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Everything posted by SuperGoose75

  1. What a brilliant Scrap Linares v Crolla was. Really enjoyed this one and i dont think the outcome can be disputed "unlike the previous bout on the card" Although it was a tough one to call in fairness. Really have to admire Linares boxing skills, A well 'Run in' oiled Machine, Silky Smooth and a Joy to watch. One of the best fights i've watched this year and up there with the Jamie Conlon v A. Nelson Fight a few months back. I believe plans for a rematch are already in Place. Just to add' I found Paulie Malignaggie's unbiased commentating a real Breath of fresh air.!
  2. Well that just confirms to Me' That my initial thought was Correct.! And that was that your post was of a condesending Nature. Like and I quote "Who are these legit MW;s he has knocked down.?" Sure if you have followed his Career you already knew you were right' you could have just corrected me on the matter. You seem apt at telling me' what i should have said.. When thats all you had to do instead of being so patronizing' As for the laughing..Regardless of its at fact or opinion' The subtle difference is' You Did and I didnt. I was speaking hypothetically. Was me saying that you where "Technically correct" Not good enough for you or concise enough for me to say I was wrong..? And I dont get whats "Classic" about me saying So what..? Regardless of it was WW's or MW's he was knocking out it Still doesnt change my opinion that he would beat the 3 boxers I mentioned or Does it change how I respect Khan or brook for that matter. So il leave that one with you. You seem pretty Hung up on these weights considering there is not a world of difference between SWW and LMW.It is not a major task for fighters between 150 pounds and 160 pounds to move up or Down and Did Canelo not Fight a few catchweight fights that where as good as Middle weight fights.? True its a different story making fights between LW/WW and SMW fighters' thats where there is a notable difference. And as for the "Only a Fool" remark..It was not directed at you personally' it was more of a generalisation..! I aslo think Golovkin would beat Canelo' however it surly would be his toughest test to date. How do you beat Golovkin..? Well its either Knock him out or Out Box him for 12 and get the decision,Neither of which is going to be an easy task. One thing that can be said about Canelo and indeed Lemieux is that they are still young enough and have room for improvement whereas Golovkin is surly at his peak. Canelo has fast hands and power' But could he hurt Golovkin and take his power.? Well thats what we all want to find out.! Lemieux' had said after the GGG fight that he just didnt feel right and couldnt get it going on the night' well i suppose many say that in fairness' but I liked lemeuix in his last fight and i reckon if he could connect with a big right hand then he could really test Golovkin's Chin. He beat a medicore at best fighter..? Well that may be true enough but again you could pretty much say the same about alot Golovkins opponents . Its just a pity some of the best of the Super 6 guys are no longer about in the division' Froch,Kessler,Dirrell and Ward would surley have been stiff test for him although he probably would have smoked them also with the exception of Andre Ward. Anyhow its bedtime, It was noted that you be on Boxing forums "Something I dont be" But Ive always been a boxing fan and although Ive missed some yrs due to personal reasons and also when Sky took over most of the fights' when the only way of seeing a big fight was down the Local. I used to buy The Ring magazine " and I aslo used to but 3 shooting mags a month but dont get any now and my free time is very limited for a number of reasons "its actually a novelty' getting some time to be on here at times' but I try to watch as much boxing as I can and try and keep up to date as much as i can' as i have many other interests that require attention. I am far from a Boxing expert but do like talking about it and although over the hill' I still like to do a bit of training when time allows. So if the intention of your post was to show you have superior Boxing Knowledge' Then I bow to that fact..But I wont be losing any sleep over it
  3. Your easily amused fella Considering 'that I could have quite easily put multiple "Lots of Laughs" to you saying Canelo doesnt carry that much power and of your assessment of Canelo's performance. How and ever that aint My style so Hey Ho' as they Say. You are "Technically"correct in what you Say' but So what..? It doesnt change one iota and I stand by what I have Put. For me Canelo Whup's all three names I mentioned and Golovkin whup's the other two having already beaten Brook. The only other name i would put in the mix and would threaten either Golovkin or Alvarez is the Canadian Banger' David Lemieux. Yes Golovkin has already fought and stopped him ' but I would like to see another fight between the two as i think Lemieux has improved and would be better equiped this time around. He might not beat Golovkin but I feel he would give him a better test. I would also like to see Groves have a go at GGG' He could give him a seriious rattle I feel. I am a Golovkin Fan' and IF/When Alvarez and him Fight I will be routing for GGG but only a Fool would write off Canelo as a serious threat. At the end of the Day' As a Boxing fan I think most would agree we would like to see Competitive Fights and not One sided ones. True, Golovkin is an 'Animal' and is feared and has destroyed all put in front of him so far and its not his fault no one wants to fight him. But if he can take fights like Brook or Canelo taking fights like Khan then surley there is a Case for Golovkin to take a Chance.He wants to unify the division' fair enough. It will be intereting to see how the LHW bout between Andre Ward v Sergy Kovlaev pans out and if Ward wins or loses' It will be interesting to see what his next move will be' because there is a fight right there for Golovkin. If GGG is willing to fight the likes of Brook' although it was Brook who took the Challenge' then surley he can Meet Ward somewhere in the middle. Rumour has it that Golovkin dropped Sergy' in Sparring which would not surprise me one bit' So he Should have no Qualms about getting in with Ward. There is Three boxers who I really like..Golovkin,Alvarez,Ward..All really humble ,Likable Fighters who do their talking in the Ring. As for the Ukrainians' they are churning out some really skillful fighters who are a joy to watch. Noted Mr Lomachenko in Usyk's corner on saturday night. Anyhow' its all fun and game's and there should be plenty to look forward too and we have the prospect of an Exsplosive,All action heavyweight fight between Fury and Klitschko to look forward to
  4. Despite what I said' I set the alarm for 5am and after a 10min Snooze I slipped downstairs.By the time i got the kettle and the box on it was the start of the 2nd Round. I thought it was an excellent performance by Canelo. He dominated nearly every round and never really looked in any trouble.Smith got through with some good shots but they had no effect on Alvarez. Blistering hand speed,Fast,powerful combo's and the trademark uppercut was finding there marks. He had Smith down 3 times..Head shot and two big body shots.There was no way he was getting up from the second of these. Overall' A very convincing win for Canelo. One thing I will say' is I have even more respect for Amir Khan and like him even more. Canelo is a beast' Knocking out legit MW's and for Khan to come up two weights and even though he got his 'Glass Jaw' Knocked sparko he made no excuses and took his defeat well unlike Brook and Smith who come across as sore losers. People where saying' Brook should fight the winner of lastnights fight..Well IMO Brooks,BJS,and Eubank jr are only Cannon Fodder for the best two MW's in the world right now and that is Gennady Golovkin and Canelo Alvarez. They may get there big money fights but none of them stand a chance against these two. I would still fancy Triple G but it would be no walk in the park like some think. Alvarez is young strong,has power and speed and it would be Some fight and one that should happen before its two late to be the fight all boxing Fnans want to see. The reply of last nights fight is coming up on Boxnation soon if anyone is interested. On a side note; A Great CW title fight also took place last night an aother Ukrainian superstar in the making in the form of Oleksandr Usyk who defeated the WBO Champ Krzystof Glowacki in his own back yard. Watch out the Scouse star of Creed. aka Tony Bellew.
  5. Dont think I could agree that Canelo Alveraz doesnt carry that much power considering his KO percentage. I think Joe Gallagher is already making exuse's before the fight even happens;Smith from what Ive seen of him is a very good boxer' but im going for a Knockout win by the Stocky' Irish looking fella 'lol on Mexican independence day. Wont be getting up to watch this one live' as Missy is away this weekend on Work training and im left with the Kid's. Smith should give a good account of himself but as I say i think Canelo will KO him. Dont think he would be any good against Golovkin though' but I like most really hope this fight will happen sooner rather than later.
  6. Sorry to hear' Woody is No longer with you.Where does the time go eh..? It doesnt seem all that long ago When I was reading of your excitment about getting Him as a Pup. He had a good life doing what he was bred to do and im sure you have many fond Memories of him. Yeah my Old Boy's best days are well and truly behind him' but try telling him that..lol,. He thinks he is a Forever Young dog. When the light dtarts to fade he will start his spoiled crying looking to get out for his nightly runaround and when he gets into the baesment he is straight to the hanging' game bag,gunlips,waders ect for a sniff and the tail goes crazy. He is very fit for his age and still leaps up into the van like a teenager and still loves to retrieve'Although his hearing is going. Its only a easy less than 5 minute walk from the van and maybe a short Wade/Swim for the dog to the flighting spot on the brackish Marsh' so he is well capable of that and the water retrieves should they present themselves' will still be met with the usual Chessie enthusiasm. All being Well' I have another one coming in the Spring. Keep them Videos coming.
  7. Nice Video and good shooting Alan' And what more can I Say about Ted other than he is an A1 Retriever. Your little Mini Castles look Good.Lol..I suppose you have to be extra careful with your gun' leaving it down easy etc..Some wrack and a bit of netting around the top would give you some cushion. Havent ventured out as yet.Im afraid September shooting just does not do anything for me any more'Far to warm and no where near cold enough for me. I am planning a few easy early October flights more to get the Old boy out for some nice handy retrieves on some brackish water. Thanks for posting and enjoy the rest of the Season and look forward to more of your Clips. SG.
  8. Thanks for the detailed response Gadwall, Very interesting.! I will PM you when I get some free time. Thanks again and apoligies to the OP for going Off topic.
  9. I did hear Hearn 'Although he came across,Toungue in Cheek" saying that the UK Fans should boo Triple G. I do get the whole 'Making it a Hostile environment' thing..! But Chanting 'who are ya.? To a Multiple World champion such as Golovkin is nothing short of cringeworthy I'm pretty sure they will Know exactly who he is and what he is all about in a few hours time Must take the dog out before the light beats me and then My nephew and his Doll are coming and will settle down with a bottle of something for the Big one. GGG by KO between 3 and 7.
  10. Just Curious Gadwall41...Giving your Location and the fact it is still legal to use the "Toxic stuff" here' and the fact you are usiing After market Chokes in your gun and seem to have Quite a collection of them as I recall a photo of some of your chokes you use that you posted on here. Do they give you any advantage over factory chokes whilst using lead.? As was mentioned i always thought they were designed specifically for non Toxic Shot such as steel. Or Do you choose to shoot Steel whilst out Fowling..? As already mentioned' just curious 'Thats all. SG.
  11. A man that appreciates a bit of Quality also. Broadland Marshes it is Then' Cheers for that Penelope.
  12. I find the Story about Michael and Bruce Buffer "The UfC Announcer" interesting' Considering they are half brothers and did not know this until later in Life. They Certainly have a great set of Lungs and Unique Voices for thhe Job and they Certainly get the blood pumping before the fights. Roll on Saturday Night.
  13. What a Beautiful Image this really is' and although it's Inland 'It really appeals to me and speaks volumes about the WildFowler. Standing' Holding his Shot Single pinkfoot' "No doubt retreieved by one of his faithful Lab's" he is Content enough Just to Stand with a smile on his face in Awe and appreciate the sight and sound of these magnificent Wild Birds in his desolate surroundings as the sun peaks over the horizon. Well worth getting up in the middle of night For. And of course the well Known Stanley Duncan Quotation. Obviously in the Fen's somewhere' Anyone know the exact Spot..? I would be interested to know. Whittelsey washes perhaps..? SG.
  14. To Answer the OP Question...IMO NO.! Its another Mismatch and I think we all know whats going on here. Brook will loss his "O" and will be another Notch on Golovkins Good Boy List. In saying that If Brook somehow "Miraculously" manages to be still there after 12 and it goes to the judges scorecards then he has every chance of getting the decision going by Some of the Scorcards of Recent Fights' which left me shaking my head in disbelief. Truth be told' I would be more excited about the fight had it been Eubank jr. I'm Not a fan' In fact I cant stand him' but I cant deny that he is a an excellant Boxer who is improving fight by Fight,is a genuine MW and has power and speed to boot. I still think GGG would smash him but it would be a more competitive fight than the one that is about to take place. I really wish I was able to have got over to this fight and Im Sure the UK fans will make themselves heard and create an electrifying Atmosphere. London make some Noise.!!AND NOW, For the Thousands in attendance'And the The Millions Watching Around the world on SSBO'PPV,Ladies and Gentlemen From the O2 arena' London' England' LLLLLLL'et'ssss get Read'ddy to RUMMMBLE..LOL At least It cant be watched at a civilised Hour' without staying up half the Night.
  15. I have a feeling this will not be a popular comment and no doubt you Lads will be thinking "Mind your own" but I'm thinking it so will say it. That closed Gun propped against the tree' whilst the hide is being put up in the first photo is drawing my attention from an otherwise great photo. I'm pretty sure it is unloaded but like for the sake of Good safety pratice would it not have being better left in the slip or at least laying on the ground with the action broken until the hide was built or taking Down which looks to be the case? Possibly something that should be highlighted to a Newbie to the sport. Other than that, Great snaps of what sounded like a great day in the field with some very happy looking Men.
  16. Well I did read the replies before I went to look at the Van and Your advice did sow a little doubt in my head. However when I looked at the van and took her for a test drive I really couldnt find any faults and the Lad who was selling it i was spot on to deal with. She was just what I was after' A little Van to scoot about in and take me from A to B. I think i will just run it on Petrol and forget about the LPG. With a hike in Diesel on the cards over here Soon' I dont think it will make much of a difference for what i need it for. Thanks for your replies and info' Was much appreciated
  17. Well whats peoples take on these then..? To be truthfully Honest' I knew very little about this LPG stuff until recently. I'm going to have a look at a tidy looking "From photos" Vauxhall Combo tomorrow morning. It will be mostly for my shooting and dog and general country Activities and the odd small Job. I have really missed my Transit since I took her off the road due to the outragous tax system over here. Anyway This little Van seems perfect' she just passed the MOT this morning and looks very Tidy .Its plylined and has a bulk head which I like' as the Transit has one' which i will sell to offset a smaller van. So they seem pretty enconomical going by what I read on LPG..Any thoughts on these dual fuel Vechicles..? Had a look and drive in a Berlingo today' ut she wasnt for me. Been taking the Dog in the boot of the Wifes work hatchback as its barred from the family car and its not going down well despite me putting down a Dog cover and hoovering it out after Im Finished. I still use the Transit to go through some old lanes to fields ect but Cant take her out on the main Roads so use the car when going to Water. So any thoughts on these LPG's then Good or bad..? Thanks in advance as i will be Shutting down the laptop and will check for replys on the phone later and will report back tommorrow if i buy the Van. Cheers SG.
  18. Enjoyed the Write up's and photos.Great stuff.
  19. An all the Best yourself Marsh man and good luck for the coming Season. Hope you have a memorable one. Early season sport does not overly appeal to me anymore, But I was still up predawn and heard the opening shots of the season from my bedroom window. Im planning a few easy Fights over the next few weeks' more so to take my old boy who is still pretty active for his age "although his hearing is going" out for hopefully a couple of handy water retrieves in Which will certainly be his last active season. I have no intention of over working him and with no Dog planned until the Spring of the year' I will be having a quite one. But look forward to all the reports on here. Have a good one all.
  20. Have to Say,Im a bit Disappointed with your choice of photo's.! Not one Snap of PC Plum,Edie McGready,Spencer,Josie Jump or Spencer.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlhPre4j1ss Super photo's of what looks to be a beautiful Scenic location with fantastic Wildlife.
  21. Winchester Westerns in the 10 Boxes-4's for Duck and 5/6's for Roughshooting. Havent seen them in manys a year.
  22. Good watch as always - Liked hearing you Highlight the proper procedure of tidying up afterwards..One of my pet hates is the ones who dont.!
  23. I Still take My Fathers "Well technically Mine Now" Old Stevens 3inch Chambered hammer Single barrel out a couple of times a Season Just for nostalgic Reasons.It was my First Gun as I got it Licened under my Fathers name when I was 16yrs old' although I had shot with it in the company of my Father many times before that.! I shot most of my firsts with this gun' Pheasant,Geese,Ducks,Woodcock,Snipe,pigeons,Crows and rabbits. I used to hate the fact that I hadnt a 2nd barrel after I missed many a Bird' mostly pheasants after tramping from dawn till Dusk. After I came home from manys a day out roughshooting or out for flight' My father would always Shout when he heard me coming "Hang them up" Nnowing only to well the likelihood was that I'd have nothing to hang up.I always moaned that we needed a double Barrel and he would say they are only for wasting cartridges. And if you missed with your Shot then the bird deserved to Fly on. Thats the way he looked at it and i think their was something in this as it is a Sport after all. In saying that' He would often Contradict himself as he was a very fast reloader' from his pocket. I recall once when We were walking out to flight and a Mallard suddenly Surprised us by Jumping out of a dyke and he let it get out and fired and missed with the first shot and the duck got up into the wind and double back over us and he had already ejected and reloaded and dropped the Duck with the next Shot. Well 25yrs later and She still sits in the cabinet, The hammer has been welded as it got broken,The Stock has been cracked and fixed "thats another story" and my father made and replaced the ejector from the meatal of the Springs of an Old Volkswagan Beetle " A much prized metal back then by Gunsmiths" and i have to say the one he made and fitted was much better than the original. The barrel is slightly pitted due to neglet by myself as a teenager. She sits alongside three Double barrled guns and I have thought about getting it deactivated' but I cant bring myself to do it. The last time I had her out was a windy late season Evening flight..As flight time came arrived' the Cracks of the doubles and Semi Auto's echoed around the coast. My one chance was at aPack of Wigeon that came at a nice height and My Shot sent a lovely Cock bird thudding onto the Marsh Stone dead. I walked off a very contented Man. I am at a stage of my shooting career that the size of the bag does not bother me "In truth I kinda always have been like that" I have shot Right and lefts of most things' Various Geese and duck species,pigeons, pheasants No Double at woodcock as yet though despite having Chances. The great thing about a Double barrel is the fact that you can usually manage to finish off a Bird only Clipped or winged by the first Shot and of course gives you a 2nd chacne if you miss with the first. I'l stick with my Doubles as I never have or never will own a S/A and the old Single barrel will get its anual airing to Blow off the Cobwebs and take me back to my youth.
  24. If you Cant ID them at shot height' then maybe its time to brush up on your quarry ID Fella.
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