricket museums (if such a thing exists) or speaking to Glos cricket club (just up the road for me). But thought I would first seek ideas from PW colleagues.
  23. Bobba


    BASC website has an info page on knives. They state that "the blade must be less than 3" and must not lock". The whole document is worth a read.
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