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About joknob

  • Birthday 28/08/1959

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  • Interests
    fowling,fishing,the odd fry up,drink

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  1. hi paul,ill have it.im in bridlington from friday 14 but will be home sunday morn and can pick up then. craig
  2. i drive them off the ships at grimsby,bmw engine and auto gearbox,can,t drive them in a straight line!the steering is terrible,and the position of the key{left hand side of the steering wheel}is hidden,whoever designed these trucks did a **** job !!
  3. density...steel=7.8...bismuth=9.7...lead=11.3,not recommended.craig
  4. joknob

    Goose numbers

    12,245 pinks over spurn point yesterday,much the same down grimsby also !
  5. ive got one i shot from a swiss 50 cal address and ill send it to you
  6. just travelled back from Dundee on a full tank in a howling hooligan and heavy rain yesterday,did 207 miles on 36.5 litres...25 .5 mpg...Honda crv 2.0 vtec. kept to 75 mph.going up I stuck at 60,and got 37 mpg.used £146 of fuel from Grimsby to Dundee and back
  7. they are taken now,see you in the week wokkywokky
  8. as per title,i have 19 full body decoys,in good condition, in a sack and a rotary .pick up only.grimsby,dn332np
  9. I,ll be down Saturday morn mick with cash and cert,send me your post code please
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