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Rob G

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Everything posted by Rob G

  1. I would go for the drill.The pigeons roung here haven't looked at the rape yet.
  2. Sounds like a good idea to me have a few rounds of clays then a few beers and a bit of lap/pole dancing(watching not doing )
  3. They only do the flood lit skeet on a wednesday night,i did see one of the young ladies over there one night DING DONG.Trouble is the wife found out it was a lap dancing club and asks too many questions
  4. Suffolk shooter,i shoot over at lakenheath was going over there tonight but the skys opened up so i gave it a miss.I normally do it through the winter months to break the boredom of the long dark nights
  5. I enjoy sporting but my favourite is flood lit skeet sharpens you up for decoying .The best i've had is 22
  6. Nice pics hunter,can't beat a bit of tree rat shooting.The way i remove the tails is cut around the base of the tail only through the skin.Get two sticks about 8 inches long,put the tail in between them at the point you cut.Stand on the front legs and pull.You end up with a boneless tail
  7. Leeboy,i have shot many pigs at point blank range,you are right in saying that pigs have a soft skull.But only a certain part of it.Draw a imaginary line from the left eye to the right ear and from the right eye to the left ear.Where the lines cross you will drop a pig every time.If you hit it wrong you will have a very angry pig on your hands
  8. Well done sniper,i found a game you might be interested in www.quickflashgames.com/games/knifethrow/
  9. Brilliant drawings,they would make fantastis tattoos a cross between tribal and nature
  10. I have never seen such a load of ****.I don't let mt 7yr old daughter watch it.
  11. Rob G

    BRNO 2-E

    I own a brno 2-e,it's fitted with a parker hale moderater.It is very accurate,when the gunsmith sold it to me 4yrs ago he told me it was 20yrs + had very little use.I'm well pleased with it
  12. Rob G

    Birthday boy

    Happy birthday have a good day :happybday:
  13. Cheerz lads,it was a different day yesterday.Spent most of the day looking for pigeons.I,ve come to the conclusion they are the world champion hide and seek players.I covered approx 4000 acres several times and all the pigeons i saw i could count on one hand
  14. This afternoon i followed the combine while it was cutting the beans,on the last strip a fox ran across the open field into what was left.I just stood at the end and waited.He came strolling out like he hadn't got a care in the world,till he saw me but that was too late.Thats 4 so far with the shotgun got approx 1000 acres to cut yet.Then tonight i went out looking for muntjac,i've been out every day this week and every day i've seen one but couldn't get a safe shot on it,that was till tonight.It lay in the stubble looking round,after about 20 mins it stood up giving me the perfect shot standing side on.Placed the cross hairs on and kerboommm 100grn out of the trusty cz 243 and down it went.When i paced it out 254 paces my last personal best was 160 on a cub.I've spent the last few monthes practiceing,waiting for the combines to come out
  15. A few years ago i owned one,it was a 2.4 diesel it had done 245,000 miles and never missed a beat.The only thing that let it down was the body work.A builder owned it before me so it was a bit battered it went every where i wanted to go no problem
  16. I shoot a silver pigeon s 28' 12b multi choke i love it .I also shoot a 20b franchi harrier 28' mc lovely gun for walked up days
  17. Rob G


    Nice shooting,the 17hmr is a awesome round.A couple of mates of mine use one.When i first see the bullets i thought 'what good is this tiny little bullet'.After seeing what this gun will do i'm well impressed.When my fac comes up for renewal i will apply for my own.Only thing i'm concerned about is will the .22rf be put out to graze
  18. Nice shooting miffy,it makes getting wet worth it.I thought about going but thats as far as i got Deadeye ive do you load your own 243,that is very impressive :(
  19. Had rain all day yesterday and last night.Started to rain this morning but getting brighter now
  20. King ratcatcher,i do it for a living .Believe me the animals are treated with care and respect at all times.
  21. Proper job i think floaters/bouncers are one of the best things you can put in your decoy pattern
  22. Yes these are the ones i use,they are realy good.I would reccomend them to anyone trying to get new land
  23. When i am trying to gain new land to shoot on i always leave a introduction card with the farmer/manager.These cards can be found on a well known auction site,they have worked for me every time,they are plastic coated,with your name and contact number on them.I also have the web site address to get these but not sure if i am allowed to post due to advertising,if one of the mods could let me know if this is ok.I have nothing what so ever to do with this company i just think it is a valuabe asset when trying to gain new land and am just trying to help other people get the results they want
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