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Everything posted by CaptainBeaky

  1. CaptainBeaky

    Forum idea

    If a "like" button is enabled, then it usually changes to "unlike" after you click it, allowing to reverse your decision.
  2. A visit to Tyne Cot and Ypres is well worth it. Very few things have upset me quite as much as finding my son's name on the Menin Gate.
  3. Last time I noticed, John Forsey had one in camo.
  4. Clays and rabbits here. It might not be potentially as good as an o/u or a self-loader for clays, and I take your point about breaking the rhythm when you rack the slide, but it's such fun! The only comments 'Enry the 'iggins has attracted at the local clay shoot have been of the, "that's in good nick - how old is it?" variety. Plus clearing a stand that folks with all the right gear are struggling with has a similar grin-factor to doing it with the traditional 'Baikal held together with baler twine'
  5. You do know you're not helping here, don't you? I'm still lusting after a BPS - the last thing I need is another expensive item on the wish list!
  6. BPS's are rare because not many are/have been imported. Ithacas are rare because Impala59 owns most of them!
  7. I thought the whole point of dropping the two bombs was to demonstrate the nuclear capability to the Russians?
  8. That was Davey & Sons, wasn't it?
  9. I believe it is the Secret Service who keep the President alive - they work for the Treasury, not the CIA.
  10. Chewing fingernails until this afternoon now...
  11. That would explain it...
  12. I never received mine either... 😞
  13. More a missing comma, I think:Referring to Bigbob's comment about taxes on whisky "The whisky exports I'll give you[COMMA], people do love a Scotch." 😉
  14. In contrast, I recently stayed at a small hotel in Paris, doing the touristy thing with The Management - every morning, the hotel staff insisted we take something from the breakfast bar for our lunch, and would then wrap it for us!
  15. For HEMA use, try Albion, or Hanwei (Paul Chen).
  16. A 5kg sword is a wall hanger! Far too heavy to be realistic.
  17. Chromecast works over WiFi.
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