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  1. My tickets expire end of March but the police officer dealing with mine was wanting it done now , so i have all mine done and hopefully when he's back on duty it will be posted out . Mine was £70 but i got a letter today saying that after the 4th of February it was going up to £160
  2. Bigbob


    The rifle is capable but are you if your asking ? get out and practice , practice and practice some more them when you think your capable try it
  3. Its (KEVIN BRIDGES ) Hoose rice again
  4. Nice going your getting fair numbers there
  5. She will have ditched him to make a comeback
  6. Total **** and thats why im on my laptop getting a dvd ready
  7. Bigbob

    Air Arms ?.

    I rate my S300 shot 1000s of rabbits with it ,my local club uses s200 in the range and if they weren't reliable they wouldn't use them
  8. Even if he gets LIFE hes young enough to get out
  9. I heard it was only for a trail period and they had a driver in the passenger seat watching everything then it was on the Scottish news they where scrapping them as nobody would go on them LOL Think thats the same for everybody in most couples the husband does all the driving
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