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Everything posted by SuperGoose75

  1. I reckon 6 or 7 yr's late, but it has simmered nicely and has reached boiling point with a lot of hate and animosity built up towards each other, especially from the Brook side. For me,either Khan will put a clinic on Brook over the 12 rounds with blistering handspeed and combinations and win unanimously on the scorecards (albeit with a few hairy moments along the way) Brook will want a tear up and will be hoping on Khan tiring in the mid to late rounds. Khan would be foolish trying to bang with Brook as that will almost certainly end with Khan becoming unstuck. That said Brook might get disheartened and give up again or possibly Ingle will have to throw in the towel to save his man from taking too much punishment. Brook has metal in his eye sockets and no doubt Khan could be doing with some of that in his chin, as Brook has good timing and can bang a bit. Khan ain't no Golovkin and Brook ain't no Canelo, so I don't think we can judge them too much based on both them fights. A lot saying it is too late, but the interest is massive and it is much more appealing than the Eubank Jnr v Liam William's grudge match IMO.
  2. Ref- Eubank Jnr not calling out the Charlo brothers or Andrade and instead going after the Golovkin fight is understandable. Golovkin despite his decline is still the biggest name in the MW division and as he is a fan favourite, it guarantees big PPV and ticket sales. To be be truthful I'm not sold on the Charlo brothers and Eubank could probably give either a right go. Boo Boo seems to be the Bogie man in the division and although I expected him to win against my fellow county and countryman Jay Quigley, I never thought he would blow him away like he did. Eubank couldn't handle that smoke either IMO. Losing to Golovkin probably wouldn't be as bad looking giving his stature and he would be laughing all the way to the bank regardless. It's funny I never liked his dad back in the day as I was a Nigel Benn fan, however as I've grown up I look back and can see what a classy legend he was/is! Can come across mad as a box of frogs but he was a warrior. Jnr comes across very obnoxious and arrogant without any of the charisma his dad had and seems to rub people up the wrong way. For example posting a video of himself and his friends celebrating and gloating Canelo's win over a man who had beaten him was pretty pathetic IMO Interestingly Hamed was mentioned and when it comes to the showboating, it was himself and Snr who were blaming the other for copying the ring entrances,jumping the ropes ect..! A bit of showboating is all well and good if you can carry it off and back it up like Ali,Sugar Ray Leonard or Roy Jones.. but them antics did not suit Jnr. As for Khan, I've never seen Khan in a dull fight win,lose or draw. Anyway it won't be long now before the glass chinned quitter faces the glass eye socket quitter! Years late but still one that will generate a lot of interest. Khan has his haters but I'll be Team Khan and think he is way to fast for Brook and should be able to put on a clinic. That said it is Khan we are talking about, so if Brook can land one of his ''chocolate brownies'' Khan may do his new born lamb impression. One to look forward too!
  3. I think it must be Snipe as in my experience Woodcock would be long gone after counting to 7. Like scobydog has put it was said that you should wait until they stopped the initial ''Zig-Zagging'' flight after being flushed. Personally I had the most success by ''Snapshooting'' as soon as they flushed, much the same with Woodcock really.
  4. Yes I've tried this many years ago after reading that Snipe usually come back to where they were originally flushed after about 20mins or so. So if you flush snipe by walking up and either miss or don't manage to get a shot off, I've hid in cover near the boggy ground they where flushed and waited. The Snipe did come back but usually flying well up in the sky and offered some chances of a high flying shot. I never had much success, but it is a thing if you have the patience.
  5. The showboating was as cringeworthy as it gets! If it was original and his own then fair enough. But my stomach turned when I seen him coming out in the 1st round emulating RJJ's stance and style and then to make it worse, he started copying Roy's showboating moves. Whilst his timing was on point and (Obviously having RJJ as his trainer has helped this improvement in his game) he hardly set the boxing world on fire against a one dimensional Liam William's. Let's also not forget that William's is a natural MW were as Eubank is naturally the bigger man and having campaigned at SMW (Where George Groves made him look amateurish) He has reinvented himself from a gym rat making videos of hitting pads and bags to the aldi version of a RJJ. He is now looking to fight an old man in Golovkin "lost his pen when Golovkin was a force' in the MW division''. I'd still back Golovkin to win even though he is nearly 40yrs old. If he is intent on giving it the big one, then why doesn't he try and get one over on his old rival BJS and challenge the elite Mexican up a SMW rather than looking for an over the hill Golovkin. I think everyone knows the answer to that! There would be very little showboating,if he was to step into the ring with Canelo, that's for sure.
  6. It's a bit quiet on the Cricket front, on here today🤔😀 P.S. I don't even follow the game, but it's always a shame to see a post with no replies😉🇮🇪
  7. "It would be a thousand pities if the wildfowler,with all his qualities of energy and perspective, should fail to use them for the protection,purification and the perpetuation of his sport." Stanely Duncan 1908.
  8. So as the Pigeon Watch massive, did not show much interest in the game of hurling, I thought I'd share this footage of a very British chap and his "hottie" wife, showing themselves to be very good sports by partaking in, and having fun, in the games of the Gaels, whilst on their recent visit to Ireland a few months back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgThuiqbeP0
  9. The prize is worth €6000 and the hunt will take place Sept-2021. Might be worth setting up a facebook account for! I always gave out about facebook and the like myself,when I seen people sitting scrolling on their phone. However I think there is a lot of interest on there if you are following interesting things.
  10. Hope this is alright with the Moderator's. If not, apologies in advance. Just a heads up, that there is currently a competition over on Facebook with the chance of winning a Stalking holiday in Donegal. The usual free to enter- like page, share ect..! The page is (Donegal Hunting Trips) May be of interest to some.
  11. I was saddened to learn of ''Big Jack's passing early Saturday morning past. An absolute legend in my eyes and loved by most on this island. An honorary Irish man, who will be remembered for the joy he brought to the Irish nation when he was manager of our national football team. (Italy 90) in particular will live long in the memory of those who lived through it. A lovable, down to earth character, and I missed the opportunity of meeting him when he was present at the opening of a trout fishery, only a few miles from me back in the early nineties. A true ''country man'' and a great advocate of country pursuits. As already put,not much mention of his passion for country sports, but I made sure of updating my profile picture on FB, with a photo of Jack with his S/S mounted. And also shared videos of (Jack's Game) and the photo of Jack's statue that is located at Cork airport with his rod,salmon and his big smile. R.I.P. Jack and ''Straight Shooting and Tight Lines'' in the Happy Hunting Grounds.
  12. That plane was discovered by a Donegal diving club from Greencastle which is in The Inishowen peninsula where I live. Greencastle is directly across the Foyle from Magilligan point and the American pilot of that plane met a lady that was one of his rescuers in the Maritime Museum in Greencastle after 60yrs. The museum is very interesting and also houses a Gunning Punt that was active on the Foyle at one time. Interestingly you say you where near Eglington! Well there was another plane that went down and crashed into Enagh lough in Maydown during WW2 killing all 3 passengers. My father told me about it when I was young as we passed it often.
  13. Well,well,well! Fury made Wilder look like a complete ametuer! Correct decision by Wilders team as it was only gonna get worse for him. Hats off to Fury, that's some turnaround from a couple of years back. Fury v Joshua should be interesting. New WBC Champ in town.
  14. I didn't get to bed until 2.15am but a couple of hours and I'm up! Couldn't miss it could I? 😁 Looks like some atmosphere in the building🥊
  15. Just a quick drop in and a prediction before the fight ''which I might not even get to see'' as I'm in the middle of a house move that seems to be taking forever and all in horrible weather conditions. Anyway- Wilder to win by devastating KO for me! I respect how Fury has turned his life around but I'm (Team Wilder)
  16. I'm not techy enough to do highlighting sentences ect.. But I will point out that that is were I see a notable difference in the approach taken by both types of shooters. Wildfowling in its truest sense is not all about killing stuff and there is far more pleasure to be had on the shore/coast than there ever will be inland. I don't think anybody is taking the moral high ground when they are merely pointing out facts. Inland goose shooting over decoys and coastal flighting are two completely different things when it comes to gauging what is more challenging. I'd bet all I have ''which isn't much'' that a shooter would have far more blank flights on the shore than he ever will if shooting inland over decoys. As you say, each to their own and if people are enjoying what they do and how they do it! then fair play to them. It's an old cliche that one goose on the shore is worth 5 inland but one I'd agree wholeheartedly with. And if it comes down to shooting geese for pest control ect. then I'm afraid that has little to do with the essence of Wildowling as a sport. You might not agree but I'll say it anyway. Wildfowling on the shore is a nobler sport than inland goose shooting over decoys. I've never be lucky enough to experience Puntgunning but I know enough about it to say that it is in no way comparable in any sense to the topic in hand.
  17. I had a scroll and again unfortunately it is not there! It's a tough one to find.
  18. I'd be hypocritical to say I've never shot geese inland over decoys but I haven't done it in years and it's not really something I find challenging anymore. WE have such a short season over here and it was sometimes the only way of bagging a goose or two. I've never shot more than 4 geese in one flight by choice. It was hard graft and a long carry with decoys ect..some of which where heavy homemade ply silhouettes I made myself. I usually shot by myself or on occasion a friend or two. If geese where using the field then it was usually successful. I recall one morning 3 of us were in a field and 3 other shooters who were friends of one of the other guys showed up in the field and lined up along the hedge near us and but decoys out. I went off my head and challenged them but it turned out the other guy was on the phone to them and invited them to come into the field. I packed my stuff up and left as I wouldn't be seen in such a group in one field. I'm a shore shooter first and foremost and could think of nothing worse than being lined up with a group of shooters and being told when to shoot. I noticed on youtube and dvds all the American lingo ''Take em'' and Yahooing has crept into the inland shooters sport. Really!🙄 It certainly wouldn't be my cup of tea that style of shooting. But I suppose a lot of shooters these guides take out are not what would be termed Wildfowlers and possibly most don't have many chances of shooting a goose hence the reason for hiring a guide in the first place. So maybe it is unfair to knock the actual shooters.
  19. Good shout! But no that's not either. I appreciate that it is a big ask without actors/actress's names ect..! I might never get it but possibly some day it might just happen to be on the box.
  20. That was a big Improvement from the first game against Scotland. Yeah I'm sure they will but it was a fair call. Sort of swung the momentum in Irelands favour and especially after that late turnover that got Ireland pumped. Looking forward to the next clash.
  21. No that's not it! I scrolled that IMBd site but no Joy either. It wasn't an old B&W film but a coloured film possibly made around the late 80's mid 90's. It was set early though. The lady actress is a known face but I can't put a name to her.
  22. Get in there Ireland😁
  23. Just googled them two films lads and it's neither of them! I don't know any of the actors or actress's names ect..unfortunately. The female actress had dark longish hair and I can see her in my minds eye. I may not be correct in the era that the film was set. I do remember the man was wearing a Panama or Fedora hat and a suit. I recall the woman near the end of the film breaking down and pleading why as to why he didn't want her. I watched it possibly 20yrs ago!
  24. Think your on the wrong thread😁
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