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Everything posted by CaptainBeaky

  1. If you go this route, make sure you cool the blade frequently to avoid losing the temper, and PRACTISE ON SOMETHING ELSE LESS VALUABLE FIRST!Powered grinders give you an unrivalled ability to make bigger mistakes, faster...
  2. As light as possible. 10lb max at his draw length. Ideally get some instruction at a club - easier to learn good technique first, than to unlearn mistakes later. Shooting a bow is 90% technique, 10% strength.
  3. Actually, the "wrong ones" are 30" x 2"...
  4. Look up Abrasives for Industry: they will make up any size you want, any grit, with a big choice of belt types. I've just had a pack of 36 grit ceramic belts from them, and they are pretty good. The factory sent the wrong length to start with - one email later, and they delivered another set by next-day courier. Haven't asked for the others back either...
  5. No response from Ian (Longstrider), in afraid. Duncan at Dorset Woodland Blades would be another good option.
  6. British Blades seems to be down at the moment... There is a lad on there who is a real whizz at regrinds and sharpening - I'll see if I have his contact info
  7. See here: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/04/19/met_police_30000_gun_owner_data_breach/ The marketing company has sent out leaflets advertising Smartwater - the anti-theft marking system. Quite what is the added value of "marking your property so it can be identified" - when every legal firearm in the country is registered to its owner by serial number and description, on a searchable database - completely escapes me. I could be wrong, but I believe Smartwater was started up by an ex-Met copper: this may or may not be apposite...
  8. Aha! So that's what the problem was... Progress so far with the repair to 'Enry: The break: Clamped up: Welded: Action is now working, but rather stiff I need to straighten the bar and re-align it, but another day.
  9. Nice try... Glad the two old ladies had a good day out
  10. Is that the required calibre for generals?
  11. Relax, PS - I wasn't taking a pop at you There don't seem to be many wood-dressed MP153s around.
  12. Ok ignore the scoffers! If you check in the box you bought your Baikal in, you should find a jar of ThickSkin® Machine Mart: https://www.machinemart.co.uk/p/laser-5281-adjustable-pin-wrench/?da=1&TC=GS-040815281&gclid=CIXA6PaHpNMCFYc-Gwod8FwFnQ For tightening the disks on angle grinders. Cycle shops do these as well, for adjusting bottom brackets (try "adjustable bottom bracket tool)(and stop sniggering at the back there )
  13. It's a simple peg spanner - simple to fabricate. Or you can go a bit more sophisticated, and use a piece of 1" pipe and file the pegs into that. Other than that, York Guns may still have some.
  14. Welcome to the fun zone Errr... good - not just me then
  15. Eh? There's a thread running on here at that moment concerning a member in North Wales who has just asked for, and been granted AOLQ for his 204. Sounds like an FEO making up the rules.
  16. AFAIK, black powder proof is still in proof - you just can't (shouldn't!) use nitro loads.
  17. CaptainBeaky

    Forum idea

    I thought they were gifs of kittens?
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