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Everything posted by aister

  1. Leupold VX-3 4.5-14X50 in fantastic condition, hard to tell that its been mounted on a gun. It has the boone and crockett reticle. £550 inc postage.
  2. This scope came with a rifle I have just bought, it is in very good condition with clean glass. It is a 2-10X38 with a normal crosshair reticle. Looking for £70 inc postage.
  3. aister


    Thought it might have been Orkney where they can sell geese.
  4. aister


    Where were they at?
  5. I had a good couple of flights yesterday to make up for a few blanks. I was out on Friday morning but the geese went wide so I had a better idea for yesterday morning. The geese came off the loch and came over me tail to wind giving me some very sporting shots, I bagged 4 before putting the gun away and watching the rest of the birds come of the loch. While waiting early on I had an owl drift silently close by, I am always amazed at how silent they are. With the frost I knew exactly where I was going at night and I finally had a decent night flight. I managed to bag 2 mallard, a wigeon and 5 teal. I also saw another owl, I saw him coming and sat still, he passed silently literally inches from my head. I think the one in the morning was a barn owl and the one at night was a little owl.
  6. Here you go UD, I think this is more up your street
  7. I have just recently scraped a remington 700 bdl 30-06 and I have all the parts that don't have the serial number on. The wooden stock was bedded for the rifle which is a shame as otherwise it is like new with a beautiful tiger stripe and finished with a high gloss. I have the bolt internals, the bottom metal, the open sites, two sets of bases-one set warren (steel) and one set weaver (alu). I swapped the original trigger for a rifle basix trigger which is the most valuable part, they start at £90 at rimfire magic, it is a very nice trigger, very crisp with no creep. I have no idea how to price this so I will say £100 for the lot but will sell bits separately. Any questions just ask, thanks for looking.
  8. 4 pound per hundred for me regardless of make or size.
  9. I have seen a few owls whilst waiting for fowl to show, in fact Saturday morning I had a long eared owl try to land on the stone wall I was sheltering behind, he have been no more than a few feet away when he saw me. I think the most amazing or entertaining thing I saw was an otter trying to get hold of one of my mallard decoys, he tried his best but the decoy kept pushing away from him, he then left looking pretty disgruntled.
  10. Excellent, well done. Good looking hound too.
  11. CCI subs are the most accurate through my BRNO.
  12. Thanks for the comments. Yes there is grouse up here but not in huge quantities.
  13. I took my eldest 2 out for a walk today since it was such a nice day. There was a lot of snipe around but with it being so calm they were getting up too far out but I managed to put 5 in the bag. One of the last boggy bits we tried produced a right and a left of teal as 4 got up in true teal fashion, straight up. We had half a dozen rabbits too. I also saw a nice big flock of golden plover I will have to have a look at tomorrow when I am on my own.
  14. I have the T3 lite blued synthetic in 6.5x55 and love it. For the money it's a great accurate rifle with a very smooth action. I replaced the bolt handle and shroud for an after market bigger bolt handle and metal shroud.
  15. Excellent, well done. Sounds like you have had a very successful trip.
  16. Good luck on your shooting trip Stuart, hope all goes to plan and you get some powder burnt
  17. Don't know if you would call it unusual but certainly the most memorable goose achievement for me was a right and a left of high grelags with a friend's double 4, it's certainly a morning I won't forget in a hurry. A more unusual one for me was one time a friend and I arrived at the head of a small field with goose decoying in mind but our hearts sank when we heard that the geese were already in and feeding with the moon. I shone with my torch and sure enough we could just make out that a few geese were already there, I switched my torch off and we put our gear down so we could decide on what to do. Then all of a sudden the geese were up and I realized that max was no longer at my side, I flicked on the torch to find that the geese were gone and max was heading back with a big greylag in his mouth. I couldn't believe it, I was mortified but thankfully the goose was unscathed and he flew of pretty disgruntled at being disturbed so early.
  18. I went out for a look last night with the gun and the hound. By the time I had made it to my chosen spot the wind had fallen away to nothing and with a perfectly clear sky and a fairly big moon I did not expect to see much action. It was good to be out the house though, the lapwings were doing some fancy flying and the snipe were coming in like little rockets only to land with the tinyest plop at the waters edge. I was about to unload the gun and head home when 3 mallard came in from my right, my only two shots of the night flew true and I headed home with a couple of mallard in the bag and a happy hound at my side.
  19. I had my RFD bring me up a second hand sauer 200 in 30-06 flavor to replace the remington 700 I had. It arrived the other day and when I was looking over it I noticed that the safety didn't feel quite right, there is no friction at all between safety on and off its as if it is floating, I would have thought there should be some friction or a click. Also with the safety on the bolt lifts and can be taken completely out of the gun. Surely this cant be right. Neither my RFD nor myself have ever had any dealings with sauer so is there anyone on here that can advise me? Could it be a spring or something carried away? look forward to any replies
  20. H4895 works well for me with 52gr a-max
  21. I bought a 32" 3" midland hammer gun a couple of months ago for £250. It was from an old friend who wanted me to have it and said himself that it would be able to sell for more. It could do with the barrels re-blued and the woodwork spruced up otherwise the gun is mechanically sound. It has "for 3" paper cases" stamped on the top of the barrels and looking at the proof marks it is nitro proofed for 1 1/2oz. Its a lovely gun to use compared to the other 32" "wildfowling" guns I have had.
  22. aister

    Duck Lice

    Usually see a few at the start of the season most years but this season, so far, there have been more than usual. I have never worried about them, her indoors doesn't like it much when I find them up my arms later on after plucking. Its mostly wigeon I see them on but I have shot 2 pinks and a greylag that I thought were injured but turned out to be absolutely covered in lice, and I mean covered, they were so poorly they couldn't fly.
  23. Good shooting followed up by some cracking dog work, I would never get fed up watching a good dog working like that
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