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Everything posted by defender

  1. I looked at a sbs that had been deactivated all under the fore end. Firing pin hole's looked to have been recessed then a big blob of weld put over them. A massive slot cut in the barrels from the breech to nearly the end of the fore end area with a massive lump of steel welded in the what was left of both barrels chambers. The welding was poor, but with the gun clipped back together it looked complete. I wouldn't mind a go at that bet I could do it with a dremmel and a mig welder and perhaps an angle grinder.
  2. I like my Browning gold sporting clays, easy to load with speed loading. I don't think it liked 24g but I never needed to use any smaller than 28g. The instructor at the clay ground borrowed it a few times for recoil shy novices.
  3. 50 bird sporting with its first meeting on Sunday 5th February at The Old Tip, Healey Green Lane, Kirkheaton HD5 0PB from 10.30 Subsequent shoots will be held the first Sunday in each month. snippets from Kirklees guns face book page, further info there.
  4. Can I use PayPal? If so £20 posted?
  5. I hate going through Bradford I avoid it at all costs. A couple of yrs ago I was travelling from harrogate to huddersfield through Bradford on my motorcycle. I passed a long line of traffic waiting at a pedestrian crossing I was sat next to the front car waiting for the lights to change. A car on the wrong side of the road passed the long line of cars and me and went through the crossing red light, I was gobsmacked and that's the last time I went through Bradford.
  6. local shop has winchester 17g vmax in stock £24 for 100 £213 for 1000
  7. Genuine bought from a shop in a label sealed box there's the box 2 with wax still on and 4 de waxed and the pile of wax
  8. Yup 100 in a plastic box, perhaps it's the batch I got but I've got 50 left and I'm going to de wax them before I use them
  9. The ones I've got have a thick coat of wax on the bullet end that flaked off, it was so thick I could flake it off with my finger nail. I'll have to take some pictures
  10. I was using my 10/22 today I had mini mags, blazer and cci subsonic hollow points. It was going well till i started using the mini mags, they were like candles, loads of wax, magazines started to miss feed after I used those. strangely enough didn't have any problems with the subsonic hp had 2 empties in 450 rounds that didn't clear and ended up in front of the bolt and the few miss feeds were caused by lots of wax in the magazines from the mini mags.
  11. Three and a half months from sending off to getting my sgc renewal and fac grant in West Yorkshire they were busy and understaffed must be sorted now. Variations and adding target in the new year for me
  12. Posted sgc renewal and fac application beginning of August. Certificates arrived this Wednesday about 4 weeks after the visit got all I asked for with no haggling Im in West Yorkshire
  13. Don't think I've driven a vauxhall with the auto manual gbox n clutch the corsa was normal auto.I'm beginning to prefer autos with all the traffic que's about when commuting an auto is so much more relaxing
  14. I like cvt transmission automatics, SWMBO had a 58 plate corsa before the hondas (shes on the second) and she hated the gbox on that, often going up a hill it would stay in first and would have to scream before it would change (same as 206 before the corsa) ​I told her not to get an automatic with an electronically controlled manual clutch and gbox they are awful to drive and told her to get a honda
  15. My first car was a black 1275gt clubman in the mid 80's much fun and im 6 foot 2
  16. If it actually needs changing, and its done correctly that's good as it absorbs moisture over time lowering its boiling point. Not defending KF or motor inn, just brake fluid changes. Jon, 27 yrs fixing cars (not a KF fan)
  17. Update So far still no progress with 3 weeks to go no one has been called. Foned em up and was told they are very busy and short staffed worse it's been for many years,so I was told I'd be getting a temporary permit for my shotguns when mine runs out.
  18. I've been offered some for free. Put them in a hole in a metal plate and shoot them with an air pistol/rifle and they make a good bang that's the only use I can come up with. :-D
  19. Are pistol primers legal to own without an fac or are they classed as firearm parts? I'm thinking illegal but I'm after clarification. Also shotgun primers but I assume they are ok.
  20. Wise choice I would have done it sooner but I was getting paperwork together but I thought 2 months would be enough but time will tell
  21. My SGC is up for renewal soon so I sent it all as one to run out at the same time, runs out 20th next month, oh dear :(
  22. Anyone any idea how long they take? They got the payment by card on the 15th ish of august and it was with them for 2 weeks before and so far, as far as I'm aware none of the people have been contacted. Anyone been through it recently?
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