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Rob G

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  1. Rob G

    carp fishing

    I have been carpfishing for 10yrs.It can be exspensive all depends how you want to do it,if you arent going very often check out www.badgerclassics.com there tackle isnt the best but good enough to get started wouldnt bother with there bait.go to your local tackle shop and get one of the better known baits (nash,mistral,rod hutchinson).I go on www.carp forum .co.uk there are a lot of top carp anglers on there well worth a look
  2. Rob G


    Two men were sitting in a hide pigeon shooting,when along the road came a hearse and all the funeral cars.One of the men took his hat off to which the other man said 'thats a decent thing to do,show respect to the dead'The man replied 'Thats the least i can do,i was married to her for thirty years
  3. The reason you lay them on there back is the bodys juices will all go in the back due to gravity.Doesnt look good on the counter if the breast meat is dis-coloured.I have dressed pheasants that are as green as grass,put them in black bags to speed up process and there intestines have been mush.When you take a partridge to the game dealer he will grade it young or old by looking at the last flight feather or trying to crush head.A lot of birds will appear old,if you pull the vent away from the tail feathers tearing the skin slightly there is a sex gland if they have this they are young.We were always told that if we were caught doing this infront of a keeper we faced the sack.
  4. This time of year i will try and use natural material to make my hide.I have one of the old camo nets made of hessian which is heavy but i find it blends in better than the new light weight ones.Im having a go at making my own at the moment.I've got a piece of hessian which im dyeing different shades of brown and green,
  5. I lay them on concrete and then lay a old wet sack on them.Always lay them on their back.Did the game dealer offer to dispose of them,i used to work for a game dealer.You would be surprised of some of the scams that go on
  6. And me waited till 'she who must be obeyed 'left the room expecting to see pamela anderson
  7. Nice bag ernyha,im off shortly on barley stubble.We were going to bale it today but had heavy rain last night,shame.We have got a muck heap right in the middle of it which for some reason attracts them.I've still got to hit the majic 100,72 was best so far on barley stubble last year.
  8. S.B.R.S I recently started a thread about getting permission titled RESULT i wrote a shooting cv, give a few details about yourself and what you want to shoot.Give a reference if it cant be a farmer how about a employer or someone who knows you well outside of family.Go through the phone book to get a few local farms addresses and send it to them with a sae.The farm i just got was only to pleased to let me on after he had checked me out.the last person he had shoot it helped himself to his pheasants,so he wasnt to keen on letting any tom,**** or harry on
  9. That is one hell of a company car buzzer.must be a squeeze to fit in the p w arms car park
  10. If you get a couple of dead bird cradles you can weld them onto your magnet's arms, they need to have the pieces welded on to open the wings
  11. I think he would get on better if he was to use a gun,looks like his using a bow and arrow(left the arrows in the birds).And wait till the wife finds out he used the bedroom curtains as a net
  12. I have just spent the last two hours in the garden cleaning my guns here is what i own 12b bsa 500 o/u 1/4 & 1/2 ejector 12b armi bettinsoli o/u 3/4 & full ejector 12b chas osborne & co s/s 1/4 & 1/2 non ejector .177 air-arms tx 200 tasco 3-9x40 .22 bsa meteor .22 lr brno mod 2-e riflescope 3-9 x50 .243 cz 550 lux tasco golden antler 6-24x50
  13. Good luck enjoy every minute of it.
  14. I work part-time on a farm in the village.We are hoping to cut barley on sat if it doesnt rain.its next to a 1000 acre wood so we might have a decent day sunday.I've put the battery for the magnet on charge, the decoys have been sorted ,cartridge bag filled up now the WAIT if that fails a new farm ive just got has got some rape he re- planted last year just starting to show.He said he was going to leave it to set a side
  15. If my numbers come up tonight on the lottery,i will be knockin on your door first thing in the morning.It looks the mutts nuts
  16. Got a phone call from the farmer last night.In my letter i put two farms which he could contact to get a reference,which he did.He has asked me and my shooting partner if we could go round monday night with our fac so he can talk to us about his fox and rabbit problem he has.Turns out the last person he had shooting his land was helping himself to his pheasants(like shooting chickens) this is why he did his homework on us.
  17. Yesterday i sent a farmer a letter asking if i could shoot his land.Within 24hrs he had phoned saying i could shoot his land (1000 acres).He then asked did i charge for my services,to which i replyed no.He then said if i wanted to earn some money for christmas i could go turkey plucking on his farm. My advice is.Right a letter to your local farmer giving a few details about yourself and what you would like to shoot.He can then read it at his own leisure its a lot better than just turning up on his doorstep or phoning him just as he sits down for his dinner
  18. A green lane is a public by way as long as you stick to this you are not breaking any laws.They dont have to be maintained by the highways council.Its the people who cant read a ordanance survey map properly and cant tell the difference between a bridle path,foot path etc,that churn every thing up
  19. Every one should own one of these great air rifles.I had one when i was 10yrs old,my grandfather bought one at the same time.We had hours of fun shooting cans and the clothes pegs off the washing line.I sold mine to buy a bsa airsporter.When my grandfather died 8yrs ago i was given his,it now takes pride of place in my gun cabinet.
  20. Rob G


    cheers lads was going lamping tonight,but the wife said im on a promise [she promised to leave me alone] :blink:
  21. I've taken foxes with .22 but wouldnt shoot much further than 40yds.I always try and get them in chest between the front legs.Went out last night with .243 had one at 120yds she didnt even hear the bang.
  22. Rob G


    Hi stu,glad to hear you got your cert.I bought one from my local gunsmith last year it was £24 and made of plastic,but worth it when out bunny bashing.
  23. Rob G


    I use a tasco 3-9 x 40 on air rifle,a 3-9 x 50 on .22 lr and a tasco golden antler 6-24 x 50 on .243 in my opinion the scope is what makes the gun
  24. One of the farms i shoot on has a problem with magpies.There is about twelve that fly around together.We have set a trap for them caught a decoy bird,and nothing else.We are going to try and shoot them over a dead rabbit on its back,works well on crows.Not sure if it will work on magpies Any advice is wellcome
  25. Ive been approached a few times.I just let them do all the talking ,when they have calmed down ask if they have permission to be on land most of them let there dogs run loose so i ask them to put them on a lead as they are commiting two offences,tresspassing and a dog not on a lead.Most of the people ive met are what i call city dwellers,they move into the country buy a 4x4 a black lab and pair of hunter wellies and think they are a local.If they dont like the way we live in the country p*** off back to the city.Appoligies in advance to anyone who lives in the city and enjoys country life.
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