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Gordon R

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Everything posted by Gordon R

  1. Get a Miroku MK 38 Teague choked. Better value for money.
  2. I'm surprised that Express (Lyalvale) who distribute D and J, don't do something about the filthy deposits. They would sell far more shells. I would not have them as a gift.
  3. Vaguely remember them being Italian. Sounds dear to me. Another £100 and you are in Miroku country - different league.
  4. Lord Geordie. If you ever travel to the North West, I have a freebie Arc Welder 140 in garage - spare.
  5. "good lad, big ginger pony tail. dont know if u know him". That's Edwin - I sold him the Classic Doubles 32" he was carrying.
  6. And there was me thinking it would have to be a plumbers.
  7. A friend wants to buy some as he only has Skeet and IC. Anyone got any spare or know where they can be purchased? Thanks.
  8. Anyone have any for sale or know where my friend can buy some?
  9. Nice wood on the gun. If it fits and you like it - that's all that matters.
  10. Any suggestions - see Gundeals shoot.
  11. Over-priced and no better than cheaper Eley, Victory etc.
  12. Naddan28 - not badly served at Preston:- Rishton - very good targets, superb food and really nice people who run it. Bobbin Mill - Skeet and Compak Dolphin SG - Sporting and DTL. Food and decent targets. Blackpool - which is actually near to Preston and some way out of Blackpool. Very good Sporting targets and food. Kelbrook and Worsley - not my favourite grounds. Both on clay counters. 30% of Worsley's targets face directly into the sun. Kelbrook is a massive ground where the shooting has been condensed into a very small area. At one stand, you could shoot targets from the stands at either side. Toplands Farm, Woodplumpton, Preston - Decent sporting and food. Brindle - good 50 bird sporting. A6 gun club - DTL, ABT and Skeet - food and first class competition level targets. Moorcock at Clitheroe, plus another just over the road. There are quite a few more.
  13. Caplock - the Rickman Ranger was made by Don and Derek Rickman, former top motocros lads of yesteryear. They manufactured a lot of plastics for road bikes and built Rickman Metisse Scramblers. They ventured unto cars with the Ranger. Decent chassis and body and one of the more professional builds. I went to Bournemouth some years ago, to buy one for my wife. A quick test run confirmed the build quality. I hit the brakes to find nothing but floor. I pulled up on the handbrake, which fortunately was working after a fashion. Seller told me he had just had the brakes done. I told him that they had not been done, but he had. Years later, I wish I had bought it - nice insurance pay - off - two birds with one stone.
  14. Stensby - £50 - permanent cure.
  15. Definitely no Winchester. It was one of the Italians - Silma rings a bell..
  16. Hydes Bitter - Manchester Brewery - old school, Draught Guiness or Jamaican Rum.
  17. Never worry about not looking good. We all start somewhere and everybody misses some. It's a fine sport and if you want to improve, make sure your gun fits and try to work out why you are missing. If you keep missing a target, try shooting it with more / less lead, faster or pick it up at a different point. Practice gun mounting at home. It costs nothing and gives you more time to shoot at the real thing.
  18. What is it and how much???:yp:??:angry:??:angry:?????
  19. If you are sticking with one size, I would buy 28grm 8's. Eley, Victory are all £100 per 1000 or cheaper. D and J are really made by Rio and marketed by Express. Plastic seem okay, but felt wads are filthy and take a lot of cleaning. I will not shoot them even if they are free. AJ Smith - former World Champion made a remark about the worst cartridge being better than the best shooter - he wasn't that far out. For local sporting shoots, any brand is probably good enough. Try them all until you find one that you have confidence in and stick with it. Some shells suit some guns better. I have a Browning GTi 32" 3/8 and 3/8 - Eley Olympics seem to give better results than Gamebore and Victory in that gun.
  20. Slightly further, but Stensby's in Manchester. All done in house - cheapish and 100% reliable.
  21. Got one, but now after a skeet choke.
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