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Rob G

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Everything posted by Rob G

  1. csl is one of the best attractors i always put it in my boillies.The plastic corn is only used on your hair rig,it is very unlikely that the carp will swallow it.
  2. RS try chum mixer i don't mean to be rude but make sure you prepare them before using them as they will swell up in the fishes gut.You can colour or flavour them to add to the attraction
  3. Went out on some spring drilling started at 9am finished at 1pm.Had six,everything was going well till the skys opened up.Rain,sleet and hail.Might go out later after foxes
  4. I know that they are toyota but what models,are they imports.They look the mutts nuts
  5. Rob G


    For the last 17yrs i've worked in a slaughterhouse,not the best job but it pays the bills.I also work part time on a farm which i enjoy, being outside watching the world go by.
  6. hi mate check out deben.com they do the widgeon call which is very good.You could always have a go at making your own
  7. B.D i'm pretty sure the army have there own slaughterhouse and butchers if that is the trade you are in now why not give it a go
  8. I use a red filter for nearly all my lamping,it takes the glare out of the lamp.The rabbits soon learn that it means danger.The best way to see is get a mate to stand 50yds away shine the white light at you,it's like being dazzled by oncoming traffic at night. Then try it with a filter you can look at the light easy
  9. We had some released on the land i shoot last year.They would walk right up to you,like shooting sitting ducks.They where a bag of bones and manky.If that is what the do gooders think is best for them they should see them a few weeks after they have released them.They don't know how to hunt rely on humans, it put them out of there misery.
  10. I use the power pack from argos it will run a light all night.At badgerclassic.com they have a power pack which is £29.99 it has 12v 9v 6v output it is very compact as well and light
  11. I go to the country store at sawston not huge but a good selection
  12. Tell her that the colour will match her eyes and when she drives it she will look 10 years younger.If that don't work tell her in the morning just before you leave for work that you are buying it,by the time you get home she will of calmed down
  13. Like nghost says,make it clear you know the dangers of the gun if you should miss your target,or even go through it.Emphasise on the back stop and safety.When the flo came out to see me he asked me 'you see a stag standing on the horizon what do you do'i said 'admire it there is no way you can shoot it'.He told me he had asked the same thing to somone they replied 'shoot it'.when he said you 'might miss,and what could happen then'the answer he got was 'I won't i'm a good shot'.Needless to say he was refused
  14. I will probably get abuse for this remark,but i don't give a s##t If an anti was to read this topic they would pi$$ there pants,there we are fighting for our sport when all we can do is argue over the slightest thing.Just for once before you (no names) slag someone off for a comment they make try and give some positive advice
  15. Rob G


    While out today i was speaking to a couple of farmers.Turns out the poachers lost one of there dogs,the rspca picked it up.It was previously a rspca dog and had a micro chip fitted so they traced the owner.He won't be getting it back. when the farmer rung the police with a name and address they didnt want to know,even though we have the remains of a roe,with car tracks up to it and his dog was found on the same field.We filled the gate ways in today and dug a trench in a few so if they do come back they should find it a bit harder to get round.Wouldn't it be a pity if they got stuck and there car suffered from spontanious combustion
  16. Rob G


    I went to see a local farmer today,he has approx 120 acres of rape which no one shoots.After meeting him and sorting out where to go i went and got my gun and set up.I was in the field for ten minutes when along came a subura and two dogs chasing roe deer.They saw me and did a runner,i rang the farmer to tell him.Didnt want him to think it was anything to do with me.About an hour later they came again,and done the same thing.These people know what they are doing,they knew where every gate way was.In the farm yard there is a heap of telegraph poles,i'm going to see the farmer and suggest he put them in the gate ways hopefuly that will stop there car
  17. Rob G

    Room 101

    In answer to your question am i local ,i think so.The last 6 generations have lived in the village where i live.What i should of put in my post was the city dwellers that want to be a local but don't agree with our way of life (hunting ,shooting ,fishing).If it don't come from the supermarket wrapped in film they don't want to eat it.Sorry if i offended anyone with my previous post
  18. Hi goodsy,i use the tracer mini on my rim fire,with a red filter.good bit of gear light and compact.I,ve tried the amber filter but had best results with red.
  19. Rob G

    Room 101

    City dwellers that move to the country,buy a 4x4,black lab,barbour coat and pair of hunters.And think that all country folk are stupid.Your not a local till you have grand parents in the cemetary
  20. Vermin dropper,what size is your ninja.I own a 600 u.s import 95 model bog standard apart from the race can.I luuuuuuv it,would like a fireblade but waiting to get the insurance down
  21. Looks good jonnyni,i can't wait till the better weather.Got a zx6r sitting in the garage.I love those boy racers that try and race a bike in there cars i let them stay with me till about 120 then GAME OVER
  22. Rob G

    town or country

    I'm a country bumpkin,and proud of it.I live in the village i grew up in.Moved to the concrete jungle for 6 yrs as i couldnt afford village prices.As soon i could i was off
  23. While i was out shooting with a mate last week the net kept falling down at one corner.'What we need is a piece of string' says my mate.After looking through my game bag i did one better,found a cable tie which i made into a loop which we could hang on the branch.What is the most useful equipment,not including gun and decoys,that you take for a days shooting ?
  24. As nttf says,go for the vital organs.I work in a slaughterhouse,a pigs brain is very small compared to the size of it's head.If you don't hit them in the right spot they won't fall.And believe me they get pretty angry.A full grown boar would rip a man to pieces with there tusks in seconds. :yp:
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