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  1. After it taking 8months to get a V5 out of DVLA they might as well have…..
  2. Forget what mine cost exactly a couple of years ago (was before the most recent changes in guidance) but surgery had a stated list of charges for this sort of thing hgv medical, private referrals, prescriptions etc but at the time SGC/FAC letters weee not on the list and it seemed they didn’t really know what they were charging for. I suspect this may changed…….
  3. What’s app was that the police or the surgery using what’s app? 😬
  4. New changes mean the entry route is potentially shorter too changes to trailer tests to free up more examiner capacity for a start, side benefit if you passed your test post 97 is you can tow a bigger trailer now
  5. It’s not just hgv drivers they are struggling with, had an email from a supplier a 20ft container from Far East to U.K. in 18 months has gone from $1500 to over $10000 suplly chains have been made ultra lean with no spare capacity the biggest worry 2 years ago was a crash on a motorway the govt are looking to change the liscencing model to free up testing capacity and allowing direct entry to class 1 https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/changes-to-hgv-and-bus-driving-tests-and-allowing-car-drivers-to-tow-a-trailer-without-an-extra-test/changes-to-hgv-and-bus-driving-tests-and-allowing-car-drivers-to-tow-a-trailer-without-an-extra-test
  6. Doesn’t that just mean you need a drivers CPC for commercial?
  7. Most clay grounds have an 11/6 but many insist none SGC holders have a “lesson” so you have to ask at any ground oddly I don’t think I have ever been to a ground that has asked to see my SGC 🤔
  8. Any idea on prices? And COVID restrictions? I’ll try and give them a call in the week.
  9. So can you still shoot clays there or just airsoft and bouncy castle? https://m.facebook.com/nantymoorpk/
  10. Can you still bulk fill from a fire extinguisher?
  11. Helpful lol ....... what do you spend the other half doing? Sucking your teeth and scratching your ****? It’s hardly wiring a nuclear plant it’s adding a double socket in a hallway..... hardly rocket surgery.....
  12. Monitors that failed quality control got sent to the tv production line.... there are lots of reason for these issues but a decent monitor on a decent connection Display per or HDMI should be clear and clean if not gaming the response rate is less of a concern. Calibrating grey scale helps loads
  13. Can get a DSC radio under £200 that’s sends GPS location to CG in emergency! licence and MMSI is free an SRC means passing an exam in U.K. administered by Rya £60 course by Training centre £60 ish it’s not about the bit of paper it’s about having half a clue of what to do when the sheet hits the fan!!! personally I value my life more than a Baofeng.... that why I have. A water proof, submersible, standard horizon DSC marine vhf.....
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