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Everything posted by Benthejockey

  1. I quite like Frankie Boyle, I know he is brutal but he gets away with it by being an angry ginger Scotsman. Ricky Gervais just seems more spoilt brat. You cant get paid to go to someones party and then stand there for 10 minutes going youre a pervert, youre a peadophile, youre a **** and anyway i dont even want to be hereating, i hate you all. There's a scouse comedian I've seen on the Hot Water Comedy Club Facebook page he's very good. But I doubt the Americans would get his comedy.
  2. More chance of a **** job offer the wife than me blow drying a car 😂
  3. Only eaten it the once and the wife mentioned hell freezing over before I could cook it in the traditional way. However i can say woodcock breast on buttery brown toast is extremely delicious.
  4. Instead of stirring up trouble why doesn't the vile little ***** offer some of his millions as a charitable donation to Australia or better still bigger off over there to help.
  5. And as if by magic the light was gone. Didn't really give it a hard time but had a drive about yesterday, turned it on to go lamping last night and the light was off again.
  6. I liked the office when it came out but I cannot stand the insidious little worm of a man. All his anti shenanigans aside his performance at the golden globes last night was at best rude. He was trying to be funny and failed miserably.
  7. My first renewal with dyfed Powys was abysmally slow and went about 4 months beyond my expiry buy to be fair to West Mercia they've been sharp with everything they've done for me. The longest I've waited was about 7 weeks for a variation 1 because it was an unusual request and the girls in the office couldn't process it without a visit and 2 my FEO had been off following some surgery for 7 weeks and so he ended up with a back log.
  8. I've got a photon XT fitted with a doubler and it's perfectly acceptable. I extremed one with the adapter and camera lens and the results were very impressive crystal clear day and night but I wanted a change, sold it and then bought another one again because the other NV I wanted had sold. The pard looks very impressive but definitely needs the extra illumination to get out to decent distances. Personally I'm considering a pard 007 add on and moving away from dedicated NV. Also one to consider would be the Vulpine Mk3 from ludicrous lumens, they're made by a friend of a friend and he says they're VERY good, with a decent illuminator on top they'll see as far as your scope can see. If you join Foxstoppers UK on Facebook they have a discount code I think so you get 10% off or something similar. I have no affiliation with any of them but like I said I'd go add on nowadays rather than dedicated.
  9. Yeah the little goblin is nearly 14 months old now and she's never really slept at night! I might go wild and treat the old girl to a tinkle of the expensive diesel. I do know what you mean about the re gen thing I've heard and smelt it happen.
  10. He'd drop it on his toe and decapitate himself 😂
  11. Have you got a license for those things? They've given my great grand kids nightmares 😂😂
  12. Old Farrier probably not unsuitable for what you want. My truck has done a lot of sitting around with the engine ticking over because my gremlin won't sleep unless she's in the car and the engines on. The moment i switch it off she wakes up! Managed to leave it at home today and take the wife's car so it'll be Monday before I can do 60 in 4th. I need it to do another 20k ideally before I get rid of it because I can't afford to replace it! And I'm quite fond of this little truck.
  13. I had to check this wasn't a @team tractor post 😂
  14. Getting married, change of address and adding the wife to my insurance dropped my premiums by about 200 quid. And we didn't live in a bad area to start with!
  15. It's a bit...gay but I like it 😂 should have it just in time for end of January snow, February heat and the March rain before the spring kicks in. In all seriousness I've got a yearning for an off road trike, apparently I'm not allowed a motorbike because I'll kill myself but an off road trike would be fine 😮
  16. I'll drive it to work tomorrow and see if it goes off. The baby will only sleep in the car so it spends an hour a day ticking over on the drive at lunch time whilst she has a sleep.
  17. 14 plate Mitsubishi L200 just clocked up 105k miles and had a full service in the last 6 weeks. Left it running whilst I checked the sheep, drove 1/2 a mile down the road and noticed the engine light had come on. No loss of power and it wasn't flashing. Any ideas what's upset it? Any ideas how to fix it?
  18. @Dibble hold Alt and press 1, 5, 6. That was the old way to get a £.
  19. I haven't watched the video but I imagine it was similar to the young lad with the Warwickshire last year or the year before waving a dead Canada goose about. Stupid and not a good look but on the flip side 10 years of constant harassment, lies, threats, violence and constant abuse does drive people to do silly things. If hunting was completely banned tomorrow in any shape or form, so you can't even let your dog off the lead, and antis devoted their complete and utter to shooting it wouldn't be long until someone got videoed trying to shove a dead pheasant up a sabs ****!
  20. My gran shuffled off just before Xmas. December 18th is historically turkey killing day and after suffering with COPD for 18 months but doing OK she went downhill rapidly in the last 3 weeks or so and took turkey day as her day to slip off. Admitted to hospital, diagnosed as riddled with cancer she spent her last couple of weeks in a hospice. Sad but also a blessed release for her not to suffer for long. She got to see my little girl and I got her out to see the horses galloping over the summer and those are the memories I'll cherish among a lot of others. She taught me a lot about horses and racing and was a nightmare to take to the races because shed accost random people and tell them how she knew their grandad or something similar!
  21. Jura 10yr old is especially nice.
  22. Same! I got an electric toothbrush! I like my manual one it never runs out of batteries and once it's worn out it costs naff all to replace. And I got a shooting coat. Not a bad idea. Only I had given a few pointers as to the one I wanted. Instead I got a completely different one...in medium! I've got fat over the last few months but I've never been a medium in anything!
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