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Everything posted by BlaserF3

  1. I found this http://www.hakluyt.com/PDF/Battersby_Franklin.pd f interesting after watching a programme on TV .
  2. Alan Rhone sells choke cases https://www.alanrhone-store.com/product_info.php?products_id=370&osCsid=ga7q4e2fklsqi6u7p5fr72e1j0 Also Briley ones https://www.alanrhone-store.com/product_info.php?cPath=54&products_id=523&osCsid=ga7q4e2fklsqi6u7p5fr72e1j0
  3. This article http://gunlore.com/flinching/was written by Alan Rhone.
  4. I tried a box of Eley Ambers and was suprised how much recoil they had, as Del T suggested Fiocchi in 24gm are quite soft. I have shot thousands of RC 2's a plaswad in 24gm in 8's these are very soft to shoot and break clays very well.
  5. My Kemen had one of these http://www.midwayusa.com/product/2880112007/carlsons-sporting-clays-speed-wrench-choke-tube-wrenchwith the gun which is very good at removing tight chokes. A Teague key will tighten them ok, my chokes also had notches but no key to go with them.
  6. The Kemen I used to have was fitted with Briley thinwall chokes, a Teague tapered choke key will remove them. Make sure that you tighten the chokes with a key before you shoot the gun.
  7. SACS for me £27 because I'm an old ****
  8. This article http://www.shotgunworld.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?f=57&t=101242explains how to maintain a 391.
  9. They are fitting a counter system to all the traps shortly in the future, not before time to be honest.
  10. I think that TWAG must be a friend of David BASC. I know who I believe on the forum
  11. Cheddite Universal Trap 21gms are very thumpy, I was given a box to try and was amazed how much recoil they had, the 24gm are softer to shoot according to my body. But the 24gm Oro Trap are very very soft to shoot.
  12. http://www.shootinguk.co.uk/uncategorized/sir-barney-white-spunner-quits-lag-43894
  13. Surely the easiest thing to do is to recored every thing that is happening when you are stopped. Just remember to inform him that he is being recorded.
  14. I was going to say three and a toddler, but as he cannot shoot yet I just mentioned how many had a shot
  15. Three of us went this Saturday, as the clocks had changed it was not too bad as the Sun was further to the right. Nice easy shoot compared to Blackpool.
  16. Results Fibre V's Plaswad..http://www.shotgun-insight.com/fibreVsPlasticSporterShells.html
  17. The last time I went was a very sunny morning...............the five stands on the right hand side of the hill were just about impossible to shoot, every clay went directly into the sun, not very good at all. If we go again this coming weekend I hope that it's cloudy or overcast, just in case nothing has been changed to the layout.
  18. Crabtree have always shot on a Wenesday, even in winter, they shoot a compak type layout under floodlights.
  19. Crabtree is the best bet, they loan guns out too.
  20. The dealer who you bought the gun off is the first person to be in touch with not GMK. Read the Sale of Goods Act, it's the dealers problem.
  21. Has your magazine a Proof House stamp on the magazine tube? If not it might be a gun which had not been crimped and stamped
  22. One of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Clutch-Spring-Adjusting-Tool-for-Ariel-AJS-Triumph-Norton-BSA-etc-P180-/200913945213might do the job.
  23. There's a very good skeet shooter at Coniston who shoots Hull 21gm Comp X all the time and he misses very few clays
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