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Everything posted by TbirdX

  1. Hullo there from a fellow Harlownian :-)
  2. TbirdX

    missing plane

    Wreckage was found inside the first 5 days I believe and they know where MH470 was when it dropped off the radar also. I haven't heard that the transponder on MH470 was switched off prior to dropping off the radar though. That would open up a whole new line of investigation perhaps.
  3. TbirdX

    missing plane

    Sudden and catastrophic failure isn't the only reason the pilots might not have sent any distress call. Quite often, when pilot error is involved, the pilots don't realise the danger to the aircraft until it's too late. Air France flight 447 went down due to an iced pitot tube, this caused false airspeed warnings and the pilot stalled the plane. They didn't realise what was happening to them and crashed with no distress signal sent. The plane wasn't found for 2 years.
  4. Shoot, didn't see the date change, will have to check with the team and see whats what. Will update our status as soon as i know.
  5. OK, team Oxo is in. Put me down for a team of 4 please Alan. :-)
  6. 1. Kellys Heroes - "To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kind of weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three tigers..." 2. 12 Angry Men - "Excitable"? You bet I'm excitable! We're trying to put a guilty man in the chair where he belongs, and then someone starts telling us fairy tales and we're listening! 3. Up - "Squirrel" 4. Robocop - "Cobra assault cannon, state of the art, bang, bang." 5. Aliens - We're on an express elevator to hell...going down."
  7. My Mrs started off with a Hatsan 20g Youth Semi and 21g/24g carts. After a year on that she progressed to a Maxus 12g and 24g carts.
  8. I'm awaiting info from others but will let you know as soon as I do :-)
  9. Ice Hockey for me, have always loved it. Seeing an NHL game is on my bucket list :-)
  10. Shame. Next Sunday (23rd) will be the last ever shoot at the White Bear venue. It'll be gone after then so if you fancy it, come along :-)
  11. Likewise but I use my Ithaca on clays :-)
  12. Shrove Hill, which is Tilbury way will be on I'm sure. http://www.shot-your-trap.co.uk/
  13. Best bet is to disconnect the speakers from the 'puter but leave them powered on. If they still make the noise it's not the computer. If they don't, get some headphones and see if you get the noise through those.
  14. Three Acres? I've not been there but have been to the other site Olly runs. If it's like that one, and theres no reason why it wouldn't be, then you can go to whichever stand you like. No need to go in any order. Have fun and let us know how it goes.
  15. No worries, worth bunging an AD on there perhaps but I think you may have to have been on there for a while before you can.
  16. It's self explanatory. You have one view I have another, neither of us is gong to change so no point in arguing about it.
  17. I've shot flushes where three was allowed and three I loaded..this usually lasts for one load and then I find I'm loading one or two. Theres just too many targets to take the time for three usually. I've never loaded three at a sporting clays shoot, (it's against the safety rules where I shoot anyway) and whats the point, although I was accused of it once. The speedload of the Maxus had the guy behind me convinced I had three in it because he never saw me press the side loading button. :-)
  18. Not strictly accurate, I think Amy Williams, Robin Cousins etc might disagree with that but well done to our lass, top effort.
  19. You clearly do not have kids. They love a bit of branding they can call their own nowadays. You and I know it's superficial at best but that doesn't really matter. Who cares what it's called.
  20. Isn't it terrible that any manufacturer should try and produce something aimed at the younger end of the market. God forbid they attract any youngsters into our sport, that'd be the death of it.
  21. Try more lead. I tried the 'front legs' thing and found it wildly wrong for me. If the rabblt has 6ft long legs then maybe ;-)
  22. TbirdX

    Amanda Knox

    The convictions wouldn't stand up in a Brit or Yankee court. The itie police cocked up the investigation, the forensics cocked up the dna evidence (collection and testing) and the most probable killer, who got 30 years initially, changed his story to implicate Knox and the boyfriend and had his sentence cut to 16 years three days after their convictions. He'll be eligible for release from 2014.
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