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Everything posted by Maidment78

  1. Good morning all, I have just managed to get hold of a very old pinfire shotgun. Question is that now I have this new toy is there a best practice on making the ammo? I have a cople of muzzleloaders so powder and wads, cards and caps are fine, the thing I am not sure on is the cases, pins (daft but what are they made of and can you reuse?) If anyone has any advice or good books it would very much appreciated.
  2. I love horses, they are great, they allow me to spend loads of money on guns and toys, allow me to go out when I like and mean I never get moaned at for being in the shed tinkering. Every wife should have one! Long live horses.
  3. I love my muzzle loader, did a pheasant day this year and superb bag. Great fun to use, really makes you chose your shots too as the reload time is a bit longer than these modern things so you are less inclined to take silly shots. Smoke and smell is the best thing too.
  4. I would be worried if you do not speak french, the dog will never understand you,,,,,,,,
  5. As we have had a poor year regarding farming, crops down on last year and the cover crop round here is pants, do you think there will be more hungry birds about and if so any thoughts as to the return of flocks like yester year? Birds here on Acorns and anything they can get to be honest.
  6. Easy, open choke until you start to hit then if you want to get better tighten it up until you consistantly hit with full. If you use a number 8 on open choke you will (or should) hit nearly everything but where is the challenge in that? For me I use an old SxS so it is fixed at 1/4 and 1/2 but I mainly shoot live quarry so I like to stick with what I use in the field.
  7. Looks like he did a good job not to kill them, shotgun at what must have been less than 10 yards, indoors, (I am guessing here but why shoot if they are outside) I have a horrid feeling that this will go against the shooting world though as it is honey for the antis which is sad.
  8. £200 was the figure I quoted, House insurance claim is already in. Seriously gutted though, will laugh about it one day, 2067 I am guessing,,,,
  9. Wife 'Can I borrow those new binos you got as I am off to watch the sailing' Me 'no as you will lose them.' Wife 'No I won't Off shooting this morning and the binos are not on the shelf where I left them so ask the wife,,,, 'Ah well I took them to the sailing and think I left them on the train but I am sure someone will hand them in,,,,' So if you find a brand new set of Leica 10x42 that I never got to use then well done!
  10. Daystate air wolf, pick her up tomorrow!
  11. I agree with them, whay do we shoot fluffy foxes and cuddly rats. Shame on you all! Off to go and cuddle a badger now,,,,, ;-)
  12. I saw this, the report stated no one was hurt due him using the machete and at the end of the report they made it very clear that when a man restle the chap to the ground and saved the day the reort said 'a black man restled etc,,,' I was suprised that they had to mention his race? or is this just me? Very odd chap but like all stories they are said from one sides point of view so salt, pinch, and all that.
  13. Great photos, just what I needed to get the wife to agree to let me get a new pup,,
  14. I think that camp sites may have had a slight issue with the biblical weather,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  15. So all the money that would be spent in the Capitol is now going to be spent in the smaller towns. I can not see the issue, hotels were ripping people off and have now been caught out, anyone with half a brain either went away on holiday if they live in London or stay out the way for the games. I think the UK is doing a first rate job as host and I am proud of it.
  16. I have a feeling this may be a case of shutting door when the horse (or deer) has bolted, once they are in and established then I can not see them being stopped easily. I have to say that I quite like these little fellas though, good sport and great taste!
  17. Evening, I have £500 to spend on a new set of binoculars for deer stalking. I am looking for an aprons set that are not too big but good in low light. Any ideas?
  18. What defines a snob? To own expensive guns because they cost a lot or to own expensive guns as they are works of art? I love my guns. Some cost a lot some not,
  19. Just a quick one, had to post this as been doing me in for the last week. Had a fox in the garden about a week ago testing my chicken pen. Been out every night since ready but the fox was either shy or not in a safe shot, was getting more and more frustrated so tried baiting it with pigeons for the last three days and tonight was the night. Fox passes the pen then took the scent of the pigeon and moved out into the paddock, issue was it was tucked under the fence so no go, then took the bird and ran off passed a really clean and safe shot so I shouted and it stopped for a perfect side shot and down he went. Used a 95 grain ballistic so photo a bit too graphic as near on destroyed it. Hit shoulder blade and roped it near in two. One happy game keeper and safe chickens so a good night.
  20. All company's have a duty of care, if this was at work and you were injured doing your normal duties and following procedure then there is a good chance you are entitled to paid sick as a minimum. I would make sure that the accident book at work is completed and then either speak with the hr or take advice from citizens advice to get your options clear. If one of my guys got hurt I would ensure they were looked after but that's just me.
  21. Evening, we are starting to plan to get a second dog. We have a GSP and she is great as a pet but totally gun shy so useless in the field. What I was wondering was is there a good way to make sure my first dog is happy with a new arrival? She loves other dogs and is mad as a hatter but I thought I would ask before I potentially make as balls up.
  22. Crossman or crossman premier dome heads for me.
  23. Shirt and smart trousers and shoes are fine, gets quite warm in there so you may cook in a suit, remember to pre order drinks for the intermission, very very important, they will leave them for you to collect and saves queuing. Enjoy,
  24. Horrible situation, for me I would never give up and live out there till I found her either way. I can not imagine the horror of having to live with making the decision they did and I hope one day it works out but if nothing else maybe this has reminded people that the lives of our children are worth so much more than a night out and a drink,,,
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