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Everything posted by SuperGoose75

  1. Not long started on Channel 4 just now.
  2. Where did them 20yrs go eh.? Anyone else excited about this Movie..? Cant wait to see it myself and especially looking forward to seeing what materilise's when Renton bump's into Begbie after all the years. Has Begbie mellowed out and forgot all about the dirty deed.? I very much doubt it .
  3. Cheers for the advice Alan. It is all to easy to blame the equipment when in reality it is down to my incompetence. Keep your great vid's coming. Always a joy to watch.
  4. Nice one Alan, fair play to you. I think you hit the nail on the head there with regards shooting geese on a regular basis, You would not feel that excitment every time as it would become monntonous after awhile. Again well done' Geninely happy for you. As for me and the Gopro' it nearly got bashed of a wall earlier these year. I shot a nice Right and left at very hard won Greys and will probably be the last Deny's will ever retrieve and thought I had it all om Camera but when I checked I had a blurry photo instead. It seems to go right for me when nothing is actually happening and then when something does It doesnt work out. Not the first time its happemed and also the sound quality is **** with the waterproof cover on as I was trying to do some talking on a few clips but when played back I could not hear it. Again well done on your Goose .
  5. Its been awhile since I was up through the North but I drove to Belfast at the weekend and going through a Sperrin town a big sign caught my eye. I get it now charlie boy' I get it now lol.
  6. That is just amazing. Almost looks otherworldly. I have seen alot of beautiful Sunset's and Sunrises over the years but didnt always have a camera. I have a few nice winter sunsets on my phone taken from the back window but for conveniece here is a couple of favourites from a trip to Canada about 10yrs go. First is setting up for a Morning at the geese is a massive stubble field and the other is a dawn flight for ducks at a slough.
  7. Funny that I found the complete opposite to that. I have the double reed call from when they first came on the market. For me the Pink sound was very easy to get the hang of but not so the Greylag. I cant comment on the one soley dedicated for greylag but they would need to be a very good call to better the Greylag Hammer both in sound and ease of use.!
  8. Well I called them two fights well Garbrandt really Surprised everyone with his near Flawless performance and Cruz simply had no answers. Totally deserved to get his hand raised. I wasnt to keen on him to begin with but Im pretty impressed with how he handled his Victory. Should be set up for another Spicey fight now with Dillashaw as the challenger Ronda didnt do aswell as I thought she would. She showed some Heart trying to stay on her feet when she was basically gone but Nunes as a striker is just something else.I think she would do alright in the Mens division. Thanks for the links lads. I watched a couple of his vid's.He sure puts a different spin on things and is very funny in well put together Videos.Will certainly be watching some more of his stuff.
  9. I tried searching for the Chanel but could not find it. A link would be good if you can put one up. Rousey looked in amazing shape at the weigh in, Very Strong.I have a feeling it could be a short night and a short reign as champion for Nunes.Could be wrongbut I fancy Ronda to regain her Belt.Not long now to we find out. Yeah I think you are correct about 'Cowboy' being on that card an he finished the fight with a leg kick to the neck as I recall. I didnt know much about Swanson either despite him being a veteran of the sport. I did see Choi fighting a few times though.
  10. As ever its each to their own but I'm not buying this steak over the sauce 'All you can taste is the sauce malarkey. I love a good steak and could happily eat a well seasoned steak wothout any accompaniments. How is dipping a piece of meat into a sauce any different than having a sauce over your meat..? There are many ways of Cooking Steak and one of the most recognised is to sear in a very hot pan therefore creating a Crust on your Steak. A cooked Steak is not like a sponge therefore it doesnt soak up any sauce the way an uncooked piece of meat that is left for a period of time in a marinade would. It all sounds very grand having a dipping sauce at the side for dipping but in all reality it doesnt change a thing and anyone that says different I would put down to hearsay or having poor taste buds.
  11. Yes I have been looking forward to this. More so for the Cruz v Garbrandt Fight. Ronda gets a lot of hate and I can understand this because of her Bitcheness. But the UFC fan's seem to be a fickle lot.! It wasnt that long ago she was the UfC's mega Star and many loved her. But like McGregor' once she got defeated many turned against her. I like her and think and also hope she can come back and reclaim her belt. Has Nunes been really tested..? She took the belt from a Miesha Tate who I said looked liked she had lost her passion and drive for Fighting which she later confirmed to be correct. The Miesha Tate that Rousey beat twice was a very different hungry Animal than the the Meisha Tate that Nunes beat. Like yourself DM i wouldnt be overly confident in making a predication but I hope Rousey Wins. Cruz v Garbrandt. I can only see one Winner here and I think Cruz will give the upstart that is Cody Garbrandt a real lesson in MMA fighting. As you say a bit of spice to this one as Garbrandt is one of Fabers Boy's. I couldnt bet against anyman that beat 'Mighty Mouse". Thanks for the heads up on the youtube Chanel' I will be checking that out. PS Did you watch the Doo ho Choi v Cub Swanson fight..? What an unbelievable Scrap that turned out to be. I have to say I loved seeing Swanson wipe the smile of Choi's face, Choi came into the Octagon smiling and thinking he was gonna get another handy Big left Win. Boy did he get a big wake up call and had a look on his face after the fight of *** just happened there. He may think twice about who he calls out in future. Was really impressed with Swanson's fighting style in an Amazing fight.
  12. Well I got spoiled rotten as usual. Amongst all the usual stuff Smellies,boxers ect I got a beard trimmer and beard grooming kit.I have been sporting a 'Mountain Man'type beard this past couple of months but got it trimmed down a week ago so need need to go to the barbers now as I can trim it myself anytime. As I'm a Foodie I got loads of cheese's and chutneys ect plus lots of dark chocolate and if they wernt enough my Missus won a M&S hamper worth a couple of hundred quid at her work. I also got tickets to a Comedy show with one of my favourite Comedians. And best of all I got a nice little New Stihl MS 231 with a 16" bar.
  13. And the very same to Yourself Marsh Man. You are one of the Best posters on this sight and it is always a pleasure reading your posts. Merry Christamas Sir
  14. Not trying to stir things up here' however how is this thread not getting the flak that the guy in the Video awhile back took.! I appreciate the fact that the OP is new to shooting but to leave a Duck until later on only to find it was still alive is not good practice. Surely without the use of a dog to retrieve the birds immediately it was up to the Shooter to go and do so as soon as they were shot. Anyway I'l leave it at that. Lightly pricked Geese and Ducks can present dfficulties at times to despatch cleanly.They are certainly tougher birds than pheasants,pigeons ect. There are a number of acceptable ways of despatching birds and each man has his own way. When I was a young boy and out with my Father I remember him despatching Duck's similar to the way you would a rabbit with a karate type chop to the back of the head and on a few occasions I remember the head coming clean off. I wasnt a fan of this as I felt it spoiled the prize for taking home. I have used the grab the neck and Spin the body on fowl, and also strecthed their necks by hand and also a couple of times with Canada geese put my foot on their neck and then grapping their paddles and arm around the body and stretch until the neck broke. Of all the methods I much prefer a priest. I have made several different size 'In thickness" Wading staff's and I have peared them down so as 8 inches of Copper pipe of different sizes can be squeezed 'Actually hammered onto and up the bottom end of the stick. I then hammer on a washer screw to the end of the stick. I used copper roof slate tacks and the finished job looks like a big bore cartridge. The one I use for fowling is 1/2 but any of them even the thiner ones would be sufficent. One slap on the head and that is all she wrote.!
  15. Turkey,Ham and Rib of beef also. The beef I cooked last year was a fine fat marbled piece from the butchers but it was bonless. I love the Cold cuts the next day in a roll or baguette with some pickles,mustard and horseadish sauce. The usual Stuffing, veg and roasties and proper gravy made fro the meat juices. I regulary make Yorkshire puddings or 'Donegalshire puddings' I like to call them as my son loves them even midweek with Sausages and mash but wont bother for christmas dinner. Homemade fruit pavlova for dessert and will get some of my Mums 'Grannies recipe' Christmas pudding at a later date. On the Yorkshire pudding's I used to follow a well known Yorkshire Celeb Chefs recipe but now have one that gets a better seal of approval from the family. I dont mind them when they are well risen and slightly under cooked and Ive heard people say thats how they should be however the recipe i now use they are cooked nice and crisp on the outside and lovely and fluffy in the centres
  16. Marshman and Moongeese' That is some serious Bling you both have. If you both threaded up your call lanyard's with them you would put some of them Yank's you see in the dvd's to shame. Didnt Old Kenzie have quite an interesting collection he liked to show off.? I've shot a lot more ducks than I have geese but only have a been lucky with one goose being ringed. I also check any dead Swans or other birds and last year I came across one with its paddles cut off so someone had found it before me and took the jewellery.
  17. Fads is what they are. And this 'Al dente' **** gets on my goat. I listened to this phrase at the outlaws dinner table being used over and over ' all said with an air of some kind of vast knowledge and superiority until one day I couldnt take it anymore and piped up and said to a table full of Urbinites and which got a muted response. Aye thats the phrase the Italians use for it.! We have one we use in the country and that is 'Their as hard as a goats Knee". Didnt go down to well at all. The thing with any Kind of Meat that is cooked pink in the middle is to let it rest and any of the juices that runs are then put into the sauce/gravy. I personally like my steak's medium/medium well. same with duck or venision..pink in the middle but well rested. I used to have a habit picked up from my Father and that was eating a few bit's of Good quality minced beef from the butchers whilst prepping it for a meal delicious. [/url]
  18. I am Liking this. Pretty basic but looks so hearty and appetising. Good honest food is hard to beat.
  19. Was away for a few days and didnt get home until after 9 Saturday night and The Quigg fight was already underway and at round 4 in the bout. I think the less said about the 'Main event' the better.! And as for' A.J. Vs Klitschko well it does absolutely nothing for me. Had it been David Haye lined up to fight Joshua then it would have created much more of an Interest. Really enjoyed the 'Slugfest' between Chisora and Whyte. Now thats what you call a Heavyweight clash and the best I have watched in a long time. I rewatched the whole Quigg fight and glad to see him back in the ring and he had a good stoppage. I think Scott Quigg feels he has some unfinished business to attend to and i wish him well with it. He is far to good of a fighter to just fade away after one narrow defeat on points. I expect him to be challenging for a title in 2017. And well done Katie Taylor, She outboxed a very game opponent for a points victory so its onwards and upwards for K .T.
  20. Well charlie Boy.! I suppose you didnt happen to catch any of the UTV or BBC NI newes Tonight.? 'Although they are a few days behind with the Story' Donegal in the NW Coast of The Irish Republic in the province of Ulster has been voted 'The Coolest place on the planet' Yes I repeat 'ON THE PLANET' to Vist by National Geographic Traveller for 2017. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-38180228 Sure it comes as no Surprise really' to us here who live in Gods own County. But now the Rest of the World will also know
  21. He was a Mongrel Marshman' which is probably the reason for his longevity. I will try and dig out a photo and reply fully to your post in the near future
  22. Really.? That's a new one on Me.Much prefer chocolate or ice cream for that sort of thing But whatever floats ones boat
  23. Well I did talk myself into it earlier in the day. Sorry fellas who think its naff. Nothing special just an ordinary Midweek Dinner/Tea. Chicken &ham pie with homemade Chips and raw onion which i like with chips and Mayo. Have to say it was 'Seriously Good' Tim Kelly-It is still possible to get Daddies in both brown and red
  24. Nice read Marshman and again lovely looking Dogs.Glad he is coming on well for you. I used to love the black Lab's and my first own real fowling Dog was a black Lab cross who I had for 18yrs. I have a few colletor plates still hanging on my Mothers walls of black labs' one of which is a large Roast size type plate with the picture being very similar to your photo. The old Pro and the apprentice. I then upgraded to a Chessie 'lol' Which like your old boy spends most of his time against the radiator' although when he see's me reaching for his lead or putting a coat or wellies on he leaps goes nuts and still leaps into the Van with no hesitation. Best of luck with him and hope you both have many happy flights together in the future.
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