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Rob G

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Everything posted by Rob G

  1. Got a harris bi pod, tracer mini gun light (very impressed so far).Off to the gunsmiths to get a new net.And the usual 12mnth supply of socks and smellies
  2. I agree with you colin,it might seem like fun but how do you explain that when there is a accident.My dad taught me to shoot,if he had seen me do that sort of thing i would of needed medical assistance to remove his size ten hunter from my @r$e.Always respect the gun
  3. I tried decoying them one afternoon they wouldnt come near me,they where very wary.My mate suggested we put only a couple out with a bait (rabbit on his back with his guts hanging out).They seemed to be a lot less wary.Dont move a inch until you are ready to shoot.If you go in a wood to shoot them take a mate who doesnt shoot along for a walk,they will see you both go in and fly off,when you have settled in your mate leaves you to it.They see him leave and think it is safe,they are clever,but they can't count
  4. Bill m,i have a brno mod 2e not the best gun on the market ,but well made and reliable.When i started shooting it i couldnt get it to group,gave it to my mate to try.He got it spot on,when i tried again it was like a muck spreader.Turns out the problem was me,i was pulling the trigger not squeezing causing me to shoot to the right.Have you tried using a bipod?
  5. I've got a bettinsoli trap gun,nice wood and engraving.Feels solid when opening and closing.I brought it last year only had approx 250 shots through it,gave £75 couldnt let it go.Local gunsmith offered me a lot more but i like it when the bird are high being 3/4 and full choke they know when you hit them
  6. I always empty the crop before putting them in the freezer,especialy rape ,it will taint the meat making it bitter.Also always lay them on there back as all the body juices wont ruin the breast meat ,giving a better look when prepared for the table
  7. A lot of the farms round my way have pulled it up,driiled wheat ,oats or ploughed in beans.What little is left is just starting to show
  8. Rob G

    mr bush

    WOW,these night vision binoculars are great,its mid-day.But as soon as i look through these it turns to night.What ever will they think of next :blink:
  9. When i talk to my mates and tell them i spent all week end sitting in a hide pigeon shooting,they think i'm mad. To me pigeon shooting is the best shotgun shooting there is.No two birds are the same.It's not just about sitting there waiting for a shot.You have to out wit them study there habits.Get your decoy pattern right make sure you are well hidden.Thats the easy bit,when they do come you have to try and hit them.
  10. Had a day on bean stubble drilled with wheat,had 56 mostly young birds.
  11. I regularly go on another forum which is going through the same problems(trying to raise money for up keep).An idea which was suggested was to have a logo put on clothing and have cloth badges made up.Another was a raffle to win a days sport with the proceeds going towards costs.
  12. A few years ago i worked for a game dealer,we had a competition who could skin rabbits the fastest.The fastest i could do was 19 seconds.I will try and explain how we done it. first of all take the head,feet and tail off start timing from now Grab the rabbits fur by the back insert knife,making slit in skin.pull the two halves away as quick possible,then split skin remove guts trim the excess skin.
  13. Our local gamedealer is paying 20p for fresh,doesn't want frozen hope he does soon my freezer is full
  14. Rob G

    What do you do??

    I've been a slaughterman for the last 16yrs,also part time on a pig farm
  15. Over the last week me and two mates have been shooting on drilled wheat,was beans last year loads left on top.results so far 32 ,34 ,28 ,91 ,24.We started off with 4 dead birds as decoys had some real good sport
  16. I have shot foxes with .22,i always try to get a chest shot.Try baiting them with dead birds and have yourself in a position to shoot them when they come in to get it.It can be done just need to be a lot quieter because they are so close.
  17. pigeon hunter,try putting it on www.carpforum.co.uk i know people who have sold gear within 24hrs
  18. I own a tx200 mk 1 .177,it will stop rabbits at 30 yds no problem.very accurate and reliable
  19. I use these batteries i let them go completly flat then leave them on slow charge for 48hrs.I was told that you can give them a memory if you let them go half flat then charge them.As for the rota i just give it a squirt of wd40 when it needs it (after ive used it in the rain)
  20. I use a 12v 7amp batterie on my rota,it will work for 2 1/2 to 3 hours take 2 days to charge.You would need to talk to an electrician,i cant see why you couldn't fit a timer(like those fitted to windscreen wipers on cars)you could have it go every 30seconds or so.
  21. I use fishing 'storm poles' they are adjustable 3ft-6ft made of alloy so they are light have a spike on one end and a threaded hole in the other.You can put a 'v' rod rest in to hold net up
  22. My rota has 4ft and 8ft.Do you think it would work if i used one of each,a lot of people are using them nowadays,by doing this its doing the same job,but looks different.
  23. NTTF You are a brave man,i work with pigs if i came face to face with one like that i'd want a sub machine gun(and a pair of running shoes incase i missed)
  24. Well done buzzer,i have the chance to shoot rape stubble tomorrow.It is going to rain,i wasnt going to bother but after seeing your day i will give it a go
  25. well done,what size rifle were they shot with
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