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Everything posted by NatureBoy

  1. Surely farming, agri contracting are essential. It's prep'n and maintaining land to grow food? They flat out prep'n and drilling round me now that the heavy land has finally dried out. And those crops will surely need protecting? 😉 All generally done in isolation. Tho when mate got some carts earlier today from a big local agri / building supplies (Clarkes) they told him they might be closing and that carts may be in short supply. NB
  2. Same here Scully! Lot of jobs been/being cancelled! Gona be hard times! Even having exterior decorating jobs and maintenance being cancelled. Owners of holiday lets and second homes i look after have come out of the city's to stay in them themselves. A lot seen travelling through Suffolk fully loaded at weekend. Some have asked for keys back. Another had cleared all the cleaning products out of her properties last week. Others have asked for keys to there beach huts even (still got 2 to finish). Maybe that's where they are hording all the food! They were a lot in Southwold and Aldebrough Framlingham and the like last week. And packed this weekend. Locals avoiding them and not happy. One in local butchers 3 times in a week buying as much as she could until they put a limit on her. Be interesting if virus shows a spike in these places. NB
  3. NatureBoy


    Last night in my rural local tonight for foreseeable. Very surreal! Free chip butties and donuts. Saw the best n worst of folk! Cops came in to remind them it there last night. First we have seen in ages! Could sense there stress! Landlord gave me cigar as i left and wished each other well. Strange times coming! Glad i live rural! Take care folks and look after each other! NB
  4. Same here fella when it comes to music! 😉 Especially female artists. BIG fan of Kate to! She got an amazing voice and write some great tunes. Got tickets to see here next month in a huge lovely old wool church local to me in Lavenham Suffolk. Been really looking forward to it as i have worked on that church over the years and the acoustics are amazing! Don't think it will go ahead now but there's nowt on her web site? NB
  5. Lovely tune fella! think a lot of folk feeling reflective at mo. Try Red Dirt Skinners version of Pink Floyds Comfortably Numb. Like folky Floyd. . . Strangely bumped into an old girl friend of mine to day i hadn't seen for 30 years. She reminded me of our tune i hadn't listened to for ages. So i had to look it up and av a listen. Siouxsie And The Banshees Last Beat Of My Heart. A truly great tune! Well worth a listen. Have heard it played at weddings and funerals amongst my crowd. Works for both! She well talented and great writer. Been a fan for years. . . Another lovely song from back then is Kirsty McColl's So Long As You Hold Me. NB
  6. Did you have and owls about? Barn owls? Has anything used it? Squirrels, stock doves,kestrels and jackdaws will use them. Have you looked in it? Cleared it out? Move it. Might just be on wrong side of tree. In prevailing wind/sun. I got about 20 up on various sites. Some new, others 20yr old. All bit different made with off cuts. Some from barrels. Some left over and repaired from when they used to do do Suffolk barn owl project. Funding stopped so they stopped. Still happy to take and want the data/ringing etc tho. Most successful ones on shoots. They admit that but will not publish it. you get a feel for where to put them. Same pairs (owls and kestrels) will sometimes use several different boxes and be in and around them all year. Some times all they need is a platform in a quiet building or hollow in a tree. Tawny's like ivy. NB
  7. The coughing on farmers and keepers comment was from one of his followers on Avery's blog other night. They made light of it! But he still chose to put and leave it up hey!? Same said that while this crisis is going on we will be killing more wildlife as there will be fewer people about to witness it! They a sad lot and i hope there followers and funders come to realise that! Same old stuff, alleged incidents every time they want more attention and MONEY! . . . . . I see CP has 2 new poddles. Sid and Nancy. His post a bit like his address to the nation. EGO we go again! NB
  8. I hope there actions at this time will show them up for what they are and some folk will finally realise what farming and rural community is really all about and what we do for the country. There words and threats really seem very hollow at this time!. Local farm shops and country folk really stepped up and supporting folk. Home delivery's and set up help network etc. 25kg of spuds £10.00 bargin n versatile. Droped load off to folk yesterday. Pigeons with them to my regular lot. NB
  9. No Wheatear yet. But lot of chiffchaffs turned up yesterday. Saw and heard them in several places. Bittern up local farm briefly other week. Mallard that hatched off Monday down fron 12 to 2 ducklings. Woodpigeon, blackbird, robin, wren and dunnocks nesting in garden. Great and blue tits claiming boxes and wagtails are back. Long tailed tits looking round window in ivy gathering cobwebs for nesting earlier. Pigeon feathers i put out for them disappearing. Got some tree sparrows locally to. Spring has sprung! Still in hunger gap tho. Keep feeding the birds folks! Yellow hammers coming to feeders in garden. Loads of them and linnets coming to feed rides on farms and pairing up. Nice to see more bull and green finches about. Barn owls and kestrels still about and doing well. To many jackdaws and buzzards about. English partridges on 3 farms still doing ok tho. Rooks in rookery over road start getting noisy about 4.15 am as soon as sun on horizon. Only 8 nests in that one this year and they had to rebuild all as they were blown out in storms. Seen brimstone, peacock butterfly's and plenty of bumble and micro bees on sunny days. NB
  10. Even with the crisis that's going on at the mo yesterday WJ put in another challenge for a review on the GL's in Wales and started yet another fundraiser to push it. How convenient once again when they do this they just so happen to find and post 2 alleged incident's of raptor persecution. Also posting a pic of CP with message wishing he gets coron virus. Really! Gues his gate out of bounds this time if he in isolation? Same old MO and slick bunch of messages from same folk supporting them doing it and asking for more money at this time at this time. Shame on them! Hope there followers can see through it and it shows them up for what they are! . . . One of Avery's followers was hinting for folk who might have symptoms to cough on farmers and Keepers. Nice! NB
  11. No he's not. As i said in another post, he and some of his legal team not attending now because of corno. It's there appeal against the HH brood management case they lost. And i expect CP is at home busy hoovering with one of the 12 he has. NB
  12. I think they thought Juniper was going to side with them. He didn't/hasn't and look how they have slagged there "friend" off since. Avery was sposed to be in court again to day with Gov over his HH brood meddling appeal. Says on his blogg tonight because of crono he and some of his legal team not attending now. . . . . . . I see even With the seriousness of the crono crisis it hasn't stopped them still having a go at us! Saying with less witness's about keepers and farmers will be killing more wildlife. Even hinting that if you have crono symptoms cough over a keeper or farmer. Crazy! Very sad lot they are! NB
  13. He could well be! As he's OCD about cleaning etc. He has 12 hoovers ya know. He and his step daughter Megan McCubbin didn't turn up for there HS2 protest march Sunday and said that was the reason why. Others still did tho. Think they weren't to happy of his/her no show as it;s his biggie to try and stop it at the mo. Has got funding of 95k to take gov to court. No doubt when he's next seen out it'l be in designer mask and hasmat gear. NB
  14. Get yaself some meds for shingles fela! What stage you at? Rash, blisters or scabs? I had it bad 5 mths ago for a while. Not good! Hurt bad! Similar symptoms to crono. Temperature, dry mouth,delirium and lethargy It can knock your immune system! Get it sorted. If you at scabs stage could be to late for meds to work tho. I felt like carp for ages! NB
  15. cheers for heads up Ditchy! Great watch! Combing dog on the table a classic. A well sort after old version called the Mendlesham chair has been made near me for ages. They go for hundreds. . . . . . . . Talking of well skilled craftsmanship. Does anyone follow the story of the "Tally Ho" By Sampson Boat Co on the tube? A English lad in his 20's saving and restoring a 100 plus tear old famous English racing yacht in the States. Amazing knowledge and craftsmanship and huge project to take on, Well worth a look. NB
  16. OK! Right! I was going by his and there websites? All say he VP of RSPCA! Hense he so cosy with Brian May and VP of RSPB! Must need up dating! ? Makes him look beta. NB
  17. Prob not him doing it, but there is plenty of extreme anti's (LACS) etc that would for there cause and objective. Something not right about it! Who ever it is? And i think it's anti's, It gets them more publicity! Strange that you never get to hear /see follow ups on these incidents!? All over the media at the time then nowt! He had "woodcock" up on ebay as fundraiser within days. Surely that was evidence? I wonder if the badger and fox ended up in his freezer with his dog? NB
  18. I saw it when it was first aired. Suprised he talked of it in a possitave and even went on to say he used to subscribe to Gamekeeper and Countryside magazine. NB Aint he a VP Of RSPCA? NB
  19. I have said it myself before to. Easy to find and do as you say. I guess a lot depends on the rural crimes lot/investigators real knowledge of wildlife?? Or if they want to go up againest them? The timing, condition and location questionable? Very strange! A lot of people have seen there pics etc and think the same as we do. . . . . They got a lottery grant to set up a hedgehog sanctuary/hospital near me. Not a clue on releasing! They release mainly in local church yard. most don't last. To tame, killed on road or had by badgers. A friend of mine offered to release for one of the bigger charities years ago on her land. When she told them where she lived they said "no chance"! To many badgers in her area. So they do know! But will not publically say. Those skinned by badgers my way have become known as hedgehog slippers as so many. NB
  20. After the fox incident he said experts (not the police) were looking at his cctv footage and that police had been informed! Strange this badger incident is after yet another build up of there campagining /pic posting and on the night he drives back from WJ's 1st anniversary event/fundraiser in London. Could not have scripted it better! Do they really think we and the police are that daft!??? Not seen or herd of any prosecutions linked to any thing they have "found" or involved in? Apparently someone from one of the shooting mags was at there event. I am guessing Shooting Times? They recon they got a big announcement next week! NB
  21. Plenty of dead badgers about! This one does look a bit battered compared to pics of other stuff they put up. All very convenient! Once again! Wonder what species will be next!? Just when they upping there campaigns, need attention, support and more FUNDING! It's like the alleged incidents of BOP Shooting/ poisoning they have conveniently managed to find again latley! Really!!? Police said on one (poisoning) that the evidence was inconclusive . Looking at the pics of these birds, like many before. They do not look right to me. They supposed to of been found recently out on moors in winter? Yet Bodies/eyes intacked, feathers in place and dry. No signs of decay or predation! Same with the fox that was supposed to of been snared. Police should be asking why this often the case? There pics media friendly! NB
  22. Ask Mark Avery! He's been trying to influence folk for years in his negative, misinformation, passive aggressive style. No ones ever worked out what he actually does for a living? Least his book he always banging on about (inglorious) is out of print now! NB
  23. May of been that or there web site IG. Can't find it tho. I do read a lot. If that goes thro not good! I do think more folk are step'n up a bit this time tho and DEFRA are prepared to listen!. We all got to keep on it and support our orgs!. . . . . Be interesting if it go to court as WJ are threatning! Look like they may av a go at Wales and Scotland first, for release and GL. NB
  24. Bit late with this, but only heard yesterday!. . . . . For those of you in to match fishing/fishing. Lol Higgins died Feb 4th. In his sleep. Some will remember him and Chris as owners of Standard bait (maggot farm) Bramfield and Ukon tackle in Halesworth Suffolk. A great angler at Club, County, National and festival level. Great to fish with. Hard to fish against. Win or loose always a great laugh, plenty of banter and funny story to tell! Especially if Ray was on the bank or in the shop to. Good times n happy days! . . . . R.I.P! NB
  25. Think i read somewhere (can't find it again) that they want a ban on releasing game birds within 5km of these sites?? And that could be up 65% of UK land mass? NB
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