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Everything posted by Benthejockey

  1. OK I'm feeling pragmatic - read into that tired, bored and a few beers in. Joe is a full blown, rooting tooting, mullet sporting, tiger loving, bum fun chasing, drug taking, gun shooting loony toon. But his heart was probably in the right place. He loved tigers, he struggled with being gay and tried to see the good in people. He was definitely into nefarious things and almost certainly went along with wanting Carol god damn Baskin dead. Geoff Lowe is a full blown grifter and was definitely on the FBI's radar long before he seduced Joe with money, drugs and probably boys. I think he's probably also a long term informant. Same goes for the big ginger chap. He's obviously an informant which let's him get away with whatever dodgy stuff he's pedalling which is presumably high end stolen goods. I think Geoff set up Joe and big ginge thought he'd set up the pair of them. I think Geoffs man would have shot Carol Baskin if he'd gotten the right money but I think the plot was all down to Geoff. Carol Baskin definitely fed her husband to the tigers. And she's a nutter and probably more guilty of animal abuse than the people breeding the tigers for money and definitely guilty of exploitation! All in all its well worth the watch just to see the crazy **** show that was Joe Exotics life. Don't pin your hopes on a life changing documentary but for something to watch it's better than anything the BBC have to offer!
  2. @figgy it does get better. They're all crazies. Its pure brilliance just how crazy they all are.
  3. God damn Carol Baskin 😂 Im on episode 4 I think. They're barking mad the lot of them.
  4. I've got a robot lawn mower but it makes a funny noise every time it sees me. Not sure I'm keen on the facial recognition technology they've installed 😉
  5. I fixed the starter that wasn't too tricky I'm not sure if the spring had slipped or something was stuck in it but I rewound it and it works fine again but it's a right heavy ******* and if it won't drive I'm not mowing the lawn with it without tethering it to a couple of shire horses first.
  6. Acquired the above mower last year - permanent loan of FIL. Not had any trouble with it until now. The pull start decided to not retract so a bit of a fiddle and a rewind sorted that out. Mowed the lawn and just finished and then as I was packing it up it seemed to lose drive. I had a look and I can't see the drive belt has popped off or snapped. And after giving it a decent clean out of muck and grass between the roller and mower I got it so I could give it a shove and it would drive in a fashion on the drive but I haven't tried on the grass. Do any resident tinkerers have any ideas?
  7. My baby was born and spent over a week in hospital with suspected sepsis. A week of iv antibiotics sorted her out but it was a scary time.
  8. I bet you could fashion a net thrower and attach that the trigger of the alarm mine.
  9. I got laid off last Tuesday. Wednesday I made a new gambrel, started my first ever stick, made the baby some mucking out tools and fixed the lawn mower. I need to fix it again because the drive decided to pack in after I finished the lawn on Friday.
  10. I've got the 18v black and decker drill. Cost about £50 18 months ago. It's had a fair amount of abuse and is still going strong. The charger did die but a replacement off ebay was under a tenner delivered. Couldn't afford or justify an expensive whizzer.
  11. Quick one for the PW scientists. I've got 2 skulls I want to bleach. I've got ready access to peracetic - we use it diluted to dip the units between cows when we're milking. I know it's a relative of good old hydrogen peroxide but will it gently caress the bone and leave it bright white like Rylands teeth or will it melt them? I need to do a tidy job to sell them to make some money on account of being mostly out of work for a week now.
  12. I'm hoping to panic buy some venison tomorrow early doors. I was going to go out this morning but the baby didn't sleep last night and the ear ache would have been worse than CV ever could be if I'd gone out shooting this morning! I will still be out shooting even if we get locked down, my one permission is next to my house and I go out of my way to avoid seeing anyone when I'm out shooting!
  13. Yep. They use blood from sacrificial Welsh virgins which is probably why they're so pricey 🤔😂
  14. A couple of brake lens covers cost me about £20 on ebay 😪 they're just bloody plastic
  15. I'm trying to have a change. I ran Mr own business for 10yrs up until I broke my leg nearly 3yrs ago. I was ready for a change so recovered and went riding out for someone else. 2yrs of good times I was 2nd in command and making really good money because I was self employed they had to pay me what I wanted rather than stick with the BHA framework for employed staff which would have increased my hours and halved my wages. The last 12 months or so we've gone through 18 staff because they were cheap but useless. My work has dropped off from being over staffed and my good will has become nonexistent. Now I go through the motions and do exactly what I'm paid for and nothing more. I've started doing some farm work and milking practicality next door instead of an hour away and they're really greatful of the help. If they've got enough money in the budget to give me a nice living I'll pack in the riding out and work on the farm. I'll be working more hours but have more free time than ever including weekends.
  16. Personally I find it hard to believe that 1 there were only two "shotgun" pellets in the bird and 2 that if they shotgun pellets they were of a significant enough size that a vet would try to remove them. Number 5 or 6 shot is pretty small, a peregrine is pretty small, I'm not a vet but I've cut up enough animals to know digging out a shotgun pellet is going to do a lot of damage and be difficult to find. An airgun pellet would be bigger and potentially shallower because of the lower velocity and in my mind more of a likely candidate for removal. The papers are normally very quick to release the Xrays if it's shotgun poisoning yet no photos? Whoever has done it is a right ******** nonetheless.
  17. Looking to buy a chiller after trying to wrestle 6 lambs into our domestic fridges this weekend - thankfully the sheep were in pieces and we've got 3 fridges. Also it will be easier to hang deer in rather than having to quarter them to put them in my death fridge. I've found one on ebay that looks just the job but he's said it may need regassing which I'm taking as it WILL need regassing. How much do we think it'll cost to regas the chiller before I buy a big insulated box!
  18. It's quite cut and dry. You're either male or female. Occasionally genetic disorders like kleinfelters make a bit of a hash of things and you may actually be female even though you may look male or visa versa. Anything else is a mental disorder.
  19. Advertise everywhere and anywhere, sponsor fences at your local point to point, your local paper. It's not hugely expensive and it gets your name in people's minds. A Facebook page. I still get random calls from people who have seen my adverts somewhere in the past.
  20. When we used to sell a few chickens through leek auction for pocket money they wouldn't let you stick single cock birds through because nobody would buy them. Not even the foreign gentlemen for curries. Last time I went to a poultry sale the curry men were after all the warrens and the very dodgy looking foreign blokes were after the shamos. You couldn't have bought any of them unless you had a lot of money to spend!
  21. Star Kitchen in Baston Hill is a serious Chinese. Chilli and garlic ribs are incredible. Jaipur Indian in Church Stretton is a brilliant Indian. The Coleham fryer in Coleham is the best chippy around and very good value for money. And as for a kebab Shawbury or Church Stretton. Shawbury do the best value for money. I still have never managed to finished a Shawbury special.
  22. You have to change your mind set. You see elephant, lion, hippo, unicorn as these rare mythical creatures. The people who live with them see them as vermin to be killed and exterminated with extreme prejudice. If they have a financial value they will be protected will flourish. Photo tourism does not save animals but shooting tourism does. Elephants and lions aren't rare in the countries where they are legally hunted but in the countries where they're not allowed to hunt them they've gone.
  23. I've got ewes and lambs that have got a straw stable to go in at night out of the rain but when I got to them last night in the drizzle they were all down the field grazing. They should take advantage of it because they're back up onto the bank field at the weekend and the other bunch are coming down to lamb!
  24. I've got a buzzard in my freezer that died of heavy metal poisoning...it got hit by a van in front of me on the A53. Incredible to watch.
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