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  1. dessyb

    Air Arms ?.

    there s nowt to compete with air arms. forget bsa ect
  2. the following happened to my cousin while out pigeon shooting a lady phoned up saying men wearing balaclavas and guns
  3. maybe on the next episode of the soap opera 😃called police interceptors ehh
  4. he will get paid if he loses his position
  5. i was ill a few wks ago chestpains tingling in arms could not breathe ect had to go to a and e they gave me a full check up luckily it was not a heart attack doctor said it could be a virus or trapped nerve any way he said i must see my local gp when i get back 3wks later still no luck at getting a appointment.i dont know why we pay to have a surgery in our village
  6. dont give in to the halfwits. al you have done nothing wrong happy new year
  7. 👍100% ps best song traveling wilberrys did
  8. fwb with a anschutz peep site
  9. i have 80 x 55gr pick up derbys only. fac rules apply £80
  10. dessyb

    Doctors again.

    we have 2 surgeries in my village the car parks are always full if you go into any one of the surgeries they are empty in one surgery there is never a doctor on site ifyou ring up all you get is the doctor is working from home [😉] how s that work
  11. having just gone through this my self i would have loved to talk to someone cards are ok but you cannot talk to a card or bunch of flowers
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