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Everything posted by SuperGoose75

  1. Same As...I cant believe the way they are going about this. Frampton has always been a likable Guy..Nobody minds a bit of banter and pre fight tension between the fighters but team Framptons antics are getting very Childish. And what is Barry McGuigan playing at..? Watched a newes Clip last night and it showed Frampton and McGuigan behind Quigg making Signs above his head,,Something you would see kids doing for a photo.! Barry McGuigan was a Childhood hero of mine but I am gradually loosing any respect I had for him. Seems to me Frampton and co are trying the Conor McGregor approach which certainly does not Suit him. It all tells me that they are worried about Quigg and trying everything in the book to unsettle him. All i think they are doing by their antics is gaining more support for Quigg. Roll on tonight.!
  2. Right fella's..I cant do multi Quotes as i always seem to mess them up. DannyS.. I took you You up Wrong...But see reply to Dangermouse for more .Enjoy the games over the weekend Fella.. Dangermouse..Totally agree...But I couldnt be letting you English Lads get carried away now..Could I..? lol I would rather see two teams at full strength and things swinging back and forth rather than a one sided affair..Guess that could be said about all sports. Dougall..I woud agree with that...I was happy for Rory Best to get the Captaincy as it was totally deserved but I feel Ireland are lacking any real leaders on the field and I dont think he has the same presence as the likes of O'Connell or BOD..That said its a team sport and the rest have to take responsibilty aswell. England are in a very good place and a Win tommorrow would set them up nicely for a chance at the Triple Crown' although im sure Wales could very well be intent on spoiling the party. Of course the Slam is also very much alive for England and the Championship is def looking likely although the French are also in a good situation. Tonights game Should tell us more. Looking forward to a good Weekend of Sport
  3. Damn..was so looking forward to this one..Seems like a case of De sha Vu'. I guess Dos Anjos will have to wait for his "Red Panty Night " lol
  4. I Have to say,Im not liking the way Frampton is going about this Build up...Ok it could be all to sell the fight ect but the personal insults that has been directed at Quigg about his intelligence for me is scraping the bottom of the barrel. I like both Fighters and usually would shout for Frampton but at the minute Im not sure who i'd like to see win. I have said Quigg from day one and I think Carl is feeling the pressure more going from what Ive seen of the buld up. Scott looks very focused and I reckoon they have a game plan and although Frampton is trying to rattle Quiggs cage I dont think its working and he's giving nothing away. I expect Quigg to go for a lot of Body Shots to hurt Frampton and Slow him down and I think he then has the power to Stop Carl. So for me its either a stoppage by Quigg or a very close decision going either way as i dont think Frampton can stop Quigg. Whither your an articulated intellect or a not.! Will mean very little when they step into the Ring. My Missus nearly sent Mr Frampton and his family flying a few months back as she rounded a corner at speed and bumped into them..Apparently he was pretty nice about it. Both look in great shape and fitness could be a factor if it goes all the way. So hoping for a great Scrap' which i think it will be...I think Quigg will be Victorious but wont be dissaponted either way and i wouldnt rule out a Draw either.
  5. Bring on Ireland!! Ah the Bravado..England have had two decent wins over Teams they would be expected to beat 9 times outa 10' although it has to be said both them teams have from what i can see' Have improved signifcantly so they were good results. I would get the "Bring on Ireland" if it was a fully fit Squad that was heading to Twickenham with two wins under their belt and not a Side that has lost one and drawn one, and with a Squad depleted with injuries and Key players missing.Given these Circumstances and the fact England have Home advantage next week I think it will be a very tall order for Ireland to come away with anything and fully Expect an England win. That Said it is England v Ireland after all and nothing should come easy for either Teams. The results of next weeks games should give a better bearing on things as to where the Championship is going. Ireland I feel already have lost grip on one of the handles and the other is getting very slippy.!
  6. As the choice was given I saw both of them pretty quickly but had the choice not of been given it would have been the rabbit. Have to say I agree with the albatross/seagull..Had the artist given it more rounded ears/beak then it would have looked both more like a duck and a rabbit.
  7. Was wondering where you had went Woodcock1 as I missed watching your vids. As I said before you are one fine Woodcock shooter and it is a pleasure watching your videos, absoultly beautiful watch and some nice Irish tunes to boot. Noticed some Hoar frost there' something that was abscent round this way this year for the most part. Thanks for posting.
  8. This is set up for a great 2nd half. Credit to Wales for hanging in there when the momentum was with Ireland for most of that half. What a Block down by Devin Toner, and what a length of an Arm...It looked as if Dan Donnelly' had came back from the grave and took up Rugby instead of Boxing Well what a bruising battle that was. Hats of to both teams but dissapointed Ireland didnt come away with the Win.
  9. Well not long in the doors from our anual Marsh Clean up on a blustery morning...Where was all this wind when we wanted it..? Had two crispy fried Duck eggs and toasted homemade Wheaten Bread and feel better for it.Ive a few more chores to get too and then its a shower and shave and settle down for the Rugby. Unlike when we played Wales last year there is not a daffodil to be seen...Just lovely Shades of Green.! Come on Ireland.
  10. We spent a Couple of weeks in a Bahia Principe although further North in Puerto Plata and I couldnt say enough good about it. The staff are unreal. friendly,happy people that couldnt do enough for you. They work really long hours,,Be there all day and do a show at night and be there first thing in the morning with a smile on their face giving you Clean towels. I am also not one for laying about on holidays although a couple of days by the pool drinking cocktails from coconut shells or laying out on a lilo on the water with the sun belting down or taking a spin out on a jetski is not a bad way to relax. There is plenty to do outside the resorts if you wish..To mention a few things we done is to go Quad biking through the countryside, visit the Cigar factorys or take a trip out on high powered speed boats to some beautiful secluded islands and go snorkling around the reefs and visit swamps were the manatee's come into and have dinner is a shack style restuarant over looking the water. The thing you have to remember is the people are very poor out there and appreciate people going there..They have very little but happrier people will be hard to find. One word of advice if you do go outside the resorts is not to be afraid to tell the guys selling merchandise to ****** off as they can get quite pushy and in your face. I would have no hesitation in going back and using the Bahia principe resorts. I might put up a few pic if i get time for you. Enjoy yourself anyway if youse decide to go.
  11. Yeah your probably right about the haters.I like them both and I aslo believe there was talk about a GGG V Froch fight before he retired and even Mr Froch said it was a joke due to the difference in weight. Still it would be a fight you would love to see if possible between to Class fighters such as Ward and GGG. Your so right DannyS...Alvarez is not doing much for his reputation picking a lighter fighter for the 1st defence of his title. At the same time Khan will have gained a lot of respect and new Fans for having the bottle to take this fight.. His haters wont show him any respect for this of cousre and will glory in seeing him getting knocked out. I also wouldnt be betting on him winning but i doubt anyone would be giving Kell brook much of a chance either had it been him going up to fight Alvarez. Oh' how I would love Khan to come through this fight if only to silence the haters but deep down I know this is a case Of... Khan' Whistling as he walks past the Graveyard.
  12. Interesting and thanks for sharing your experiences. I totally get what you are saying but I also think it could have the opposite effect on a fighter. As you say Adrenaline,Fear ect are good things if you can control them but they also can be your downfall. Apoligies for keeping going back to the Mcgregor v Aldo fight but i want to use it as an Example of what I mean. It was clear to see before the fight that Aldo had all them emotions bubbling under his skin.Andrenaline,Fear,hatred ect and this was his downfall. he dived in an McGregor was able to crack a Solid mass of Emotion wth one shot and it was night, night Irine. Had Aldo being more loose and cacious would the same punch McGregor threw, would it have had the same effect..? I dont think it would have. If you are hitting something rigid it will have more effect than hitting something loose. Im not trying to be a philospher or scientist but i will give an example of what im trying to say. If it was snowing or freezing outside and you built two snowmen.. One the night before and it was frozen solid into a block of ice and then built another from fresh Snow in the Morning. Then take a sledge hammer and take a swipe at both of their heads..You hit the frozen solid one and his head is gonna Roll...Hit the fresh one and you will make an indent only but part of the head will still be there. A bit far out of an example I know' but im sure you get my Meaning. That is also why Boxers tend to Stay on their toes, if they get hit logic' says the impact will not be as great whereas if they are Caught Flat footed then the impact is greater and they may keel over.! That is why i find these Boxing Cliches silly..Like glass chin, Jaws of granite ect..Believe it or believe it not..Most Chins and jaws are made of the same stuff and that is Flesh and Bone. I think ive said more than enough on this thread.
  13. Seems to be a crazy move for Team Khan going up to fight a big hitter..I was sure he would have took an easier option as a warm up to fighting Brook. At the same time it could suit Khan better as he often struggles to make weight and sacrifices power in the process.. An interesting one. As for GGG..Isnt he getting alot of stick at present being accused of Ducking Andre Ward..? Gennady Golovkin is an animal but a match up with Unbeaten Ward would be some humdinger of a Scrap.
  14. I think McGregor will do ok up at lightweight as he was pretty big for a featherweight. To be honest i dont know much about dos Anjos but going by the article there are no flys on him. It will be interesting to see how he fairs trying to compete at two different weight class's at the same time.. Has he been really tested yet..? He might get a big wake up call when he fights the bigger guys..then again he may clean that up too. I would love to see him fighting Aldo again in a proper scrap. I will be looking forward to see how it all goes. One things for sure hes making it big time now.
  15. I dont think its irrelevent at all. Maybe I could have elaborated more to make my point, in which case I will. My questioned was more to point out and wonder if any one actually knew what it was like to take a good punch and I am sure there are plenty who do know and it is relevent to the discussion to make the point. And who's to say there are not people on here who take part in combat sports and therefore know what im trying to say. I will give one example and it goes against what Winnie&bezza has put although I do understand where he is coming from. Now i have had my fair share of scraps over the yrs growing up ect and have been hit a manys a time..Some in fair fights and others like Winnie&bezza has said whacked out of the blue. I remember as a teenager sparring with a fella in the gym and we were to practice our jabs and not throw any big shots. All was going well until yourman threw a right hand and hit me on the Chin' not overly powerful but wherever he hit me on the chin it had effect and I felt it going striaght to my legs and my knees when to jelly for a split second..I didnt go down but i will always remember that punch. For what its worth I didnt let it go and gave him a good trimming the next night we sparred. But to the point, over the years i have been hit a hell of a lot harder on occasions but never,ever did I get that feeling that i did that night after being hit bang on the chin.Would i say i had a glass chin..No way..! Plus I dont agree with what you say in your last sentence. An ok boxer but not a ok fighter...Khan always trys to fight back after being hurt and tht shows heart plus he comes back after defeats to go again and therefore for me that is the sign of a true fighter. He could very easily do a Naseem Hamed and dissapear after a defeat but he doesnt. Plus you say once you go down your night is over..this is not necessirly true either. In some cases yes but not always..Some fighters can clear their heads quiker and therefore continue.Many a fighter has been knocked down including Khan and has got up and went on to win the fight. Most of the great names in Boxing have been on there *** at on time or another...the list is endless Ali,,Frazier,Eubank,Benn,sugar ray leonard,hearns,Tyson ect ect..Grooves put Froch down in the first fight, but froch recovered and went on to stop George. Froch then again stopped Grooves with one shot in their second fight..I dont here people going around saying George Grooves has a glass chin.Trevor berwick was world heavyweight champion and i never heard anyone say he had a glass chin and look what a punch from Tyson done to his head and the wau his body reacted. I completely undertsand where Gordon R is coming from and I can tell he also is a true boxing fan and I respect what he says. But remember Gordon Khan, v prescott 2 was on until prescott was tested positive for a banned substance and the fight was called off and right Khan was too..So you cant hold that against him. I dont know about Peterson but i do know that the Garcia fight is much talked about and whos to say it wont happen. And as far as I know the Kell brook fight looks likely to happen this year. And just to add' how many good fighters have failed to avenge defeats yet go down as Great fighters. Carl Froch will go down as one of the best ever British fighters yet i never heard him screaming from the roof tops looking for a rematch with Andre ward before he hung up the gloves. There are many more fighters also who got defeated but ended up as greats. I dont think you will ever be fan of Khans and that is your every right and i also agree his humbleness seems to have disappeared and he may not be able to take a decent punch and his new born lamb impressions might amuse some but i think he has more to give and this could be an exciting yr for him and i will be looking forward to watching him.. Win,lose or draw.
  16. I like Khan and remember he has only lost 3 times in his career and one of them was daylight robbery by a Cheat and a terrible decision. Khans got great heart and a big sett of Cojonas.Unlike many fighters he is not afraid to leave his back yard and takes fights along way from home. I dont like the term Glass chin, I wonder how many on here ever got a proper bang on the Chin..? True he is no Carl froch when it comes to taking a clean shot and its unfortunate for a fighter that has so much talent. Would people say Jose Aldo has a glass jaw/chin after being knocked sparko by Conor Mcgregor..? As he says Timing beats speed and precision beats power..The head is a vunerable area and if hit in the right area it can affect the body. For me Khan is an exciting fighter to watch similar to Nigel benn..You dont know if he or his opponent is gonna get knocked out. Far better in my opinion than someone like mayweather prancing around the ring. I know if both Khan and Mayweather were fighting at the same time on the same night at different venues. I know which fight i would be tuning into watch anf it wouldnt be Pretty boy. True Khan should and i think he will fight Brook..He really has to get this fight happening for the sake of his own legacy. He had a great win over Devon Alexander and seemed to be a much better fighter than he was under Roach. However in his last fight against Chris Algieri all the old defensive problems where there and Algiieri was able to hit him far to easy, A bigger puncher and he may have had bigger problems. Intersetinly ,im reading a book at the moment by a well knowm sports psychologist over here and he mentions in the book about running into Khan at a Train station in London shortly after his Olympic success and he said he found him to be both Friendly and Humble. He went on to say as he was leaving he shook hands and put his other hand on Khans shoulder and he said whilst also reffering to one of the players he managed as a football manager that they were the only people that felt as if they were made of somethng other than flesh and bone more steel like. Im sure someone will have something smart to say to that.! At the end of the day people are entitled to like and dislike who they want for whatever reason. I think a lot of hate/dislike towards Khan is Race/religon related as is clear by many of the comments under some of his youtube fight clips. I am not for one minute suggesting that that is the reason for anyone on here' not liking him. I like him and i dont think he is washed up just yet..!! Ps Frampton v Quigg is getting ever closer..Really cant wait for this one. Still fancy Quigg to beat the Jackal. Frampton clearly has the more tools but somethings telling me Quigg can stop him.
  17. I have to say I really enjoyed the remake and thought Jeff bridges done a brilliant job. However as a massive John Wayne Fan I still prefer the original. It was said "Although tongue in Cheek,I think" that the reason Wayne won an Oscar was that Glen Campbells acting was so bad it made John wayne look even better My mother bought my Father the complete John Wayne Collection on DVD,That is every Movie he ever Starred in. I seen most of his Westerns before and although as rightly pointed out his best where True grit,searchers,the shootist ect My personal favourites are the likes of "The sons of Katie Elder,Elderado and Chisum anf i have a soft spot for his Cop Movie 'Brannagin' as it was the first movie i saw on a big Screen as we as kids where took to see it at our local parish Hall. Ref- The Quite man, That movie seemed to have Worldwide appeal..I remember when we where staying at Knight inlet lodge in Canada there was an elderly Australian couple who we sat with at Dinner one evening and they said they the loved Ireland and had visited due to the love of the Quite Man film. Any lovers of the Film should make the effort to Visit Cong in Co Mayo.It really is such a beautiful place. You can have a pint or tea/coffee/ scone ect in pat Cohans pub and see the origanal bar ect..there is an old Monastery and of course the beautiful river cong which flows into the corrib. The old cottage is a few miles away but isnt really worth the bother as its just a small ruins now. it is said the it was all the pilgrims who came to visit the site "Mostly Americans" and they took pieces of the cottage as souvenirs. Shame really. Wayne,Victor Mclaglen,Ward Bond and of course the Red haired beauty who passed last year Maureen O'Hara starred together in a number of John Ford movies such as was mentioned and the comedy western Mclintock.
  18. I loved John's Writing and after he passed "The Shooting Times" wasnt worth buying anymore in My Opinion. One of my favourite pieces is in "Hunters Fen" entitled Time and Tide where an Old Boy is Cutting cabbages in the snow and the Pinkfeet flight inland to feed, and he packed up his work early to get on the marsh to await their return flight. I have a very nice copy of "Hunters Fen" signed personally to me by John and also he gave me a gift of an original Sketch that was used in the book and it also has a tipped in original by J. Novorol, Hence why I wouldnt sell it for 1p. One bit of advice i would give you is not to lend your Books out, they are to Valuable. I like yourself used to lend stuff like Books ,dvd's ect and sometimes i got them back and other times i did not. I look after my Stuff and if lent something by someone else i would look after it more,but unfortunately Not all people think like that.
  19. Bargain indeed.! Its up there with one of my Favourites and ive read 1 or 2. Dont think i would be selling my Copy for 1p. "Joes Goose" is a beautiful piece but nothing to do with an Albino.
  20. Think I will be adding one of them to my Kit for next season or more likely the Season after as I think this season will be my Old Dogs last working one. They seem to tick all the boxes, with the draining mesh,their capacity and the Shoulder straps look pretty strong and look like they would be comfortable on the back.
  21. My previous post aside, Them Flambeau bags look the business and I reckon would be 30 quid well Spent.
  22. Well Guys thanks for all the input and thanks to "Jam1e" for the detailed accoint of his experience with the Vectra's. We took both for a Spin yesteday and both where very nice driving Cars' The Vauxhall was a Good drive and seemed pretty solid with No shakes or any obvious squeeks as we took them down a country road before hitting the Main Road. I liked the Colour "Metalic Silver" and was pretty impressed with the car overall, although something was telling me this was previously a farmers Car, despite being pretty well cleaned up the steeeing wheel showed a good bit of ware and tear. We then Took the Opel out and she also seemed pretty solid but for me she Seemed lower down and a different drive over all..More sporty and sreamlined if that makes sense. One immediate difference was when I put the boot down' this baby could Shift.The seats where half leather and one other advantage was that there was back facing heating vents between the two front seats which We of course had the children in mind. I was still undecided but herself was taken with the Opel and the deal was done. We are picking her up on Friday. Now this was done before I read the above posts after My last post and last night I then done some research online. It seems I made te correct choice as The DCTI's are the more reccomended model and get pretty good reviews. The model we bought is a 19 diesel 150 bhp Design. Now i dont think you guys would be aware of the scandalous tax system over here. It is based on Engine size "CC'S and the bigger the engine the bigger the tax. However we learned that after 2008 there have been changes in the System and because this motor was 08 she would fall under the lower tax System. I get what you guys are saying about better Cars in the range' and there was a nice Toyota Avensis in the Forecourt but was 2007 and the tax would have been very high. I checked 2008 models such as the Ford Mondeo and Avensis and they are from 3 to 5k dearer than the average Vectra and therefore out of our price range. We are upgraded from a Ford and she is a brilliant wee car and the dearest thing we had to replace was the catalyatic converter. I also not very long ago putMy work van which i had from near new off the road and was a Transit that dis not give much bother other than the turbo going. Funny thing is that I now have an Opel Vectra 22yrs after my very first own car which was a Opel vectra Saloon 16 Single point which i done up like an SRI. That car took alot of abuse. Through out my 20,s ive owned and Audi and a very Cool Merc 190 which was done up like the Cosworth version. At the time I think she was one of the nicest cars in the Country and selling it was one of the sorriest things ive ever done. Anyhow its more about Family and practicality These days so I hope we have some luck with our new purchase. Thank you all for your time, advice and pointers.
  23. Every days a school Day..That I did not know. Since he starred in it i always assumed it was a Tarantino Film.
  24. Im with you Clanchief...Most Wilfowlers and Shooters are innovative Creatures and are always looking/thinking of trying new things' especially if your on a budget. Just the other week I have been making up a hide with some old camo net and plastic garden fencing. I cable tied the net on and also cable tied some plastic garden poles and some bamboo sticks. I then had a longish clip strap that I kept from an old torch that i had thrown out "Knew it would come in handy for Something" and i now have a portatble hide that weighs little or nothing and is easy carried over the shoulder. I think them Dobbie bags would be a great cheap idea and would just as Clanchief has said need a bit of Modifying. A Strap of an Old gunslip/sportsbag or similar, A piece of Rope even with a bit of pipe lagging cable tied on for a shoulder strap padding and maybe a few loops sowed around the top and an old belt or something to tighten the top of the bag. I have always used the mesh type decoy bags but they where never that comforatble to carry in my opinion. A friend of mine just uses old large sports bags for his decoys. Of course it would be nice to have all the latest new purpose made gear' but after all it is Wildfowling and not a fashion parade and something practical done on the cheap is not always a bad idea.
  25. I enjoy Tarantino films and look forard to watching his latest offering. Dusk till Dawn is one of my favourite Tarantino films..Anything with a semi naked Salma hayek is always worth watching.
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