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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. Dougy


    i would recomend a scope without parallax adjustment on specially while out lamping. you need to keep it as simple as possible as you will not in most situatons have the time to mess about making adjustments with the scope while the rabbits stay still for you.
  2. Dan you can google and get quite a few agency's that will offer you some decent sport, you will need to look into it though in a bit more depth on a few though. Be aware though some give you a price which is quite competative offer everything then when it comes to the crunch you are being charged for the trophy, which unlike Deer stalking you wont have the time to think about the possible few £100 on top of you origanal cost before you squeeze the trigger. I have not long been looking at shooting Boar in Poland for a change from Croatia the price is about the same but the agency in Poland charge for the trophy and transport to and from the drives, another thing to think about. I suggest you take a look at basswood sporting. wherever you decide to go, it is well,, how can i put it;- some times quite frightening with regards to huge Boar crashing through undergrowth a few feet in front of you , and at other times very peacefull standing waiting listening watching and possibly even smelling for the approach of some huge Boar that could bowl you over as easy as anything. Go for it you will love it, Oh i must add, if you have'nt all ready got a calibre i can reccomend the 30.06
  3. I have an A Bolt in 30.06 very good IMO, Miffy has the A Bolt Delux in 308 he i think is happy with his, so thats 2 more with the same or simalar. No problems with mine, the trigger has been made lighter as it was quite a heavy pull, good light stalking rifle IMO second hand i would expect to pay £280 -£300 ish i will be honest with the feed, i did have issues but have polished the top of the feed quite a bit as the edges were quite square and rough no problems since.
  4. If your in rented then your landlord should get pest control in, sounds like there is an investation nearby. Shoot them in the meantime, keep you entertained while there's football on the box,
  5. Dougy

    FAC Airrifle

    you now have a really good choice out there nowadays. Price is not going to be that much different either, You have the most popular choices such as R7, Air Arms, Daystate, Ripley, BSA they are the most popular for good reasons. Power wise i would stick to around the 30ftlb mark you could stetch to say 36ftlb using AirArms pellets with fairly good results if you go much over that then you will need to go for the more specialised pellets. Shot count will also be a major factor, plus as your aware the charging gear. Its also worth thinking about those with buddy bottles, you could take a spare out in the field with you, but with say the AirArms 410 its not possible. If money was not an issue imy first choice would be a Daystate air ranger around £1000 mark then add to that scope Bi pod and charging gear so total around £1500 or if money was an issue then AirArms 410. R7 very good i had one for 12 years brilliant bit of kit set at 33ftlb
  6. dropped a bit in value didnt it £7 million
  7. Another thing just thought,,, The front site has to be taken off to be able to fit a mod.. But if i was to buy another it would be a HW60j for definate
  8. The HW60j is a nice looking rifle, far better looking in my opinion than the others, the trigger,s are one of the best there out there off the shelf. whether they shoot well or not i dont know, i cant see them not with wheirauch's history. I looked at one for some time and instead a went for the ruger 77/17, it took a fair bit of playing with to get it to shoot near a good as others, CZ and a Sako. but after a session floating the barrel and a trigger kit it did improve. It all depends if you want to be different really and have a few extra £ spare.
  9. where are you putting the gun cabinet
  10. Sam,. best thing to do would be to find out where they are, as said she may have moved them now, lay up with your rifle and control them that way, you could possibly sit in you truck all night with you flask, butties and other half waiting for them to show. As said take the vixen first and the cubs will come to her.
  11. left is turks head, decoration or used to stop fraying right possibly boline, benifits, will not slip under load, easy to tie with one hand, easy to un tie, also known as the king of knots due to the importance safety wise
  12. Love my Invincible Good comfortable ride and it has the bonus of chucking what the hell you like in the back whether its things you've shot or a load of logs, without getting the front passenger area stinking or grubby totaly agree with the tyres, not good off road at all
  13. Your not taking the Mick are you Stu lol If Little Dave wants to know what a 30.06 can do i and he buys the beer's i wouldnt mind telling him "Aaalllllll about mine" over a few On a more serious note though, you cant get anything better that a 30.06 in the whole wide world it will make you dribble shooting it
  14. More that suitable for deer You will have rifle calibre for just about anything you will ever go for in this country and others, you can load from 110 grain to 220 if you wish, but as said 308 will do very simalar, and use less powder in doing so and then you could choose 270, 6.5 x55 One think though i have noticed is that 243 do a fair amount of damage to the carcuss being a lighter faster bullet compared to the heavier cailbre bullets. Below is a link to my first time salking using a 30.06 http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/ind...c=80818&hl=
  15. If i remember correctly wasn't it the prometheus company who closed down the "Sussex Sabo" production due to breach of copyright couldnt see why Now they were good, in my air rifles anyway. Prometheus i did use them but found they didnt group too good at all, neither the FAC version "Titan Black"
  16. As said a few times on this post well done on following up on the despatch, But !!! you have only yourself to blame for the negative comments. You are putting in for FAC well in my honest opinion i think you should wait until you get your choice of CF (which seems to be quite a hard decision from your previous posts,ie 17Rem-223-22.250-6mill-Br-6millPPC, or is there more that you have been reading up on using the search on tinternet) You have been given some sound advice on here from some very "hands on experienced people" on here Take that advice, wait until you are in possesion of your CF. Sam, you owe it to yourself and the sport, we have enough negative publicity as it is..
  17. My punto's been in worse places than that
  18. May be worth looking at a "Burris Full field II" Very good scope for the money £199 + you may get a pair of free bins if the offer is still on
  19. I tried a tri pod for stalking last year, and my opinion was........................... I now have a Bi pod, you need to get the bi pod out ready "quickly and quietly" 3 legs were a pain in the rear, clanking, wrong leg in the front, tree in the way, to high. and more.. so add another leg and IMO you make it even worse, if you need more support tie a length of heavy cord to the top of the sticks "Bi pod" when you deploy the sticks put your foot on the cord to stable the sticks
  20. Dougy

    lapwing chicks

    keep popping off the fox's Sam, this time of the year the fox's will soon clear up the chicks, thats if they hav'nt had the eggs before, badgers will also take both eggs and chicks also
  21. Aye up garybiker nice shot where abouts you from i still have some Hare restorer from some time ago let me know your address i'll postit to ya and all will be ok, :blink: then it should stop all the moaning key board shooters.
  22. I was under the impression that once an an air rifle was regestered FAC then that was it. maybe wrong here but i dont think so. Thats if the air rifle WAS actually on ticket in the first place.
  23. Buying a socket set could be the worst and most expesive bit of advice you could give somebody who has absolutely no machanicle skills whatsoever, the end result could end up with totaly fluffed motor, and a load of spare nuts and bolts. for the sake of a few quid get some experienced on the job or get a mate to give you a hand who knows what he's doing.
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