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Paddy Galore!

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Everything posted by Paddy Galore!

  1. Happy new year one and all!!
  2. Hello mate, dont know if this is any help but i have an M3, this is inertia driven, not sure about the M1 tho. Some people swear by them, mine is a bit fussy when it comes to cartridges. It wont cycle 2.5" carts or anything much under 32g unless its expensive, if you can then try the gun out first.
  3. hello mate, been back a while, ears are bleeding tho, bloody warfarin!
  4. you're so dumb it's a wonder you can remember to keep breathing! it's this kind of attitude that makes life harder for everyone else with a vested interest in shooting sports. Do yourself a favour and belt up.
  5. Hello boys and girls! thanks again for a good day out, t'was a pleasure to finally meet everyone. sorry we had to leave early and missed the "prize ceremony"! when shall we organize the next one? Easter?
  6. SO? At least i dont have chickens.. And anyway, it's a wild animal it has a right to roam.
  7. AWESOME! Nice to see a picture of a fox on here thats still alive for once.
  8. seen plenty on stubble, been sniping them with the 22.
  9. I'll bring some chicklets Just managed to aquire some 28g 7.5's, anyone know why we're not allowed anything heavier?
  10. preffered brad pitt in "burn after reading" that role typefied him, and when he got shot! Well we hadn't laughed so much since grandma died!!! Ho ho ho!
  11. i'm rather particular who gets my jaffa cakes, as they were a present from my grandson to replace what he'd eaten out of my secret stash. you will have to forgive my ignorance for not knowing where high lodge is, as i don't shoot a lot of clays, i just know it's somewhere in suffolk. I don't need to know either, now i've got myself a chauffeur
  12. well, if he's gonna have a face like a smacked backside then i'm not sharing my jaffa cakes with him
  13. Are you on the blob or something? If i must explain, my neighbour shoots aswell, just thought it would be nice to invite him along.
  14. used to happen quite a lot on 22 lr's we used in cadets, used to rotate them and try again, which usually worked.
  15. I'm bringing my neighbour, Paul. He's driving cos he knows where high lodge is, and he's a thoroughly nice chap.
  16. i have a similar problem, the answer was cheap cartridges didn't work. just looking at the picture i've noticed the shell coming away from the brass on that lyvale cartridge. The length of crimp doesn't matter, the amount of lip on the end of the brass does as this is what is caught by the extractor on it's way out.
  17. hi bigweed, we're going on the 28th, not boxing day. I think someone has already contacted high lodge for opening times, if not then we'll just have to find a field somewhere and let rip at some poorfolk also, breakfast meet up was mentioned for 9am, start rounds at 10am. BY THE WAY, thanks everyone for the offer of a loan gun for the day but it's sorted out, cheers! see you all on monday..
  18. A 1METRE long box of jaffa cakes!
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