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About eddoakley

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    Cwmbran, South Wales

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  1. So I'll make this my last comment: I spoke with a friend of a friend a week or so ago. Never before nor since( until this evening). We spoke regarding air rifles as I sell them. He didn't like what I had to offer and asked for a specific model, which I said I'd try to find for him. I did. I made arrangements for someone to buy it for him. I stayed out of the arrangements because firstly I was out of the country last week and secondly I didn't want to have the gun sent to me (rfd to rfd) adding cost to what I considered to be an over priced gun that was nothing more than a favour for a friend of a friend. As it turned out I was returning from France today and the gun was enroute so I was asked to pick it up. Paid for in full, in advance by someone else. In fact, as it was nothing to do with me I didn't even take it out of the case to look at. It eventually arrived over an hour after the agreed time (making me late to pick up my son). Don't understand what's doubted or in question there. Not sure what the seller thinks I had to gain from the situation and why he is so upset and resorting to name calling both here and in texts. All the messages will confirm what I have said:- I explained the gun was for someone else, I didn't get involved in the deal and the full asking price was paid (separate deal done by my friend on an additional scope) "Samo" will confirm the above and as mentioned is more than happy to pay me £25 for going to the trouble of finding what he asked for. As an aside, I have indeed put on a few lb and I'm kind of glad the seller didn't find me attractive. 🤣 Edd
  2. Just to clear things up after the rather unpleasant message I recieved. Sam had asked me to find this model. Didn't realise it was the same Sam that had commented. (Had only ever spoken to him once through a friend) As I was away I asked another friend to arrange to purchase so I wasn't involved. Ended up collecting from JKD today as I was travelling from Folkstone. 100% upfront with everybody. Asking price paid (although it turned out that my friend negotiated a deal on the scope the same seller had) I have added £25 to the sale price which Sam is happy with as he knows I waited over an hour to collect the gun and its still cheaper than postage. After the text I recieved I could forsee something being said on here so have decided to preempt that. Edd
  3. Doh!! Been meaning to pick up a mach2 for ages as I have 2000 rounds of ammo. Then a cheap one comes up and I miss it Edd
  4. It's not the thickness of the panel itself that matters, it's the thickness of the outer skin and the number/spacing of the internal ribs. Cheap rubbish has fewer ribs therefore relies on the outer skin more which is invariably very thin on cheap panels. I'm not a fan. Edd
  5. AFAIK there isn't a limit on "cartridges" but the amount of powder that can be kept without relevant paperwork and storage provision. I've always been told not to keep more than 10k in one place. Edd
  6. As above, if it ain't broke don't fix it. Unless you have any issues with it then it doesn't need a service or anything else. Jb does great work but I feel you'd be wasting time and money. Edd
  7. Watched it all a couple of weeks back and really surprised myself that I enjoyed it. Didn't expect to. Have recommended it to someone just this evening and the theme tune/song is in my playlist. Edd
  8. It's not camper vans you hate- it's people!! Edd
  9. Camper for me. Was never jnterested and have built a few for my brother over the years (vw t4, t5 etc) But had a camper built in a Peugeot boxer and use it all the time. Was 2 adults, 2 kids and a dog. Now 1, 1 and dog. Tomorrow afternoon me and the boy are driving off to an estate in Newbury ready for stalking on Sunday morning. Park in a pub or lay by. Proper fixed double bed and pull out 3/4 Which is a comfortable seat when not in use. Electric hook up or battery (including solar charging). Water hook up or tanks. Shower, toilet, hot water, blown air heating, sink and hob, microwave, fridge, tv, swivel passenger seat, room to stand, room to move, jump in and go. If we go to a site we have awning, carpet, loads of seats, tables, toys for kids, fishing gear....just getting a roof rack sorted for kayaks and a box for stuff that's not used much. And as I've owned and driven the same size vans for 20 years I'm happy to drive it around anywhere at any time. But that's just me. Edd
  10. Can anyone here rehome a male 8year old gsp? I friend has had a change of circumstances and unfortunately isn't able to keep the dog. He's very obedient on the whistle and from what I've seen a very handy dog. He will not kennel. He needs to be a house dog and preferably with other dogs or owner all the time. I have some videos of him working. Location is South Wales but could travel to get him to the right home. This is not ideal but he will only go to a suitable home. Desperately need this to happen very soon. Please pm if you can help or have questions. Edd
  11. Hahha really? I'm knife not a tool? Was rock a weapon designed to infilct harm or used as a tool?? A stick? Until it was used as a club... Ah, you know what? Not worth it. Clearly one of the sheeple. Whether I Or anyone else act against it there no denying that the powers that be constantly erode our liberty and the "technicality" of whether something can be described as a weapon is another example. The reality is that everything is a weapon of you want it to be. Allowing it to be described as a "potential weapon" is just another way to control what you are "allowed" to do. Edd
  12. A knife is, like it or not, a 'bladed weapon' ! As is a screwdriver, saw, chisel, spade.....a stick is a weapon, a pencil...in fact anything could be construed as a weapon but to fear carrying a perfectly legitimate tool because someone may try to construe it as something else is a perfect example of what's been said many times before- control and restrict the law abiding sheeple. I often have tools in my possession when out and about and will happily explain why if asked by police. Edd
  13. What an angry and pessimistic bunch we are. All this talk of trouble and need for legal documents?!?! Just ask him why he's been parked there and explain that you'd rather he didn't. Anything else is just assuming there will be a problem when it's just as likley to be anything else. Update us. Edd
  14. Hobnobs are the SAS of the buscuit world! Peter Kaye. If you know you know. Edd
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