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Everything posted by SuperGoose75

  1. Some fine shooting going on there. But what always impresses me in Your Vids Should they be Fowling or whatever is the Dog Work and obedience. I never have dogs as biddable as that but I tend to pet them to much and let them away with to much also..But any I have seen in your Vids are a credit to you. I am the firearm safety officer in our club and have done the course ect and I can see where there are concerns but also i think its pretty obvious you both are experienced shooting men and I think the point is well enough covered. Enjoyed watching the Video.
  2. Yeah it would be nice to think that . ! The Collie is a very intelligent Animal. Ive heard of stories like this before but it does make you wonder..how they find their Way.? Amazing stuff.
  3. Well I never..lol. Whilst I would be a pretty open minded Sort and What people do in there private lifes is up to them..I am Surprised at this What is it with these fighters and promoters..? I remember Alex Reid the cage fighter was fond of a bit of Fish nets and Cross Dressing and then you have Frank/Kellie Maloney... Do they ogle the Ring Girls at fights and think to themselves..Mmm Wouldnt mind looking like that... Have to say he has a Fine set of Pins on Him..
  4. Not the Newes I was Hoping For..! I really thought this fight would happen this year. As I metioned in another thread Boxers are now taking the Mayweather route. Its all about money and protecting the cash cow as you have said. Boxing fans are losing out big time as they want to see the best fight the best in there divisions. The annoying thing is like Mayweather they are Spoiling it for the fans and Ducking the Fights until Fighters are past their best like pacman. Like how Long does Rigo have left..? What is he 37yrs old..If frampton is all he is bummed up to be then there should be no excuses with stepping into the ring with Rigo. Like Canelos fanboys the biast will make all the excuses they can come up with. Golovkins not getting any younger either. Now we have McGregor v Mayweather being seriously talked about..Give me a break..Its all turning into a Circus where money is King. Who was cross dressing...De la Hoya,,? Must google that one...lol
  5. The fellow who owned and sold the Dog is Local to me. Auctioned in Yorkshire it fetched £15000 Stg. Serious money..I dont fully understand how Sheepdogs command that type of Money' is it to do with trialing.? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/05/14/britains-most-expensive-sheepdog-sells-for-15000-at-auction/ Bit of a Lassie story in the link Too.
  6. Would be a a very rare Sight and sound these days on the mainland with most of the Sightings and birds heard calling are on the islands of the coast, Most of the recordings are off the West and NW coast islands. Apparently though they are a slight increase in numbers this past couple of years with 156 calling males recorded in this NW county which is great newes. My father often told me that in his youth you could here Corncrakes everywhere when going to work in the morning or coming home from a dance in the summer time. I have only ever heard one calling and only ever seen a Corncrake which was in a taxidermist collection. I really must make a trip out to one of the islands as there is a very good chance of seeing and hearing them. Found this little clip that goes with what Scolopax has Said. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNd5u75iekw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks2taH61mn8
  7. Did anyone watch this 4 part Documentary on BBC 2..? I came across it by accident and only seen the last two episodes. It was pretty good and in the 3rd part it Showed some duck shooting on the North Norfolk Coast over Flight ponds and they were pheasant shooting last Week. I think its available on the iplayer and must try and get the first two episodes. Was my kind of Show and I really enjoyed it.
  8. Of Course Speed can beat power..The Dogs in the street know that,but it was never going to happen in this Fight and Golden Boy knew that. They Cherry picked Khan..The fastest hands in Boxing with a poor Defence and knew only to well his inability to take a good shot,Especially by a big hitter like Canelo. Khan got knocked Sparko, like most knew he would...But My point is that de lay Hoya hpyped the fight up as it was 50/50 Chance for either the speed or power when in reality he didnt even believe himself what he was saying. He knew his Fighter had a 99% chance of knocking Khan out and the other 1% wasnt even Doubt but more Just in case a miracle happened and Khan went the distance..Hence the Rematch Clause if the Miracle did happen. I liked de lay Hoya th Fighter, But as a promoter and after his Falsity in the build up and in the ring after the fight he comes across as a Don King type character. He also says he doesnt see How Golovkin is an Animal and doesnt get why people think he is an Animal..does he really believe What he is saying..? Well Oscar get your monster in the Ring with triple G if you really believe that and lets see how he fairs When They come a Little Bigger,Hit a Hell of a lot harder and Wont Run away.!
  9. Excellent post Right there Fella. Seems Khan is not the only deluded one..Brook now reckons he punches as Hard as Canelo..The MW division better take note..Watch out Canelo and Golovkin Just some after thoughts on the Mismatch that took place over the Weekend. I think De la Hoya should be ashamed of himself "Not that he will of course" For me Khan was led up the garden path here. It was like a script plucked right out of a Rocky Film. Big punching MW fights Super fast WW...The Power v the Speed..After the intial shock of when the fight was announced we where all sucked in.We all new what the outcome would be but the interest was still there and the money was payed to watch the fight. Thats what these promoters do. But it sickened me to watch De la hoya after the fight whilst Canelo was being interviewed, Standing all elated and grinning from ear to ear hardly able to contain himself As if his big punching Golden Boy had done something really special..When in reality all he done was knockout a smaller man two divisions below him. Was anyone really that surprised...I dont think So..!! Like when Canelo went over and kneeled down deside Khan afer he KO'd him..Showing sportsmanship..? My ***.! Does anyone think if it had of been a MW,Say Triple G he would have done the same..? It was akin to the Big school bully hitting the smaller skinny kid and then feeling bad about it afterwards. Of course Team Khan should take some of the blame.They should never have let this fight happen. Khan would never have Dreamt of taking this fight if Golden boy had not approched him with there Rocky script..They knew exactly what they were doing.I think its fair to say that we all know Khan is not the Sharpest tool in the box and has a tendency to get carried away with himself And I could just visualize Khan begging for the fight after the seed was planted in his Head.He would have been like a young Boy begging his daddy for a pup and being the spoiled boy he got his way despite his best interests at heart. Of course the 6m would have played a major role in the decision but I can Honestly say the I believe thats its not all about the money for Khan. Poor Khan never gets a break..he gets criticzed for not attempting to avenge his defeats then when he says he wants to fight Garcia he is deluded..I guess its a case of damned if you Do and Damned if you Dont. Should he retire..? Well we all may have an Opinion but the only Man than can decide that is the Man Himself..If he wants to hang up the Gloves then so be it and if he feels he has more he wants to do then best of luck to him. Its Boxers like Khan that keep me interested in the sport.
  10. Hard Luck Amir..You showed balls but bad form by Virgil Hunter taking about GGG. He is right what he is saying but still bad form.
  11. Night Night Amir...was doing so well to. Awell No real surprise. Oscar's grinning like a Chesire cat here...But then so is GGG.. Bring it on.
  12. I think your Mistaken there Fellla...If it is the same Fury that Im thinking of that you are reffering to and that is your thoughts on the man then Im pretty Sure that should be FAT English Bum and Not an Irish One.!
  13. As a Fan of Amir Khan' Ive been doing a lot of thinkiing about this fight and unfortunately like the majority I can only see one winner unless Khan can do something Extraordinary. Canelo, although he comes across as a very down to earth likable Guy does not really appeal to me as a boxer. He is way to big and powerful for Khan and i dont think speed is not gonna be enough. Like he really is all there..From the upper body strength,To the Tree trunk legs.."Which gives punching power and also soaks up punches" to the Pitbull/Rottweiler type head sitting on his broad shoulders..Khan simply does not have the power to hurt this man. Khan for me can not do a Mayweather Job on him as he doesnt have the defensive skills or Slippery tactics.tying up ect of the Moneyman and as was already mentioned Canelo will have improved from that Fight. I know im stating the obvious here when i say khan looked pretty big at the weigh in last night and actaully looked bigger than Alvarez on the scales but Khan had to bulk up to 155 whereas Canelo will rehydrate and come into the Ring as a Monster. Most people are saying the predictable about Khans Mentum but i think Canelo can do Khan serious harm with body Shots and i can see him getting put down with a body shot rather than around the Mandible. One things for certain Khans got Balls as big as a Suffolk Ram and a Heart of a Lion and I wonder If/when Canelo wins this fight will he show the Same characteristics and get in with somone his own size in the form of the man they call the 3 G's who IMO would take him apart. I really hope Amir can Shake up the world and I might even say a prayer for him' as he is gonna need all the prayers he can get. Time to set the alarm and a few hours Kip' Come on King Khan' really hoping you have a game plan that works and hoping for an upset.
  14. It was indeed Loma I was referring too..I am aware he is the WBO Champ, The reason I said up and coming is the fact he has only had 6 pro Fights and A Boxer of his talent will be no doubt looking to capture the more coveted Belts and try and Unify them which if Frampton beats Santa cruz he will be in the Mix and possibly run into Loma. Ref- Selby. He looked pretty Sharp and had a very good win at the Weekend despite the heavy flash Knock Down. He certainly looks the buisness. Should be some good match ups ahead worth looking forward to.
  15. BIG YAWN...If it isnt the Bandwagan fanboy yet again trying to pick holes in my posts and quoting them. Did you not take the hint when I didnt reply to your previous pathetic,Clutching at Straws, post that Im simply not interested in anything you have to say when it comes to boxing. To be totally honest I was done with you and didnt even bother reading your reply until this thread was brought back Up. Seriously like, Can you see that it is getting embarressing for you at this Stage fella. Do you actaually even read and digest the posts before you reply. Its become to easy for me at this Stage and I think its pretty obvious who the Real Boxing fan is here. Think about your post at the top of this page when referring to Carl Froch...Can you not even spot basic Sarcasm when you see it.? Then you troll through the thread trying to come up with something to come back with..Like My predications arent great and you Qoute something I had said about the build up and not even the actual fight itself. Why didnt you Quote the next paragraph of my post on the 1st page.?.When i said I expected Quigg to go for a lot of body Shots and possibly stop Frampton "Which he nearly did in round 11" or the fact that i said i expected it to be close on the Cards going either way or the fact that i woulndnt rule out a Draw either.True i picked Quigg as the winner and i was wrong but it was a Hell of a lot nearer a predication than the lame,Safe post of yours..SHOULD BE A GOOD FIGHT..which in the end Turned out to be anything But..! In fairness to you..I think most of us thought it was going to be a good fight. And Why do you need a Crystal ball..? do you not watch much Boxing or What..? If your a Boxing fan then you must have had Some Kind of idea of how it would go and what is being rich have to do with anything..? You dont have to be a betting man to enjoy Sports. I like lots of Sports and i only bet on the Grand national once a year. I watch boxing and other Sports for the love of the Sport and nothing else. Now to your latest input about Quigg.Its pretty clear to me that you really havent a notion about Boxing and Im not going to educate you. But all I will say is that if Quigg had of got the decision and won the fight then I reckon he would have had the Cojones to fight Rigo..Although I still think like Frampton ,Quigg would be given a Boxing lesson by the Cuban. Both Frampton and Quigg are Talented Boxers No one is even Questioning that.. but really Rigo is on another level altogether. Feel free to troll trough my text and try and pick some more holes to come back with but really this is my final post on this topic to you..Its no Fun anymore and i have more constructive things to be getting on With. And finally' For the Umpteenth time I like and am a fan of Carl Frampton But Im also a realist. One things for sure' I like him even more now for what has Come to light recently we have more in common than I first thought.! As a Dedicated Wildfowler I may well Just give Frampton a Ring "no pun intended" after he Retires and we can Go DUCKING together......QUACK QUACK.
  16. As I said previously' I like Frampton but they are certainly not covering themselves in Glory here. Team McGuigan know only to well what the rest of the true boxing fans in the world know and that is he wouldnt have a chance against the Cuban. They are taking the Mayweather route and as you say that seems to be the way things go nowadays. Its all about the money and trying to protect the legacy instead of stepping up and fighting the best. Take McGregor for example in the UFC,He is honest enough to say its about the Money and he is Smart enough to know The Top of the fight game is a Short Window that wont last forever, But he has ducked no one. He fought and beat the best in his division before moving up and is not afraid to fight anyone despite the high risk factor.Like him or loathe him you can only admire that attitude. He gives the fans the fights they want to see ragardless. I would give Frampton a slim Chance and a slim Chance only of Beating Santa Cruz. Frampton will not be able to coast as Santa Cruz will be in his face from the 1st to the last bell..Frampton's only chance for me would be to catch Santa Cruz early in the fight with a good shot but the longer the fight went i would have to fancy Cruz giving the fact Frampton tends to tire in the later rounds. Still all the same it Should be a Good Fight..! Frampton may well be running from Rigo by going up but even if he beats Santa Cruz there is a Certain up and coming Ukrainian featherweight awaiting in the long grass who IMO like Rigo would Box his head off. As I said previously I like Carl Frampton and like to see him do well, but I also have doubts as to wither he is an Elite World class fighter or is it all hype. Until he steps up and beats the best out there then he may well tarnish his only legacy as the paper champ who Ducked Guillermo Rigondeaux. Will be interesting to see how it all pans out.
  17. Missy had the winner at 2.50 e/w at 40/1...It was the "Take That" Thing that influenced her choice. i had an e/w on Gilgamboa so picked up a few Quid. i was hoping one of the childrens Horses came in but it wasnt to be.
  18. Nicely Done by AJ. Sweet first knock down and Showed good patience and didnt dive in Swinging wildly trying to finish it, but waited on his opportunity and Bang' Fight over. There will be tougher tests ahead but he will only get better imo.
  19. Nice attempt with your patronising post,but it Still doesnt change anything. You Quoted me and asked What fight I watching..? And I said on Reflection Frampton Just about Scraped the Win..Call that changing My mind if you wish but As far as Im concerned there was very little in it. You reckon he won easily in the End..? Well I'l now ask you What fight where you watching because from 6 on Quigg was the better fighter Banging in Big Body Shots,Hooks and Straight's and Frampton looked anything but Comfortable..Frampton came out and had a Good last round when it didnt look Like he had much left and credit to him for that.As I said that last round won him the Fight "On the Cards". If it makes you feel any better' Then you keep telling yourself that he won it Easy and comfortable in the End but as far as Im concerned he Scraped the win by the Skin of his teeth. You seem to a pretty handy Fella on the computer with your Quoting and Highlighting' Something I am not very good at but Let me take you back to the start of the Thread and the topic heading which was Quigg v Frampton.Who have you and how..? Now lets Go to your first post..And I Quote.. SHOUlD BE A GOOD FIGHT. Mmm..Hardly the Dialogue of a fanatical Boxing Fan.! Were you not willing to stick you neck out and try and break the fight down and maybe give a predication on how it would go. It would be my Guess that in reality You are a Bandwagon Boxing fan that has Jumped on the Carl Frampton Success train and therefore there is little point debating with You. Therefore It also gives me the opportunity to use an old country saying around these parts and That is... You know as much About Boxing as My A*se does about Snipe Shooting.! And thats very little.! I will however' give you the benifit of the doubt and i will keep my eyes peeled for any Future big fight that might be discussed on here and i will look forward to your Boxing expertise on breaking the fight down and possibly Giving an accurate predication. PS it wont let me do Smiley's for some reason but that post finish's with a thumbs up.
  20. This seems to be a pretty emotive subject for you' And I dont really know Who you are trying to Convince..Is it Me and all the many people mentioned in Glen McCrory's Quote or is it Yourself.? Is the fact that Frampton won the fight Not enough for You..? You seem pretty "Hung up" on What the pundits have to say. When the final bell went I turned to my Wife and said this is gonna be close and it could b a draw. It was after the decision and when I heard Carl Froch being interviewed and What came out of his Mouth was that he thought it was a Draw. Thank God, I have all my Faculties about me and am well able to make up my own mind on things I see and hear without relying on Commentators,Pundits and the Media which I haave long since learned are more than often never that accurate. Im sure you watch many other sports like Football,Rugby ect and how often have you heard disputes over.. Was it a penalty.? or was it a foul.? or was it a try..? ect. Everyone see's things different or has different views on matters. As for the rematch..Well I think Scott Quigg deserves one as I still think he can beat Frampton..But Froch is right in the sense it would be hard to sell as the the Fight in Question was hardly edge of the seat stuff now was it..! I think what I had put' was both Fair and Balanced views on the Fight,You may not like them or agree with them But I wont be Changing them to please You or anyone else' so I dont really think there is much More I can say on the matter.
  21. Yeah Im Totally Serious.And I was watching the same Fight Carl Froch Was.!But sure what would Mr Froch Know about Boxing eh..? However on Reflection and after my initial post just after the fight' I do think Frampton scraped the win..JUST. For 6 rounds not much happened but you could give it to Frampton for iniating but at the same time doing very little. When they finally did engage Quigg was the better fighter "And what after came to light" Did so with a Broken Jaw. He won every round from 6 on and had Frampton in serious bother at the end of the 11th and Frampton was clearly struggling and looked extremely tired " Not for the first time in a later round fight" another 30 seconds and he could well have ended up taking a count. Credit to Frampton for coming out and winning the last round when he did look so tired in the 11th..That round won him the fight.Had he not won that round then I for one would not have been surprised had Quigg got the decision or even a draw which I did say was a possibility. I have already said I liked both Boxers' and also said i expected Quigg to go for Body Shots and slow Frampton Down,Which he did although left it a little bit to late.It was a very poor over hyped fight although it was understandable why both Boxers where so catious as neither wanted to lose. Congrats to Carl Framton on winning but for Me There are still a lot of Questions to be Answered before considering him to be An Elite World class fighter. Thats not to say he wont or cant in the future and I hope he does just that. Both beat an over the hill/Well past his best Kiko Martinez..I dont think either Frampton or Quigg would have beat Martinez at his best. Frampton Struggled big time in is last fight with him and then struggled an got put down against a little Known youngster and I would worry at the fact that he basically coasted for 6 rounds doing very little but still seemed to tire in the later rounds.Thats not going to be good enough when he steps up to Fight the guys across the pond like Rigondeaux or Santa Cruz. As for the respect thing' whats new about that..? Most fighters show each other respect after all the prefight trash talk. Then there wasnt much respect shown or talked about Quigg when both He and McGuigan appeared on The Nolan show a few weeks back.!
  22. Been watching a bit of the build up to this one on Youtube. Looking forward to see how McGregor copes with Diaz's reach. Both come from boxing backgrounds so it should be interesting to see how it plays out. I will be Cheering on McGregor this time as Diaz comes across as a bit of a ****, as do a lot of his fans. Seems Mcgregor' Going by his trainer is actually faster now that he has bulked up to 170. I dont know enough about Diaz to make any predictions' but hoping for a good fight and not one thats over before it starts and lasts longer than 15 seconds.
  23. Watched this on Monday night and it was the first time I seen Bisping Fighting.I knew him from the UFC talk show. Have to say, He is one Tough Dude. Agree with timps in the sense I also thought it was a Cheap shot from Silva too..But what a shot it was..!! Reminded me of Mayweather hitting Ortiz a Cheap shot..I guess its a case of protect yourelf at all times and although somethings legal, Sometimes its just not right..! Credit to Bisping for fighting on after that but I think he himself was a bit surprised he got the decision..A tough one to call but I think they got it right.
  24. Totally agree with Carl Froch..Should have been a draw. Frampton won the early Rounds because Quigg done nothing..But in the later Rounds he had Frampton in serious Bother. Not once was Quigg in any sort of Trouble throughout that fight.If only he had of threw some leather early on instead of doing nothing.it was clear that was the plan but a jab here and there would have got him closer on the score cards. I did say Frampton wouldn't stop Quigg and it would be close on the cards either way..But it was a **** fight..The third big billed fight that didn't live up to expectations. UFC for me from now on.
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