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Everything posted by SuperGoose75

  1. Well its a fight we all wanted to see and it is confirmed for February in Manchester. I hope Frampton wins,But i fancy Quigg to be beat the Jackal,possibly by knockout. Cant wait for this one.
  2. I tend to agree' although it may vary what fowl do from place to place. If a gale is strong enough then it will drive fowl inland even the hardier sea birds like Brent and Shelduck will seek shelter inland when it gets to Choppy on the Water. I would disagree with the OP's opening sentence that tradition states it sends Birds onto the foreshore' unless of course as Anser2 points out they find some sheltered creek. When winds are forecast here' it is not uncommon to see loads of gulls about inland even before the real winds start. For me there is nothing better than a good blow at evening flight' when ducks are flighting. It is said that a goose shot on the foreshore is worth 5 or 6 shot inland' well when it comes to duck shooting the same applies for me. Give me high fast flying Ducks 'preferably with a wind in their tale anytime, A couple of these sorts of Shots if successful ' are more memorable than any number taking over decoys with paddles down. And on most occasions' wind is a neccessity to bring geese' down to a shootable range when crossing the seawall. Yes ' there will be more miss's' but who cares..? Its what makes it Sporting' and for me that whats its all about' If i was hitting everything I shot at' it would soon loose its appeal. So give me wind anytime' as long as its not blowing Slates of the roof. Of course there are other conditions i enjoy such as' Squally weather and snow blizzards and Even still frosty weather' where i have always found Ducks' particularly mallard will fly at a shootable height' im not sure if its to do with air temperature or what' but these are my findings over the years. I am in no position to comment on Steel shot' as I can still shoot the toxic Stuff.
  3. Good vid, Enjoyed that and great retrieve by "super Ted" lol.. He really is a credit to you. Need to be bringing one on myself and am torn between another Bear or GSP. I havent done a flight this season as yet' and its mostly down to the weather' which looks much the same in your part. I know you wont shoot any ducks laying in the Scratcher' but i really dont enjoy Wildfowling in calm weather' i need it to be Cold,Wet, windy,frosty,hailing or snowing to get any pleasure from it. Hopefully plenty of that to come as this could be my boys last active season. The Browning seems to be coming up nice for you. It will be Sunday before our pheasant season opens and im looking forward to a an early start. Thanks again for posting an enjoyable vid.
  4. Stunning photos of Stunning birds. I see Buzzards nearly everyday ' but never a Rough legged one' although there was one snapped by a birder and put on a birding website and it was in a field very close to me.I have seen dead ones mounted in glass case's. The Wasp' if it is a wasp..? is interesting.I wonder is it attracted by the blood.It doesnt seem to be bothering the Buzzard. I also have never seen a Short eared owl although again they have been reported locally.They are an awesome looking Bird and i particularly like the 3rd photo up from the bottom.
  5. A good read and nice photo's and what sounds like a well earned bag of Mallard mixed with great dog work. Good stuff. That said' rather you than me with all the midges about. I simply do not enjoy Wildfowling in that type of Weather. Hats off to you.
  6. Nice write up and photos Marsh Man' and well done on your pinkfeet' esp the right and left. And they are two lovely looking dogs' I particularly like the Old fellow' he's a very handsome boy. The pinks are a dainty little goose compared to the other Quarry species' The one in the middle and possibly left look to be 1st yr birds as opposed to the bigger one on the right.
  7. Yep' thats what i use also. They may be called Wood burning stoves' but the only wood that goes in ours is when setting the fire. Two logs either side on top of the kindling,firelighters and papers and then Coal in the middle. Its topped up with coal as it heats the house' about Ten radiators. Wood just does not put up the same heat.All the Sticks i cut are used for the open fire in the living Room. Using coal really Blackens the glass' so every few days i will give it a wipe with a Kitchen sponge after doing the dishes' then spray Windowlean and scrape with a Stanley Blade and then finish with Kitchen paper and it comes up nice and clear.
  8. Well the Pumas where just to good yesterday. Hard luck to both the Welsh and Scotch' Valiant effort by both.
  9. That Vid should have came with a caution to Wear Earplugs There is some blatter off that S/A. I take it you used the none Waterproof cover..? Some nifty Shooting there.
  10. I agree regarding the All blacks and it is scary that they dont even seem to Tire. I think we would have got the same hiding as France had it been us out there tonight with them in that kind of form. Can not see them being beat. There must be some Irish over there this Weekend..I hope the Fields' is still ringing out tomorrow come 3 O Clock . And Johnny Sexton is definitely Out going by the latest newes.
  11. I was doing What most good Donegal men where Doing during the "Boom" Down Expanding and Building their Concrete Kip..! As for the Arm Wrestle,No one Won because it Didnt actually take place. The story goes.. That we where on a Site' beside the O2 arena and it was Summer time and one night when we got back to the digs' we got fed up and it being a beautiful evening myself and another eejit decided to get spruced up and head into the City for a few pints. It was back in the day when i was Younger' free and single and there was plenty of talent Walking the streets of Dublin and the Auld urge for some female company was strong. We started off doing some pubs and as you may be aware there is no such thing as a couple of pints in Ireland and The Black stuff was tasting better after each pint. We had work early in the morning but we had no wish to leave and we ended up in a Nightclub' which I recollect was Full of Polish. We got talking with some fellow and he asked us did we see O'Driscoll..? Apparently he was not in Good humour as Leinster had lost some Final. We took a Dander around and Sure enough' there was BOD sulking into his pint with a few of his mates. We approached him and My buddy who was slightly younger was all Star Struck and started blowing Smoke up his ***' I on the other hand just stood sipping on my pint and taking MR BOD in..!! My first impression was that he didnt look all that in the flesh and as i was pretty well at myself back then and we where of similar height and build and with alternating between two heavy jobs Plastering,laying Concrete with a bit of Shuttering I had two pretty good setts of guns on Me. Im have little doubt that the Drink was the reason My Machoism took over and I challenged him to an Arm Wrestle..Which in Donegal lingo would have went something like..Fancy an Arm Wrestle Sur..? He didnt take to long with his response..He cool and calmly looked at me and asked' Whats in it for Me..? A great response i thought which left me mumbling something before shaking his hand and leaving him in peace. Well and truly put back in my box..He probably got that kind of thing all the time and wasnt going to give me my 5 mins of glory. A class act. I often think how i should have shown the Man' Who gave his all and put his body on the line time after time for the Green Jersey more Respect. And if i was a betting man' I dont think i would have put my weeks wages on myself beating him. And oh how we suffered the next day..Striking Wooden Shutters in a blistering heat. Apologies for the story telling interlude ' really looking forward to all the Weekends rugby.
  12. From what I seen of him, Pascal Pape is one hard Nut and an Animal of a Man and not somebody who goes down easy.However it is hard to feel any sympathy for him after what he done on Heslip and he was also involved in Both' O'Mahony's and O'Connells injurys although both of them where Fair tackles.
  13. Sorry redditch' Im not jumping on the Band wagon nor im i an expert when it comes to Chokes ect but there is something not right with what your putting. I know there is not a lot of difference in a Metre and a good yard..by my calculation a metre is somthing around 3 feet. But killing birds clean at that distance through open chokes is just not right. I tend to agree with Wigeon man's comments on ehtics ect.. Tighter chokes are required for birds at that distance and even that is pushing things. I cant see how you can claim to get good patterns at that kind of distance with open chokes' I can only imagine how patchy they would be' not to mention the pellets running out of Steam.
  14. In fairness to him, that was one Meaty right hook he took..Would have counted out many a Pro boxer. Good seeing him get a taste of his own medicine all the same' especially after what he done to Heslip.
  15. I dont know him either, other than watching him play rugby on telly throughout the years. The only encounter ive had with an international Rugby player was with BOD when I challenged him to an Arm wrestle in a Nightclub in Temple bar Dublin years ago..But thats another Story. O' Brien was lucky considering the man he hit got 10 weeks for his 6 nation Dirty act. I agree though' when you look at some clips of Rugby of old there was a lot of worse stuff that went on and not a word about it..Was all part of the game, similar to Ice hockey when a good tear up was a certainty. Nowadays being a professional carries the burden of setting good examples and towing the line and not much goes unpunished.
  16. Well its Sad newes to hear it confirmed that our big captain's World Cup is over and also sad that his Ireland career should end in this way' when there was every chance that it could have ended on a high with possibly a World Cup final appearance at least. A massive loss' of course their are others' as was evident in the last game that can step up to the mark when called upon, but how much better the chances would have been with Big Paulie lining out. P. o' Mahony is another big loss' but at least Sexton should be ready to go on Sunday. S o' Brien is lucky to get only a one Week ban and 'IF' we manage to get past the pumas then he would be available for the Semi. For what its worth' and possibly Im wrong in saying it' but for me he didnt Hit the Big **** half hard enough..And i find some of the comments on the youtube clip laughable 'calling the Irish cheats..The French have some nerve calling anyone Cheats I can tell you..! Anyhow' looking forward to a Weekend of entertaining Rugby' hopefully.
  17. Get in there Rob Kearney' What a player..And the beefed up "Nicky Byrne from Westlife is playing a blinder since coming on for Sexton despite the missed conversion. Long way to go yet' but these boys are up for it..Big O'Connell's injury doesnt look good but Im sure Sexton will be back. hopefully both are OK.
  18. Right its nearly Time to See where Ireland are really at with the toughest game in the pool getting ever closer. Come on Schmidt's Men' you can do it..Would love to be in Cardiff as the atmosphere looks electric, Goose bumps will start with the anthems. Come on Ireland.
  19. Yeah it is illegal Here in the Republic and you also cant shoot a Corvid or any bird for that matter with a rifle.
  20. I have the raw tomato thing also..It brings on eczema on the skin of my shins' the only place on my body that it effects. I also get an outbreak with certain brands of Ketchup and Hp brown sauce is one of the worst. Thing is i love tomato;s and cant have a sausage sandwich without Hp sauce' so often just suffer the concequence's. No probs with oysters though. A splash of tabasco and a squeeze of lemon and accompanied with a Glass of the black stuff is hard to beat.
  21. If i were you' Id just buy one decoy and dress "Black tie" and sit out in the middle of the field' they'l come no problem. Only joking' sorry for being a smart ***. Half a Dozen decoys may be all you need, If the geese have not been shot up to much. If they are coming to the field from the reservoir on a regular basis like you say' then there is no reason why 6 decoys wont do. They will be coming regardless' so want you want to do is get them where you will be hidden. Place your 6 decoys keeping them well apart' 3 or 4 yards should do. A call would be a good aid and im pretty sure they will come for a look see. And remember to take your shot when they are in range' For me thats what decoying is about' getting the birds into range for a shot. What you see in them American Dvd's for me is pretty stupid. Loaded up with the heaviest shot possible and then punching holes in geese 5 to 10 yards up. Take your shot when they present themselves and if you get a couple then you can add them to your spread. There are other options if you have the time to make some silhouettes or even flat oval shape cut outs painted black and white to add to your half dozen. You mention good flightlines' well if you get yourself under them' you may not even need decoys. Good luck.
  22. Just seeing your reply Ollie. Thanks' I really must get a mincer of some description' sooner rather than later.
  23. Cheers Ollie' yeah im pretty happy with the Camera although it has yet to be tested in the Wind and rain. Roost shooting offers very testing targets' but sure thats what we want. Thanks for your comments and pointers regarding the Camera.
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