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Everything posted by SuperGoose75

  1. Cant do Multi quotes as i always seem to mess them up.! Wymberley- You were quick with that one.Very good . Shaun4860- I have tried Bramwell's English Mustard as my Mother shops in Aldi and have to say it is pretty good. Not far away from the best which is' Of course Colman's. Ketchup- Although its pretty much Heinz all the time in this house for the Children, I do like Daddies myself and also Tip tree in the summer for barbecue food. i think the glass bottle add's class Brown Sauce- Hp = The King' Nothing I've ever tasted comes close and a fry up without it is just not the same. Sitsinhedges-I tend to reach for the Salad Cream 'Heinz of course' for the Cheese and onion sandwich. Just had Ham and Brie in a brown bap with the ham smothered in Colmans mustard. The jar of Heinz mayo will get a big hole put in it the next time I make homemade Chips.When its finished and a new Jar is required then thats when the real problem will present itself. Could be iniminiminimo between Hellmans and Heinz ps edited for poor spelling.
  2. When Heinz brought out their 'Seriously Good Mayo' advert it actually made me go out and get the ingrediants for a good BLT sandwich' albeit I used Hellman's mayonaise as I felt there was no substitute. Soon after Hellman's hit back with their own very good advertisement. I noticed yesterday Heinz has counter- punched with a new ad so its only a matter of time before Hellman's come back with to try and even up the score with another of their own. Yesterday at My local convenience store I spied a Jar of the Heinz 'seriously good mayo' and as i was out of hellman's I thought I'd give it a go.i made myself a chicken and tomato toasted Sandwich and although sceptical about the Mayo somehow tasting Salad creamy i was pleasantly surprised and it was very nice. A lovely creamy Mayo. I still think Hellmans has the edge though as I like the hint of lemon from it but hats of to Heinz for a great product. There is nothing worse if eating out somewhere and if you ask for mayonaise and you get some nasty, cheap foul tasting substitute. Anyway glad I got that off my chest
  3. Totally agree. Apoligies to the OP for the interuption.
  4. Nice Rangey looking Girl that. Bet she wouldnt have much trouble clearing that sheep wire fence if she had too. And a call for every eventuality..lol,
  5. Did I hear someone mentioning a 'Proper Mans Saw'.? Here is my Old Girl. Seen a lot of Work but Still Runs Well. I think Santa may be bringing me a New Baby version with a 16" Bar. Apoligies for being sacrilegious bringing up Stihl on a Husqvarna thread.
  6. I actually missed the fight this Morning By the time I got up and got the box on I seen the comotion going on in the ring. Very poor form by Walters quitting like he did Will watch it later tonight. No real Surprises that they are talking about the skills of Mr Lomachenko. One of the best Boxers Ive ever watched in the ring. Other Boxing - I watched some decent fights on the London fight night show and of Course Katie Taylors first pro bout. She done the business but Im sure their will be tougher opponents and fights ahead. It was much better then Paddy Barnes first pro fight which in the end' turned into a circus. Joshua v Molina coming soon.
  7. I think it could have been a case of challenging for a title too early in his pro career.If he had of took a few more fights first he may well have had an unblemished record.l think there was a bit of controversy around that bout also. The Jamaican seems well up for this one and I'm sure we will see alot more action in this one as compared to last weeks fight.Not surprising really giving the weight class though. A link up with bt sport should be a great thing.It can be a bit frustrating waiting on what boxnation are allocated in streaming and the viewer miss's alot of the prefight build up and post fight stuff.I don't mind Wee Barry jones and like him commentating on fights most of the time.However the other bag of hot air is not so easy on the ears.
  8. Lomachenko has one loss on his pro record as far as I'm aware. Loma is an absolute Joy to watch. Should be a good fight but I'm going fowling in the morning but may get up a bit earlier to watch this one.
  9. Lol I felt exactly the same. I said to the Mrs you will never believe what I'm just after reading on PW. She had to endure me shouting What W****** at the tv. Especially afte not letting the young lad out the sauce on the plate and then giving out stink to him about it.! I don't think I can take much more of all the face pulling in the ability tests either
  10. Take your beating Big Man.Ive seen robberies but that wasnt one. Will listen to the UK pundits and then hit the Hay. Didnt really catch fire but at least it was watchable.
  11. Get in there Andre ward..despite the big knockdown he def for me down more. Kovalev boxed really well though.Could have went either way but i honestly agree with the decision. I also cant believe the media peoples scorecards.
  12. I tend to agree with Malignaggi. Ward cleaner work for me
  13. Cagey technical stuff. Ward doesnt want to be slugging it out with Sergey though
  14. Flashes of the Ward of old in that round.Sergey's reach is a problem for him
  15. Well they dont call him Krusher for nothing. Uphill for Ward here
  16. I havent watched them clips yet' But will say that John Kavanagh is a really likable Down to earth fella. He was on a popular talk show over here awhile back getting interviewed and he talked about his youth and getting bullied and that is the reason he took up Martial Arts. And you have to say fair played to McGregor for sticking with him when he had so many other options available to him.They are certainly reaping the rewards now. I have also watched the fight a few times and Conor was certainly on Point that night. Alvarez didnt know what hit him so fast and precise was McGregors striking. I think Confidence played a big part in this fight. McGregor was stoked with it and Eddie not so much. Take the 1st round and very early when Alvarez used inside leg Kicks and his 2nd one made Conor fall down and forward. It sort of surprised Alvarez who tried to react with swinging uppercuts but Conor got up very quickly. Had Alvarez had more confidence in his leg kicks having effect he could have had Conor in all sorts of trouble. At the end of the day, regardless of what Eddie has said McGregor was far superior on the night and even had he tried Wrestling Conor seemed pretty in control of any take down attempts. With Striking like that and the power in his left hand it makes a boxing fight with Mayweather very appealing. It would be very interesting if they fought with 4oz gloves.Could Mayweather take that left hand..? mmm I wouldnt be so sure he could. I heard he was supposed to make an apperance at the UFC fight night in Belfast tonight. I missed it so dont know. Just checked there and it looks like he actually did, And would you believe My Missus asked me did i want to go when the tickets became available and I refused saying i would wait until McGregor and the UFC came back to Dublin. We are having great craic in the House this past week with my 5yr old Son and 3 yr old Daughter doing the Conor McGregor swagger. We took them to a McDonalds last night and my Boy was doing it up the floor and the staff were in Stitches laughing. I must take a video off then in action
  17. Holy ****. 24 replies and only a handful about the actual fight.And here was me thinking people were getting excited about the biggest fight of the year and possibly biggest fight of the last decade. tut tut. I have to say Ward is looking very confident in that 'face off' clip. Then he is always cool as a cucumber. Sergey on the other hand is looking a bit under the cosh' heavy breathing and looks like he is gonna come out and try and remove Wards head from his shoulders. Maybe that is just what Ward wants.? Interesting reading Johnny Nelson's take on the fight and he is one of the very few who thinks Ward can actually Stop Kovalev.! Ward is such a unique talent I would not rule this possibility out. I hope its not a stinker also but to be truthful there is a high possibility Ward may use the clinch alot. Still going with Ward to give big Sergey a Boxing lesson and take the belts from him. I think he is that good. Time will tell soon enough. Come on Andre.
  18. Well Boxing fan's, The Fight every Boxing fan has been waiting on is nearly upon us. So who have you Got..? I have been a fan of Ward 'Long before I even knew he had Irish Blood in his veins' He was my favourite fighter in the Super 6 tournament which he of course Won. Ward is a boxing fans boxer, Very similar to Gullermo Rigindeaux. Master technician's who are hit and avoid getting hit fighters. Some label this style as boring but they are not real boxing fans and they fail to appreciate what skills these men possess. Both Ward and Kovalev are unbeaten and Ward a former Super MW Multiple belt champ has moved up to challenge the Big power punching LHW Kovalev for his belts. Sergy is more then just a big puncher though and can also box a bit. Most pundits reckon Sergy has to much power for Ward. Ward is not the same fighter as his super 6 days but I still reckon he will have to much ring craft and can frustrate the Big Russian. There is no doubt if Kovalev lands a big right hand it could but Ward to sleep. But the question is can he land it..? I am saying Ward because I am a fan but also think he can pull this off and become the current P4P Nunber 1.
  19. Some nice shooting there and looks a nice fresh day to be in the field. thanks for posting.
  20. Some great calls DM. Stephens should have really finished Frankie when he put him down. Credit to Edgar though, He used his speed,wrestling and experience to get the win. Karolina won a lot of fans last night.She was always gonna be up against it against someone like Joanna but she never lay down and had the Champ rocked. iguess its a case in both fights that the Cream always comes to the top. Disappointed to see Meisha get beat and announce her retirement. But I think she had lost her drive and didnt really want it anymore.She didnt seem right even against Nunes. Romero comes across a bit like Hendo. Although Weidman was domanating the fight, You just knew that when Romero did fully engage it was gonna be explosive. An absoloute animal that will go after Bispings strap for sure. How Wondeboy survived that onslaught and guiloteen attempt was just unreal, Compelling Stuff. Well what more can I say about McGregor' other than he is the Man. Super slick striking and so glad he knocked Alvarez out in such fashiion for the way he disrespected the Irish . And also for bursting my Bubble by saying there was no such thing as Santa Claus
  21. I have issue's with my computer and it wont play your video but i watched the previous one on the page no problem as it was a link. Looking forwrd to watching it and will try herself's pc tomorrow.
  22. Ok' I will make this my last post also as not to spoil it for you until you watch it. Time for some more caffiene to help stay awake.
  23. You would never encounter pigeons in them numbers over here. Some excellent shooting there and an eye wipe by Munchers bro. Looks like a Fabarm in action there but slightly different to mine. An enjoyable watch and its a shame about the Fowling ones that i think most enjoyed.
  24. Not long to go now. And after a very busy day I could easily hit the hay. I had intended to get a few hours kip but to late at this stage. I'm going to go against another one of your predications Dangermouse. Jeremy Stephens looked an absolute Beast at the weigh ins and I think he could give Frankie a world of trouble . Frankie is gonna have his work cut out for him with this fella and he may have the last laugh after all. Ref- Cupcake and the bulldaggers. I am a happily married man and have my own little Cupcake to brighten up my evening's anytime i want Miesha is just a fantasy..But damn she is fine.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av2Ix3ETWjc
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