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Everything posted by Benthejockey

  1. You could stand the troupe on top of a steep hill or a cliff and just lob the chickens off the edge. It'd be a combination of gliding high pheasants, fast moving grouse and incoming feathery bricks 😂
  2. It is dangerous to an extent but what isn't? TT has cut off most things thar dangle and he nails wood together for a living. My uncle milks cows for a living and broke his foot stepping off the scraper tractor. People have trips and falls in office environments every day. Plus he's as thick as a brick so his career options were self limiting. It gave him a lot of independence and he's quite likeable so he made a lot of friends and he's actually made a decent living for himself. He works with me now and he is so very irritating 🙈 I made a complaint a few years back when they were taken to do a workshop by the leaving care team and as part of the itinerary they were going to learn how to sign on. I went mad! We spent a long time instilling work ethic into these kids and then they want to teach them it's easier not to work!
  3. We took on 2 brothers. The eldest liked to light fires and throw bricks at buses, the Middle one was an avid thief and shop lifter and the youngest one was mute and still on a bottle. He was 7. My grandad purchase pays to the pyromania. In a broad stokey accent "ahh you like a fire eh lad? Come on the ginger let's have a burn up" que massive, slightly out of control pyre. Scared him so much he never had another fire on his own. He didn't know that was a small fire by the old man's standards. We showed him everything dangerous he did we did bigger, better and more dangerouser. We worked out the other day he is the first one in that family since WW2 to have a job.
  4. I'm not wrapping you up in this blanket Lloyd because you seem like a decent bloke. But I've met a lot of social workers over the last 7 years or so and on the whole they're a bunch of ******* idiots. For example our bunch of foster kids were left in a known abusive home with with ni food in the cupboards, no clothes to wear unless they stole them and a father and grand father who were physically and mentally abusing the kids which included pimping out the oldest girl to known peadophiles. They were know to social services for at least 6 years prior to being removed. It was likely longer as there was a half sister who ran away after the sexual abuse and reported them. Myself and my parents turned these kids life around without any help from social services. They didn't like the eldest getting into racing and becoming a jockey and flatly no refuse to give him the bonuses they give his brothers because "you're doing too well for yourself" that's a direct quote from his social worker 10 days ago. It's a very sad world we live in nowadays if you can't turn the tap off in the shower without being hinted at being a pervert.
  5. Jungle Fowl are the flavour of chicken that can and will fly but I think it's more up a tree rather than down a valley. There used to be turkeys on the Powis Castle shoot. They were like giant condors soaring down the drive but they had to be catapulted off a cliff to get airborne.
  6. I put 2 squirrels into permanent hibernation out of my bedroom window this week 😂
  7. They pull them apart like candy floss and eat the juicy insides.
  8. And your badger population low!
  9. If he was knocked out and the school didn't tell you then there is fault. Even if they only had the suspicion of a KO hey should have mentioned it. Concussion alone is a dangerous thing and can, I believe, be detected on the brain 7 years after the event. Depending on how ambivalent you are towards the school and whether you want to pursue it you might want to seek legal advice. Personally I'd go up the wall. Kids are tough but hope he gets better soon.
  10. No he was called Geoff. He's dead now. He was a colourful character.
  11. I knew a dodgy bloke who used to deal in cattle and when the bottom fell out of it which was around the time coloured horses were work decent money. He swapped from bovine to equines. Anyway he used to end up being given donkeys as luck money. He'd get to about 20 or 30 and then they'd disappear. I asked him one day where they went. His reply was "I have a mate in Spain who takes them all. As many as I've got. You don't eat salami do you? I'd not eat X brand if you do."
  12. https://www.shropshirestar.com/news/crime/2020/01/18/shrewsburys-tesco-extra-sealed-off-as-armed-police-descend-on-supermarket/ Hoax by looks.
  13. Apparently there is an armed nutter on top of the Tesco at Battlefield in Shrewsbury. I did try and copy the link but it wouldn't work! It will probably turn out to be a water pistol or a baguette. @WestonSalop you might want to avoid that part of town it's all locked down with armed response everywhere.
  14. I saw the original post shared on faceache. There's the woman's pictures of the two blokes who both don't appear to have any blood on them at all. And the gralloch in the photo looks like they'd just finished pulling it out which is why and how she managed to get a photo.
  15. We get to deal with the tantrums etc. We have a fairly normal life and both work hard. When were not at work we work hard at home. So as a result it can be a bit dull sometimes. But she has 4 different friends within 300yds of home and a pony to look after. But when she's with her dad and his family its best behaviour, on the mobile all the time, either completely ignored or mad over the top attention and out every weekend she's there spending money, eating out or lounging on the sofa "chillaxing". She's a good kid but they make a fool out of her. So when she decided she wants to take up tetrathalon with the pony club I've said ill buy her a little air pistol to learn with which will hopefully drag her outdoors and into the fresh air.
  16. We went skiing in Finland a couple of years back. It was excruciatingly cold. -34 Celsius the one day. You could ski for 45 minutes before you started getting cold and 1 more run was always a bad idea because youd end up painfully cold before you could get to the nearest bar and fire! But cars and buses ran as normal. The Russians especially drove as of the roads were perfectly dry and didn't have a good layer of snow and ice on. No crashes, bumps or bangs and like I said life continued. The east from the east 2yrs ago did affect us because I had to cart water to the sheep and horses but apart from that life went on. When it started snowing I was on my way to do the horses and ended up towing car after car out of hedges because people couldn't drive in a little bit of snow.
  17. Ditchman that made me nearly spit my cup of tea out through me nose 😂😂
  18. Wynnstay oswestry are or were selling 17 remington fireball 20gr ammo for £5 a box and today they've advertised 5 boxes of 6.5x55 winchester 140gr soft points for £10 a box.
  19. Step daughter has no real interest in the countryside, she's very faddy in general really. She knows more than a lot of her friends about where food comes from because I've either grown it, killed it or butchered it. Even with the sheep she's got no real interest, she likes to look at the baby lambs in the shed but has never shown any interest in getting involved with lambing or learning about them. Her life centres around youtube! And when we get her back on an even keel it's time for her weekend with her dad again who has no hobbies or interests short of spending money and eating out. I'm hoping our little 14month old takes an interest. I love taking people out and showing them stuff that's in plain sight that they can't see because they've never looked. Mrs BTJ had never seen a litter of fox cubs until she met me. Or deer unless they stepped out into the road. Unfortunately we're moving further and further away from the real world.
  20. I remember him being big that's all. I dug him not far from the border of a little shoot. He was sat in the bottom of the hole growling at the dog. I expected to find a lot of feathers in the hole because he'd been helping himself to poultry and pheasants galore. What I wasn't expecting was 3 massive, half eaten lambs in the hole. He'd had to travel a very long way to find them. He was a beautiful fox and pre ban would have made for a good days hunting!
  21. Cold, wet and windy yesterday afternoon till 10 or so. Dry now but a miserable wet afternoon forecast.
  22. I might have some somewhere if I have a think. He was a big boy. The kids decided they wanted to take him home, they hung him off an electric fence post to carry him back, it was a sight! If I remember right he was 42 inches from nose to tail and 36lb. I'll try and find the pictures.
  23. I had a 36lb dog fox about 6 or 7 years ago.
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