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Rob G

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Everything posted by Rob G

  1. I've found the best way to get a gas gun to keep pigeons off a field,is to have it set to go off 3 times in approx 30 seconds.One of the farms i shoot on moves them around the field on a regular basis.
  2. Rob G

    New gun

    Picked up my new gun friday afternoon,a franchi harrier 28' m/c 20g.Went out for a walk yesterday,first shot i dropped a cock pheasant.Next two shots i missed a cock pheasant and a woodcock.
  3. Hubertus,yes the ones that electricians use.I have a handfull in my bag always handy to have
  4. I normaly use a length of rope,tie one end to a hide pole and pull it through the rape.A lot easier to carry than a broom.
  5. Hubertus,i use a light weight net.I put a cable tie in each corner and one in the middle.I use adjustable washing poles to hold it up,and tent pegs to peg it down.I only use a net if i have to,most of the time i will make a hide out of the hedge or bushes
  6. You won't go far wrong with a beretta silver pigeon.I've had mine a year now and love it.If you shop around you can pick one up from anything between £950-£1100,brand new.I have a 28' m/c
  7. The slaughterhouse i work in is working at under half capacity,we slaughter 1400 pigs a day.The animals are lead into a machine which anethatizes them using co2 when they exit this machine they are completeley anethatized.Within 20 seconds they are stuck 18 seconds later they are dead.In between each pig you have to wash and sterilize your knife.These knives are sharp enough to shave with.I hold my slaughtermans liscence myself which means if i inflict cruelty or unnessersary pain on a animal i can be prosecuted.We have a vet on site all the time along with meat inspecters.In my view these methods are the most humane way of taking a animals life,not restraining it and cutting its throat while it is aware of what is going on around it.Put yourself it it's place for a moment.How would you rather die
  8. I have worked in a slaughterhouse for nearly 20years.Under uk laws every animal we slaughter should be anethatized or dead before bleeding.Halal and kosher slaughter is barbaric it's all to do with religion.What a load of bow locks.If they don't want to eat meat thats been stunned first become a vegartarion or leave the country. :<
  9. I use two of these on some old fibreglass tent poles,make brilliant bouncers,very little wind needed to make them work
  10. Rob G


    Just fell off my seat when i saw the prices you have been quoted.Our local game dealer is paying approx £30 for a roe and £10 for a muntjac :blink:
  11. Rob G


    I personaly prefer the saddle (back) :blink: my mouth is watering now thinking about it.
  12. That is some fantastic photo's you have there nttf,i just told my daughter they where santa's reindeer getting ready for christmas.She can't wait till tommorow when she goes to school so she can tell all her friends
  13. Welcome mate,if you ain't out shooting being on this site is the next best thing :thumbs:
  14. I think that sometimes people forget the main thing about getting a fox or any other creature.FIELDCRAFT.You can have the best call or best decoy pattern in the world.But if you are in the wrong place or the sunlight or moonlight is giving your location away.you are wasting your time.When i go foxing the main thing to take in to cosideration is wind,then the moonlight then my method of calling.Most of my lamping is done on foot at this time of year
  15. Kip270,i have made a few calls like you have described,i find they work realy well on wary foxes.If you nip the call gently in your teeth when using it you can vary the pitch.I was shown how to make one of these over twenty years ago,i recently brought a electronic call.To be honest i think the old methods work better
  16. My local gunsmith quoted £45 per barrel,that was to have 3/4 and full opened up to 1/4 and 1/2
  17. Rob G

    Todays Joke

    One day two mates are sitting in a bale hide,the pigeons are falling out of the sky into there decoy pattern.In the distance one of them see's a hearse with a coffin in the back going along the road.He puts his gun down and takes his hat off.'Thats the sign of a real gentleman' says the other man.'That's the least i can do,i was married to her for thirty years'he replied'
  18. I think i would shoot it and face the music,if i took a shot at it and missed i would put my hand behind me and start throwing $h1te at it,there would be plenty there.
  19. Thats what i thought LB,what if you shot it with a shotgun,
  20. I'm afraid the company nurse,doctors work for the company they will say your fit. A few years ago i dislocated my shoulder,the hospital told me to keep it in a sling for 4 weeks my doctor signed me off for 6 weeks.After 3 weeks the company nurse contacted me to see if i would go in to be examined and see if i could do light dutys.I explained what the hospital had told me to do but she insisted.I told her what the hell good is a one armed man in a slaughterhouse,if she wanted to know when i would be returning to work contact my doctor. I've had a couple of accidents at work while using faulty equipment,if you can prove it was the companys fault then you have a good case to make a claim against them
  21. How would you stand legally if you shot a big cat,on my fac it states fox,deer,vermin and ground game.
  22. I had something similar,told them to whistle.When your own doctor says you are fit to return to work you are ready,not a nurse working for the company.As dazza said is she in the union? if so get a claim form in against them,the union will have a solicitor who can sort this out.
  23. Rupertx,i have the same qualifications and a nvq level 2 in meat technology.When i spoke to basc they said it wasn't good enough.If you have dsc 1 that is??
  24. Just got back from the gamedealer,he was saying that anyone taking game to him next year will have to of done the hygiene course.It's all about traceability,so if there is a problem with what you take in they know what area it came from.Do the goverment think game birds etc stay in one area,also how can we inspect our game just by looking at it.To do it properly your have to check the lungs,liver,gut etc.I think this is just the goverment trying to put another nail in the coffin for country pursuits. When we take meat for human consumption if it goes for export it is inspected by a vet before hand.It is not our job to decide if it is fit to eat. :<
  25. Thats a fine looking beast,my mouthis watering
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