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Everything posted by smokinggun

  1. Have G4S taken over the firearms licensing in those areas? just wondered if it could possibly be down to leaked information!
  2. Great pic mate, and really good shot, enjoy eating it
  3. Good luck for your op mate, i hope it all works out well for you and your back enjoying yourself quickly
  4. That is exactly my style of knife, hats off to you mate i wish i had the skill to make something of that quality
  5. i'll take the coppice please mate, pm on the way
  6. Hello mate, Not sure why your friends log on is going wrong but to clear his saved password so you can log on you need to, Click start, Control panel, Internet options, then delete Browsing History That should wipe all the old passwords on everything on your computer so you will have to log in again to everything you use that requires a password. Maybe one of the mods can help with your mates account problems.
  7. I still stand by my comment that a gravy dinner has to have ketchup to, maybe i'm just weird
  8. smokinggun


    I love brown sauce with a fry up but for some reason i have to have ketchup all over my beans and cheese on toast, then again i also have ketchup with my gravy on a roast dinner.
  9. smokinggun


    I'm just about to have this to only i have ketchup all over the top as well
  10. This is the exact stuff i used to use on my motorbike helmet visor it was great stuff, you might get it cheaper shopping around i just pulled this one off google http://www.ekmpowershop2.com/ekmps/shops/readspeed/bob-heath-anti-fog-visor-spray-48ml-3406-p.asp
  11. That's great stuff sounds like a good fella, I met westy77 off here today as well to buy some carts and he's a top bloke to, there are some great blokes on here and its nice to meet them in person for a chat.
  12. If it falls through with dominicrobed I'll definitely take them please mate.
  13. Thanks i really liked that, very clear and helpful instructions
  14. Its a tough one as yes some people on benefits are taking the mick and could go to work rather than blow the money on booze but there are many others who are genuine and this is degrading for them treating them like untrustworthy children, the people assessing claimants are terrible, my wife who is desperate to work but since having multiple massive blood clots in her heart and lungs leaving her with a lifelong irreparable heart condition and very scarred lungs which stop her walking very far and at a snails pace had her appointment to be assessed and was told as she had put her make up on she was well enough to go to work even though i am currently helping her shower and dress and walk to the toilet and we have been told this is not likely to significantly change at the moment although i hope it will. we fought hard and eventually got it back for now but these so called doctors assessing people are the main root of the problem and if this was sorted out i think it would help a lot to erradicate the undeserving claimants, I am starting to think its the same system that many believe the driving test centres have, pass x amount and fail x amount no matter what the circumstances.
  15. Try this one mate you can get replacement blades in all the supermarkets all different brands and just take it to bits and clean it each time and the blades last for ages anyway http://www.boots.com/en/Wilkinson-Sword-Classic-Double-Edge-Razor_29697/
  16. Its usually cheaper to just buy a new razor with a few blades in the pack rather than buying replacements, I use a proper razor with the old double edged blades as they are dirt cheap for blades and do a great job, superdrug or boots usually sell them.
  17. Rock fall quartz safety boots, we have used them for years and they are great and I am on my feet all day, also I find them very comfy, we get them from www.greenham.com
  18. Sorry Poontang i only just see your reply to my post, Yes mate i did look at the neighbouring force websites but no luck, the Met would be something to consider that i hadnt thought of I am really annoyed with myself as i had been watching the website for at least the past two years on a regular basis but typically didnt check over the short period they advertised. Hopefully it will all work out in the near future as i am determined to make it happen for me as soon as i can. Thanks for the helpful reply mate i appreciate that
  19. We have a couple where i work in cambridge.
  20. There was a letter in my local paper recently from a woman complaining that her barbecue was ruined because the farmer next door started spreading manure on the land and the smell was to much, she said she thought the farmer should letter everyone in the area in advance to warn them,what did she think would happen when she bought the house As others have said its great to see the combines etc harvesting I love seeing it as i drive home.
  21. My biggest regret is not joining the police when i left school rather than taking whatever came up and being unhappy, my current job is slowly getting to the stage where i am really wanting to make this a reality but when i enquired about it i found out i just missed the latest recruitment drive and i have no idea when they will do another one as they seem to be very rare in cambridgeshire now. It is my dream job and i really want to make it happen i just hope they will advertise again in the very near future.
  22. bit late to comment but as we have always had pet rodents when i lived with my parents we always had sawdust or wood shavings knocking about so my dad always puts a handful of sawdust or wood shavings in the bait box and it dries them up and keeps them fresher for much longer, also takes away alot of the smell
  23. Will do thanks for that mate Yea i can see how annoying that would be i have seen the prices of them so i'll do a bit of reading mate, cheers
  24. I bet he was, that would be absolutely fantastic but if i come away having caught anything regardless of size i'll be more than happy, just relaxing doing a spot of quiet fishing is good enough for me
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