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Everything posted by SuperGoose75

  1. Some nice shooting there and looks a nice fresh day to be in the field. thanks for posting.
  2. Some great calls DM. Stephens should have really finished Frankie when he put him down. Credit to Edgar though, He used his speed,wrestling and experience to get the win. Karolina won a lot of fans last night.She was always gonna be up against it against someone like Joanna but she never lay down and had the Champ rocked. iguess its a case in both fights that the Cream always comes to the top. Disappointed to see Meisha get beat and announce her retirement. But I think she had lost her drive and didnt really want it anymore.She didnt seem right even against Nunes. Romero comes across a bit like Hendo. Although Weidman was domanating the fight, You just knew that when Romero did fully engage it was gonna be explosive. An absoloute animal that will go after Bispings strap for sure. How Wondeboy survived that onslaught and guiloteen attempt was just unreal, Compelling Stuff. Well what more can I say about McGregor' other than he is the Man. Super slick striking and so glad he knocked Alvarez out in such fashiion for the way he disrespected the Irish . And also for bursting my Bubble by saying there was no such thing as Santa Claus
  3. I have issue's with my computer and it wont play your video but i watched the previous one on the page no problem as it was a link. Looking forwrd to watching it and will try herself's pc tomorrow.
  4. Ok' I will make this my last post also as not to spoil it for you until you watch it. Time for some more caffiene to help stay awake.
  5. You would never encounter pigeons in them numbers over here. Some excellent shooting there and an eye wipe by Munchers bro. Looks like a Fabarm in action there but slightly different to mine. An enjoyable watch and its a shame about the Fowling ones that i think most enjoyed.
  6. Not long to go now. And after a very busy day I could easily hit the hay. I had intended to get a few hours kip but to late at this stage. I'm going to go against another one of your predications Dangermouse. Jeremy Stephens looked an absolute Beast at the weigh ins and I think he could give Frankie a world of trouble . Frankie is gonna have his work cut out for him with this fella and he may have the last laugh after all. Ref- Cupcake and the bulldaggers. I am a happily married man and have my own little Cupcake to brighten up my evening's anytime i want Miesha is just a fantasy..But damn she is fine.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av2Ix3ETWjc
  7. The loaf tin could work.! However I was using the lasagne process as an example of layering. Your best bet IMO would be to after layering, Tie the whole lot up butcher style with some string and maybe some metal Skewers . I'm sure you already know the process of flattening out the breasts but just in case.. Put your breast between some Clingfilm and batter out to desired thickness using Rolling pin or even a can of Beans,peas ect. I'm liking Islandgun's idea of the Red/cranberry jelly. You could also use some 'Caul fat' to wrap around instead of Bacon or even bind it with the fat before also wrapping in bacon. Not only would this help keep the meat moist it would also help secure the whole thing. Best of luck with it whatever you decide.
  8. How about tenderizing the breasts ie flattening them out with a meat hammer or rolling pin and layer them up like a lasagne. Starting with the biggest and then a layer of stuffing or a mushroom paste such is used for beef Wellington and then the smaller breasts and so on.Finish with a good wrapping of streaky bacon or pancetta and roast. Just and idea.
  9. I see his face most days as I have a large professionally framed print of the Magnificent 7 hanging on the wall. He played a great roll as the troubled Gunslinger Lee. R.I.P
  10. Damn that. Cowboy fight now pulled as well. Gastelum didn't make the weight.
  11. OH Yes' Its getting ever closer. Been looking forward to this card since it was announced and will be doing an all Nighter. I had a few options available to me last saturday Night. Go to bed early and get up for morning flight. 2. Stay up and watch Ferguson v RDA and Pacquiao v Vargas and in the end due to some health issues,I went to bed early and had a bit of a lay in Sunday. I watched the Ferguson v Dos Anjos fight on sunday evening and have the Pacman v Vargas on at present here. I was routing for RDA as I dont like Ferguson and it was a decent Fight. Got to give it to Ferguson though despite Dos Anjos having a couple of good rds' The height and reach of Ferguson and skill set of his MMA was just too good. Hes a dangerous fighter for anyone in the division. I would love to see McGregor fight Ferguson if he overcomes Alvarez but would think if being honest,That ferguson has too much for Conor. I mentioned before that I would worry for McGregor in the LW division,Given the fact their is so many Animals in it. Before the rematch with Diaz' I would not have fancied Conor's chances with Edward,However after seeing his performance against Diaz I would be more confident of him doing well. Your right about keeping it Standing though, Alvarez is a dangerous fighter who can wrestle and bang also.I think McGregor Can and will try and take him out early but this is no walk in the park and if Alveraz gets it to the ground McGregor could be in trouble. I was very impressed with Conors take down defence against Diaz though. i would say this is a 50/50 fight for sure. The fact that its on the east coast tells us that there is going to be a massive Irish presence out there and they will make a lot of Noise in Edwards back yard that may unsettle him a bit. Should be good. I would agree with most of your predications, but hope your Wrong about the Hottie "Cupcake" Tate. She is such a babe. I also fancy an upset between the two Polish ladies. I think Karolina can beat Joanna as she is a very similar fighter and wont gas as quick as Claudia did. Should be a cracker. Saturday/Sunday morning cant come quick enough. Just one other thing ' That name you have down v Frankie Edgar Who the **** is dat Guy.?
  12. Cheers Robert. And put my name on the list for a Copy of your book please. A signed copy of course.
  13. Great stuff iano. I also have baked a lot of homemade bread. From Sourdoughs loaves,made by by my own starter and using flours like rye and spelt. I also make a lot of Pizzas,focaccia,and use the pizza dough for calzone's. i havent baked bread in awhile as my last pizza stone cracked but as i got a new one for my birthday just past,It is time to get back into it. I do find baking on the stone makes all the difference. As for brown bread recipes. I will include one here from my Old School Mate and Cousin' The Celeb Chef who doesnt like Salt.I'm sure you have heard of him or seen him on the TV.He is big buddies with Rachael Allen. On that' if you can get hold of one of the big thick Ballymaloe cook books there are lots on Bread in there. When all is said and Done.I find it is hard to beat the straight forward Irish Soda Bread either White or Wheaten. Simple ingrediants and can be knocked up in no time. I know you are not supposed to eat it straight from the oven hot, but I let it cool but not completely and load it with lashings of butter and that my friend takes some beating. Also if you get Neils' Soda bread flour..There is a recipe on the side of the packet for a Soda fruit loaf which include eggs an is baked in a low oven for an hour and it is beautiful with a good Cheddar and some relish. Healthy brown bread. Ingrediants 125g plain flour tsp of bread soda pinch of salt 350g whole wheat flour 20g sugar 275ml buttermilk 150g natural yoghurt 1 egg 25g butter Method pre heat oven to 210c. Use a bowl and wooden spoon 'Do not use mixer' Sieve flour,bread soda & salt,then add whole meal flour,sugar and mix thoroughly. Rub in butter,beat egg and yoghurt together.Add buttermilk to make up 425ml.Add liquid to dry flour to form a deliberete wet mix. ( At this stage you can add two mashed bananas if you wish) Grease two 1lb loaf tins and drop mix in half filling each tin. do not pat down as this tightens the resulting bread. bake in oven for 40 mins and allow to cool before slicing. You can also replace 100ml of the buttermilk with Guinness. I had Guiness bread once in a local restaurant with Seafood Chowder and it was delicious and I intend to make it myself.
  14. Yeah' But are you a dedicated Wildfowler though.? You may have noticed that I mentioned in my post that i did not like Rough shooting in the rain,Neither would I enjoy sitting in a Hide shooting pigeons or crows in the rain. The OP posted this on the Wildfowling page.Had he posted it elsewhere I would not have commented. Wildfowling is a completely different aspect to other forms of Shooting and most dedicated wildfowlers I know' Myself included' would not be put off by the Wet stuff. The Fouler the Weather' The better the Fowling as they say.
  15. Anser2, apoligies if you took offence to my post. It was a lighthearted Dig/Bit of banter to the Young ,big strapping lad that is Motty. I am only too aware that you are a Veteran of the sport and also of your recent health problems' hence i did not Quote your post. Im sure you are also aware from elsewhere "other forums" that i deeply respect you as a Wildfowler and a person whom probably Knows more about Wildfowl than most others do and I have learned so much from your posts over the yrs and its not very often i would disagree with anything you post. After all your yrs spent chasing Fowl in all conditions you have every right to pick and choose when you find it most enjoyable. Aplogies again if i offended you' it was not my intention. Reabrook- That is very true. Many mornings the alarm awoke me to rain pelting off the bedroom windows and it took a fair effort to pull myself out.There was a time that it would not have deterred me at all though. Driving to the destination with the wipers on full and arriving and jumping out without hesitation and you could even see the dog could have happily stayed in his Box at home. I remember one flight' where it was absolutely pelting it down at evening flight and i noticed two other shooters hunched up like two old herons with there back to the squall' whereas i face into it and loving every minute of it. No doubt probably a bit fool hardy but i honestly loved being out in the elements. Nowadays due to changed circimstances I could just as easily knock the alarm off and pull the duvet over my head and go back to sleep if the rain was lashing off the windows. That all said' the temperature has dropped over here also and we had a Wet squally weekend and i have been sitting in front of the log burner for most of it due to a banjaxed knee and other unexplained health issues which will require a visit to the docs. But i have high hopes for some nice Wintry flights in the coming weeks.
  16. You surprise me Motty. I hadnt you down as a lightweight I have to say i never quite understand all this talk about expensive Waterproof Fowling Jackets and neoprene waders' Then the amount of people who are afraid of a bit of rain :hmm:It only goes as far as the skin ye know I know at my most dedicated Hail,rain or Snow wouldnt deter me from Fowling. In fact I have had some memorable flights in heavy down pours. It still wouldnt stop me'Infact i would relish it. Fowling aside' I get no pleasure at all Roughshooting in Heavy Rain.
  17. I wouldnt class myself as a major Tennis fan and my interest is limited to The French open "roland garros" and Wimbleldon so my opinion might not account for much. I am not a fan of the Man at all and have no clue how the Ranking/Points system works to be considered the World Number 1 tennis player . But the way I see "could be well off the mark" is that' this is a case of being World Number 1 on paper only . For me 'A fit and healthy' Novak Djokovic is Not only a far superior Tennis player but also a more likable person who oozes Class on and off the court. If i was a betting man and Murray was playing Djokovic Ten times back to back' My money would bet the "Serb" woud win at least 8 out of the 10 matches.
  18. Firstly' I was not Knocking Chris Green. I enjoy watching his dvd's especially the coastal Footage. I was merely pointing out to Walker570' whom mentioned about High fiving,Fist pumping and yahooing and it is clearly evident in his Dvd for all to see. It would make you curious as where they got he inclination to behave in such a manner.Surley it backs up what has been said about the American stuff having a rub off. Anyway I feel this is getting off topic in hand' but was a point worth making. Now where to Start..? I can understand where Motty is coming from but at the same time I would be more inclined to agree with Reebrook regarding the use of a Dog.Having a dog present is all part and parcel of it for me' whither he is called upon to make a retrieve or not. However there are circumstances where it is possible to shoot without the use of a dog.And their are Fowlers of high Standing and Fowlers whom i would Class as the very best kind of Fowlers who have openly admitted on here that they went Fowling on occasion without a dog for one reason or another. Like Motty said' it was low water and it could be said to be acceptable to go withoiut the use of a dog in this instance. However there is a number of potential problems that still could have arisen in this situation that may have required the use of a dog. Now this man made his way out for a dawn flight and the geese he Shot at where well within Range and he Dropped a bird and it was not a clean kill. Nothing too uncommon about that as I'm sure we all have encountered similar. The man in Question walked out to Goose,The goose had some life in it and tried to escape.The man then stopped it with the stick' and then hit it a couple of Knocks which i think there is a fair chance that the goose had its neck outstretched as thats what injured fowl often do.. Now would people have found it more acceptable.? IF..A dog had of been present and chased after the goose, fetched the goose back to the man' whom then took it off the dog and knocked it on the head or if he had of stooped down and picked it up and then knocked it on the head. Surley the outcome would have been the same no matter what the scenario..? Im afraid i'm going to have to refer back to yourself Mr Scruffy Dog and I quote...A dog would have taken care of the goose far better than he (or any of us) could have done alone. I would ask How..? Was the dog going to stand on his hind legs and wring the goose's neck with his two front legs and paws..? Sorry couldnt resist that one. Surley your not Suggesting that the Dog would have actually killed the goose..? At the end of the day' there is a number of recognised,Accepatable methods of despatching wounded Fowl or game and everyone has there own prefered one. No one is whiter than white and i care as much about Geese,Ducks and Wildfowling as most true fowlers do and also like to see things done properly and in keeping with the sports Morals and ethics.! It would be nice if we could always kill birds cleanly but that doent always happen.Its wildfowling warts and all. For me' I think the reaction to this is a bit OTT..But at the same time respect others opinion. It doesnt look ideal and I would agree with Walker570 that it wasnt the most sensible thing to be posting online considering he had the option of editing that particular sequence of events out of his Clip.
  19. I take it you havent watched any of Mr Green's Wildfowling Dvd's then.? If you have then you will find that them sort of Antics you mention are already happening.! I blame a lot of American youtube videos and dvd's for giving new people to the sport of Wildfowling/Goose shooting' the impression of thats the way its done or people who should know better trying to copy them. I might get shot down' but here is my take on what happened in the Video clip above. The shooter in Question doesnt come across as the most healthy individual by the sound of his breathing.A heavy Smoker or possibly a elderly man..? Whilst in no way trying to make excuses for him or arguing against the necessity of a dog whilst on the coast' it looked to me his use of the stick was to stop the goose actually escaping as he wasnt able to Run after it had it got away. I assume he then despatched the bird and chose not to show him doing so in his video clip. The correct thing to do of course in the case of having no dog was to finish it of with another shot' although maybe he wasnt anticapting the bird to be so lively as he approached it' hence the use of the stick. Well thats my take on it anyhow.
  20. Yeah' heard this on the 6pm News Yesterday evening. Their talking about Vegas' being the possible location.I'm happy about this rematch beng made" As although the First fight was pretty close,I will always maintain Frampton didn't do enough to take the Belt from Santa Cruz! One to look forward to for sure.
  21. Your Spot on there DM. And I think it is happening at a very speedy rate. I read a letter in a Boxing magazine a few yrs back sent in by a reader who was venting his disgust at some of the decisions/scorecards that was happening in the boxing world and he went on to say he was a boxing fan all his life and remembers sitting on his fathers knee watching the fights as a small boy. He went on to say because of the poor decisions and general Ducking and Cherry picking that goes on now in boxing that nowadays Kids are sitting on their Fathers knees watching the UFC. Take a couple of recent fights as an example. ! We had a cracker of a fight a couple of weeks or so back ago between Ricky Burns and Kiryl Relikh in Glasgow' a hard fought very close fight that went the 12rds and could have went either way 'For what its worth I had Burns just shading it' He did get the decision but one judge had a scorecard of 110 to 118 which was nothing short of scandalous. The weekend just past' seen the Gobsh8te Tony Bellew fight Bj flores. Flores was boxing very nicely until he got hit with a low blow straight in front of the ref's eyes. He complained to the ref who done nothing and as he was complaining Bellew took full advantage as he had every right to do so "As its well known it is is protect yourself at all times" and knocked Flores down and he never really recovered and got stopped in the next round. It may well have been the same outcome at any rate but i thought it was a disgusting bit of refereeing. On the other hand take the Bisping v Hendo fight and when Bisping delivered an obvious low blow' the Ref was superb and gave Hendo all the time he wanted to recover although it was obvious he did Milk it a bit. All the same it was good refereeing. As a lifelong boxing fan I was a slow convert to MMA but now much prefer it to Boxing and I think many World wide are of the same persuasion. Ref' Tyson Fury. I was never a fan of the Clown' and I wont miss him. I always felt a bit saddened of what had become of the heavyweight division considering all the greats of the past and what it had become with a clown such as fury being the HW champ of the world. Its just a pity it ended this way and not by someone actually knocking him clean out. PS I wouldnt call Bellew a gosh8te or Fury a Clown to their faces but i think the description fits them well enough.
  22. Tattoos are or should be a personal thing and should be something that means something to yourself and if that is the case who cares what other people think. As you did ask for opinions' I think it looks OK' although i wouldnt exactly class it as a Sporting Scene. Cant help thinking "Block Busters" when i look at it but as i say as long as your happy with it' thats all that matters.
  23. Its permissible to use Lead in the Republic on Wildfowl as it never was and hopefully never will be banned. Of course its Acceptable to shoot Ducks as they rise. Ever hear of "Springing Teal" on the clay grounds.? Thats what Teal will usually Do when disturbed' Spring up into the air. Also its why its called Walked up Shooting/Roughshooting..You are walking up Flushing game or Wildfowl to and present a shot. I used to do a lot of this when I was a teenager' Walking the River banks inthe hope of flushing Duck or spying them and then trying to get close as possible/Stalking before showing yourself and taking the shot. In the States they would call this 'Jump Shooting'. I used to have great fun with the Teal. I would flush the Ducks and take a couple of Shots and then the teal would Circle and fly up and down the river over head several times offering very sporting Shots. I dont do this anymore as I dont get any pleasure from it' even on the Shore I would often rise ducks from the drainage dykes but The Gun stays in the slip until i get settled down and await the flight proper. However thats just me' but as i said it is totally Acceptable to take the ducks as they fly away. 32grms of number 5 in fibre wad will do you well and maybe nuber 4 in your second barrel.. Walk up and flush them' let them get out to 30ish yrds and take your shot. Concentrate on one bird and dont rush your first shot..Take your time and if the first bird falls you should have time for a 2nd shot on another. I have shot many R&L's at both Mallard and Teal in this way and used to often stalk Wigeon on the shore also and take Shots as the Rose up. Go for and report back on how you faired.
  24. I honestly think it is something that is in the Blood of some people. Some have likened it to a form of madness' which i think there is some truth in.! I have recently set up an Account on Facebook' 'To see photo's of what the Kids are at up to at School' and also joined a couple of Widfowling groups which I havent posted on. It seems the thing for a lot of Shooters is to be pictured looking very happy behind big bags of geese shot inland. Now its not for me to say what is right or wrong as its up to them what makes them happy but its a far cry from what I consider Wildfowling to be all about. There are better Men with words than me to describe the emotions Wildfowling can conjure up' but two pieces that come to mind and how i would feel about it all are 'Bonxies' Chapter in J. Youngs book A Pattern of Wings and 'BB's Book The Shooting mans beside book where he takes a Quotation from J.G. Millais's book The wildfower in Scotland. One thing I can say is' that it has taking up a large part of my existence and there was a time that if i wasnt Fowling' I was thinking about Fowling and if i wasnt thinking about it,i was reading about it and if i wasnt reading about it,I was writing about it, and if i wasnt writing about it I was talking about it and if i wasnt talking about i was getting ready for it. Yes I was obsessed and i think this may have something to do with the madness I mentioned. Im not as bad now as i think i have done to much Fowling to be considered healthy. However i wouldnt change it for anything.The person who can appreciate Wildfowling for what it really is' is a very lucky man indeed and will have seen things the ordinary shooter will not encounter and as above will have many memmories and stories to tell that will stay with him forever.
  25. Just a word of caution if you have not already purchased a pair' and that is to get a size bigger than your actual shoe size. I have two pairs of Snowbees for many years and I mde the mistake with the 1st pair of getting my actual shoe size. They really hurt my feet and i dont have broad feet or anything but even with thin socks they where a pain. I bought a camo pair a size bigger and they were perfect. I only used the first pair as backups and worn if the others got really wet. I;ve read of people buying really exspensive pairs and them only lasting a season or two.? I honestly dont know what they be doing with them.Ive spent yrs and countless flights in my Snowbees, Clambered through briars and over barb wire in them and yes i did need to patch them a few times but they have stood me well. I always hang mine up after flight which may add to their longevity.i am due a new pair and missy has ordered me a pair for my Birthday.if they are as good as my last pair i'l have no complaints.
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