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Everything posted by Agriv8

  1. Where are you David? agriv8 Where are you David? agriv8
  2. David assuming the calls are on a sd card or similar- in the device a spotty youth and a pc / laptop with should be able to convert these ? ( I doubt they encrypted) just need to work out what format works and put the broken ones through an audio converter) to convert into one that works? in other words a call could have the right file extension / type but the way it has been compressed to make it smaller- the fox pro may not have the ability to uncompress and play Agriv8
  3. Agriv8


    morally unacceptable to some and breaking the law are different. he has not broken the law AFAIK ! But has been tried by the media on a headline that he has. To put this in context should we name and shame everyone who has driven at 80 miles an hour on a motorway ? he paid a lad who he assumed was over age of 18 via a website for those wishing to do that sort of thing . Agriv8
  4. How far away is head office / firearms dept ? Agriv8
  5. I have a sixteen bore side by side and 3 of us on our very small shoot use sweet 16 ! The others are a 16 bore 525 black and a 16 bore rizzini round body ! cartridges are more expensive but we aim for a bag of 60 between the 10 or so guns so in reality not a game changer I take mine clay shooting to keep my eye in - but if you are shooting 50 every weekend the difference in cartridge cost and availability is going to be considerable! I have had a 16 bore itch that I had to scratch and this forum gave me the gun item to scratch it Almost sure you will find one on gun trader. Agriv8
  6. Take the cover off the button There should be a signal wire thinish bell wire if it’s of an age? test if you are getting any dc voltage with a multimeter? if you are bridge the wires does the bell sound ? AGRIV8
  7. I thought that made you blind - not your hair fall out. But me Being married 19 years I can’t remember sex- or ever thinking I was getting too much of it when I was ? I would follow 7days in a weeks advice ! Agriv8
  8. Got em on my van for getting my mum and dad in 80+ and dad has arthritis . added advantage that it protects the side of the van from them bollards that move when Mrs Agriv8 is In Morrison’s! Agriv8
  9. Agriv8


    About 10 years ago for me local doctors surgery all done vi a small hole in the nut sack i walked to my local for a pint afterwards the land lady of the local asked why I was skipping work ! She looked s bit shocked when i replied just had a vasectomy I recon I deserve a pint. got an infection due to a minor bleed a couple of days later from not taking it easy that made me wince a bit but antibiotics cleared it up ! Regards Agriv8
  10. Done - and dusted Ps the ambiguity of some of the questions- was it written by thae anti shooting lobby ?
  11. Another page and no one said why they would be a teacher - but still lots saying how cushy it is. It’s the same reason we all bash the police. all the unions are sticking the boot n it how politics flipping works. go to school and volunteer to listen to kids read watch what the average teacher has to deal with - when you have done this post back ! Agriv8
  12. So would one of the posters above swap your job do such a cushy number if not please post why ? and the shortage of teachers is only adding fuel to the problem v Mrs Agriv8 is a teacher has never striked and never will - 4 years at uni and only ever wanted to be a teacher ! go and try it and then post back if you think they are over paid ? regards Agriv8
  13. Oh crist what if the packhams of the work cotton on ! No Shooting flies within 500 yards of a ssi ! Agriv8
  14. I was going to ask the same - duckling / chick - looks s good shout Agriv8
  15. Change in loo habits. Having to go more regularly and problems stopping and starting can be indicators - simple blood test is all it takes ! for me peeing blood that looked like worms in pee doctor said unlikely but we don’t take chances! camera up the japs eye and a blood test all good - don’t chance it being cancer and getting to somewhere a damn sight more important than your prostate! Agriv8
  16. Don’t know but I have a Nikon d70 with the same problem! Th shop I trusted with my gear has now shut - they did a complete stop down and clean on my 18-200 vr lens for under £80 as I had some muck in Agriv8
  17. Agriv8


    Yep youngest in the year a July baby and as reported above runny nose and single out for being working class in an upper class schools. A few of of us all had links to beating, game keepers farmers sons One of the games masters got done for poaching- I am sure you can work out the rest ! the bully that made my life hell once squared up to me in the pub as I got served before him ‘in my local boozer’ I was sober and now 6’6 he was 5 foot and ****** as a ****. I offered to take it outside but 3 minutes of chatting he realised who I was and apologised and left the pub ! He died of a drug overdose about 3 years later ! bullying is heavily reduced in schools.but part of being bullied has made me the tough old boot i am today because the bully is now often the boss at work !?! Agriv8
  18. DiscoBob - I feel you pain - one stand on the sporting at Churchill is 5 high incomers all differently speeds / heights and possibly a mix of normal and midi. My shooting buddy eats stands like this for breakfast usually with balls of dust ! And usually a crowd complimenting him on his shooting prowess! his turn to shoot first and he had lost his usual form. I am thinking blood and sand if he’s hitting 33% - 50% I am going to end up with a duck ! It’s a presentation that is my weakness usually !?!? so we shot A B on report C D on report G G on report G G on report Did my prep worked out hold point etc ! The first 4 we’re good clean kills the 2 extra high (G) also broken not smoked em but a kill is a kill - the shooting buddy says bet your going to ace this stand while re loading first g hit second g a miss because I am thinking about the clear round on the score card on a stand where he would have easily had me ! I had him by 1 on 75 clays before we swapped to the side by sides for last 25 . if you like your sportrap Swinton has 5 we shot them as a stand from middle pen again AB on report BC on report… Mondays are 1/2 price or it would be well outside our budget. Agriv8
  19. My Spaniel took great delight in picking up a dead manky gull at Filey that I could smell 15 yards away - me Shouting her to leave it she dropped it after she saw my scowl at second attempt and proceeded to roll in it - I am sure she would have given me the two fingers if able - so we did tennis ball retrieves in the sea until she stopped stinking like a nacker wagon on hot day ! don’t think you can train it out but mine will stop doing most undesirable things when a tennis ball comes out of the pocket - one of the reasons most of my jackets have one in just in case ! Agriv8
  20. After a sunny afternoon at EJ Churchills at Swinton today me and the shooting buddy have now resorted to mind games and know each other’s strengths and weaknesses - he got in my head the last stand after we swapped clay guns for game side by sides for the last 25 ! he will normally have me by a 5 % but today I screwed the first stand up and a wobble at the second but I had a word with myself and shot my socks of I think I was a couple in the lead 75 clays in ! the main thing is to enjoy it and try and work on improving every time out we score for bragging rights nowt else and I ain’t going to chance loosing a shooting buddy of 40 some years over the scores at the end of the day ! if I dare and think about scores while in the stand my prep goes to poo and I start to tighten up and then usually rush my shot! all in all we had a cracking afternoon finished of with a pint in our local not sure I would enjoy shooting competitions regularly Agriv8
  21. Agriv8


    Rango the kids animated western is still a firm favourite of mine ! The story and direction is just truly sublime! Agriv8
  22. Thanks for the reply but a normal one is screwed onto a shaft see following photo
  23. They are but will get used to it if they need to get to food or safety. I was sceptical but it’s worked for me my rats are now skittish any slight noise or nv glow you have seconds or you are trying to shoot a moving target Agriv8
  24. Just acquired a al391 xterma max 5 and would like options to swap between current extended magazine and one that’s just an end cap . I can find lots of end caps for 2+ 1 but the max must have threads on the outer edge to allow cartridges to pass into extension tube if fitted Part numbers and exploded diagrams would help I guess thanks Agriv8 Further photo
  25. Something like a plank on end held by som bricks they may stop before going over it placed so you can see Borge sides from the door ? the ones I watch escaping over the muck heap wall from the cattle feed trays all seem to stop to negotiate a breeze block that I left there ! I was put onto the idea by an old boy farmer ! some times it’s the simple things that work worth a try ? Agriv8
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