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  1. I still think it.s Russia that did it. They were cutting the flow and even stopping it. They are under obligation to honour their contracts. But in the event of act of god OR war The contracts are null and void. So it benefits Russia. And the EU was weening off Russias fosill fuels.. The truth will come out eventualy
  2. Sounds a bit like the grey squirel trappers. A gent put some traps in our woods on our shoot. But never set them and did not check them He was asked to leave and one of our syndicate set his own traps and checked them everyday and cleaned them out for a while and reds returned The Gov pays these trappers and this one did nothing
  3. The BBC news readers and others took a pay cut to help poor bbc out Yet Shearer and co all got pay rises. CP was one of my arguements for not paying my tv license Which i have'nt for 3 years. Just write them a harsh letter and they agree that i do.nt have to pay
  4. There has been up to 150 arrests of people in the construction of these buildings. So someome knows something?
  5. Spot on I hate the man and have little respect for Harry and Meg. They are just trying to stay in the lime light Yet they wanted privacy. P Morgan just became outspoken and likes to hear his own irritating voice and just wanted to dominate the programme and use it for his own innuendo Regardless of anyone else wanting to speak. Just watched a clip on utube and looks like he does'nt like recieving what he has been giving out for years
  6. They all work from home and cannot deal with anything. They can take your money But cannot refund Plus they close their site so no one can hack their site But they still have access to your bank. I went with them 13 month ago and they transaferred the wrong MPAN from BG So i ended up paying both for the same energy. I have eventualy got it all sorted with BG and am now with another company. But E-on still have my money that they took by fraud and will sue them very soon
  7. Well said As i live just south of the Border and knew you Scots did not want independence. Even thought Jimmy cranky tried to brainwashs the kids . If she goes for another vote She'll be in the hospitals getting hand prints form babies and X's from the insane
  8. You all seem to forget the 70's National companies bleeding money from tax payers and making **** .That is when they actualy went to work as the unions were running the damned country and allways striking aka Scargill. who was still taking a wage out the union long after the mines were closed Thatcher gave him a smacking and finished him and the mines were shut I missed out on a lot of schooling as there was no coal to heat the school boilers She pulled the country round in the 80's so i see Boris pulling things around
  9. sabel25


    I thought they did😃 With their hill decenct. Have i been misled with my Freelander? lol
  10. Hi I shoot all three 20,16 and 12 For walked up days the 20 or 16 are great You carry more smaller cartridges. All depends what quarry you wish to take down. I was at a shoot taking very high duck and pheasant using a 12g Then i took the 16g on a couple of drives and took realy long birds down . Even a picker up did not believe i was using 28g in a 16g. They all shoot the same but the smaller bore patterns better
  11. Sorry i meant Stoeger. Maybe this is why true Berreta men think the new Berreta's are not as good as the older models when they were made in Italy?
  12. Beretta own Soeger in Turkey who make some barrels for them Berreta have their receivers made in ATA factories in Turkey
  13. One of the blokes i shoot with bought one second hand. On one driven day the barrels swelled out where the chokes are. We asked him not to use it anymore' He later took it to the gunshop where he bought it and they wiped their hands of it and offered nothing. He took it home and sawed the ends off and still shoots it. Not for me. Buy something tried and tested
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