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Everything posted by Benthejockey

  1. I think I might have to ha e one of those off you fatchap! When I finally get back to work and get some money again that is. Selling my body on street corners doesn't seem to be working, doesn't help finding corners to stand on when you live on a straight country lane 😂
  2. Good idea. A bit like the bank robber who phoned his elderly dad from prison in the springtime to tell him he'd buried all his ill gotten gains in his veg patch, having listened to the recording from prison the police went and duly dug over the veg patch just in time for spring planting 😉 @39TDS Maybe it's a dinosaur 🦕 a little one 😂
  3. A larger mammal but nothing as big as a cow or a horse. Deer probably. Or maybe there's been a murder ☠️👻
  4. @team tractor is your man. He makes some very tidy stuff. Ocassionally some things may have the odd red stain but that just adds character 😉
  5. I have no experience here BUT in my bizarre working brain a synapse just went off! You need a powder that will cook in your domestic oven and some just wont. Now I could have imagined that or completely make it up but I'm almost certain I read that somewhere once. Maybe 😂
  6. I suppose it wasn't affecting any other property, it wasn't going to cause any particular noise nuisance because the development was still work in progress and once the turf was down you'd never know it was there so it probably wasn't too difficult.
  7. Seen a few of his videos and he is bordering on nuts. I am jealous of his underground bunker in his garden!
  8. I sold R&W some lamb back in the winter and he was a nice bloke to deal with.
  9. The sun was right so she couldn't really see me and my shadow was in the hedge and there was a nice breeze into my face. She knew there was something wrong but didn't know what, she circled me and it was only when she winded me did she run off. I saw her catch the mole too. And the cub was a typical youngster and too inquisitive for his own good. There's no lambs locally there, no shoot and nobody owns hens that I know of. She'll kill a few birds no doubt but she's not really causing a nuisance and there's a few rats in the farm next door so hopefully she'll take the easy option and have a few of those. It's not always about shooting everything all of the time is it.
  10. The video is too big but there's a still of the vixen. And that's the cub hiding in the hedge bottom
  11. I watched a vixen mousing last night with her cub in tow. She caught him a mole. He came 4ft away from me and the wind was right and she came within 10ft, circled me with the mole in her mouth and then winded me. I'll try and upload the video.
  12. If she didn't need to have access to the physical files she could do her job remotely. A better computer or laptop and better broadband and she'd be very happy...well as happy as she could be without a large lottery win!
  13. Mrs BTJ does a half day on a Tuesday and when this is all over she will continue to work from home. She needs access to files and paperwork in the office so couldn't work from home permanently but by working at home on a Tuesday morning she'd actually be more productive. She's getting more work done at home than she does in the office, no gossiping, no making cups of tea for the office and not wandering off round the building for a wee!
  14. Our screw fix is open but if you try and buy anything it's shown as out of stock 🙄 fortunately our local independent farm supplies merchant is open and fully stocked. More expensive than our other independent, Cambers, but they're so bloody rude at Cambers I won't go there again.
  15. I got laid off the moment they announced the shut down of racing. Actually not directly laid off but put in an untenable situation in that they could only guarantee 2 lots a day. Being that it was a 52 mile round trip I politely told them to go forth and multiply after working for them for a long time, out lasting 18 members of staff and being the number 2 running the place for a year. It was the same week they closed the schools and they shut the nursery. Fortunately I had started doing some milking 2 afternoons a week when the wife was at home and that's 5 minutes up the road. So at the minute I've got the 13yr old pinned to a desk doing pythagarus theory or something similar, Mrs BTJ in the dining room at her office and me and the 17 month old have been round the sheep, sorted the horses, walked the grounds and now we're having a brief coffee before she decides it's time for more jobs (definitely her mothers daughter!) As a household were probably better off because we haven't got nursery fees to pay which is about £100 and I'm saving £80/week in fuel but as an individual I'm well out of pocket. The only good thing is I lambed early and the grass is coming so I've managed to cut back on my Wynnstay bill and the lamb I sold before this kicked off is covering the cost of feed, pharmaceuticals and shearing. Hopefully they get the self employed payment system up and running soon or I'll have to start selling my body and last time I did that I only made 55p. Who gave me the 5p? They all did 😉
  16. West mercia aren't doing the buy X keep Y anymore from what my FEO said a few months back. It's now you can have Z amount. Think I've had buy 200 and keep 300 for my 17hmr when I first got it. 22 is cheap to feed, has a semi auto option and can fire subsonics but range is limited to 100yds or less (gross generalisation gentlemen don't get excited) it will kill foxes but range and bullet placement is the name of the game. 17hmr gives you more range and a faster bullet so flatter trajectory out to 150yds (again I know they're good for further) but the light bullets are affected by the wind, not subsonic and even moderated you'll still get the super sonic crack from the bullets. There has been issues with ammo in the past, never happened to me but some people have had catastrophic rifle failures but hopefully it's a thing of the past. The 22 wmr is a mix of the two. It's got the power to fire a heavier 22 bullet than the HMR further in a semi automatic configuration. Never even knew they existed when I took out my FAC otherwise I'd have probably had one instead of the HMR. Finally there's the 17 WSM it's the HMR ramped up. Slightly different bullet choice 15, 20, 25 I think. Never seen one and don't know much about them but they were only available in savage rifles which I don't like, if the other rifle companies have got on board by now then it could be a viable alternative if ammo is available to you locally. I love my HMR and its never given me any issues and has accounted for a lot of foxes over the years.
  17. We often found that we'd get double yolkers off battery hens if they live to be 3 or older. Marans will lay very dark shelled eggs, sussex ranger will lay white eggs and I can't remeber I think its aracouna hens will lay blue eggs... They all taste like eggs but people like my wife get obsessed with the bloody shell colour 🙄😂 the hen rescues will usually want a donation of £1/bird. Any more and tell them to send them to the pie factory, point of lay hybrids are about £12 and you don't have to knit them jumpers. Rat proof everything. You will get rats but those steel rat proof feeders are a good investment but you'll have to teach them how to use it... The hens not the rats. Same with foxes, Fort knox couldn't keep out a determined vixen and a badger will rip his way into a hen house, all you can do is make it secure and hope they leave you alone.
  18. Times are hard Nev 😂 and I'm tight. They do a product called neosyn which is a white tan solution but I've emailed to see if it's an all in one process or if it'll need a separate pickle and neutralisation process. If it doesn't its half the price of the white tan!
  19. 🤮🤮🤮 I've just eaten my tea 😂😂
  20. Has anyone got any recipe for tanning solution. I've used both the Ktan and the white tan from snowdonia taxidermy to good effect but I think it would be cheaper to buy the chemicals separately and make my own solution. I don't know what chemicals and in what quantities! Please no chuck it in a bucket of diesel and dog widdle for 3 days recipes and no brain tanning, the brains are long gone with the heads! I've got 3 deer hides and 2 fox skins I want to do.
  21. Yeah they're pricey, the cheapest ones are £20 for 10. And I've got a little bit of spare time when I'm not doing a million and one jobs here or looking after the kids. I just need a list and recommendations of the right stuff to get to build a few and a few pointers on the best way to make them.
  22. I want to make some fox and rabbit snares. Has anyone got a kit list please?! And the best place to buy it from. At minimum of £20 for 10 plus postage it really grates on me when one gets wrecked!
  23. Our tip takes small quantities. No definite answer on what they deemed small quantities but I let the wife do the talking to the old chap and we could have probably taken an artic full 😂 double bagged in thick polythene wrap and you have to dump it in the skip yourself.
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