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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. Go on, show us a picture...
  2. If skint and you like the gun you have, how much could you get for the sarasketa and how much would it cost to just open the full choke to half? It may be far more cost effective to open up the chokes and keep shooting the same gun. Once work normalises you can then treat yourself if you want... I have heard of a chap using a brake cylinder hone to open a choke but going that diy is something I’m not sure I would do now (but probably would have done a few years back when completely skint).
  3. Wb123

    Exams Fiasco

    I’m glad I’m long past A levels and University, but I feel most sorry for those kids from last year and the year to come who will end up competing with kids given artificially inflated grades through no work of their own. Life is (hopefully) long enough that if she really wants to go to Durham leaving it a year is of no major consequence. Especially if she uses this year to start cv building and working towards the all important first job after uni. It may even be better to go into a year group that isn’t horrendously overpacked.
  4. I can confirm there are certainly rush hours around Dublin, in Northern Ireland they exist also, but even in belfast generally they don’t have the same degree of congestion as larger cities I have worked in.
  5. Given the rare occasions I drive between the two are pretty plain sailing without congestion what would a dual carriageway add? I should admit here that I have never done that route at rush hour.
  6. Wanted: rope pull type bird release trap, not the electronic remote type (I can’t afford it). Everywhere seems to be out of stock, but this is the sort of thing I am after... https://picclick.co.uk/Manual-Bird-launcher-123287679565.html Terribly sorry I put this in the ring place. Would it be possible to get it moved to wanted please?
  7. I keep corurnix for meat and eggs, they might get fit enough for a decent flush when barn kept, mine don’t lift easilly as they are used to the dog helping me collect the eggs but when they do they will fly till they hit the ceiling. The dog is too young for using them as a flush yet but I will give it a crack once she is older. As above if you want some eggs I am happy to post you some, though they never seem to do well after being posted. It is important to remember Coturnix wont come back, bobwhite might. My neighbour uses feral pigeons one of his mates traps for a living. If anyone knows where I could get a bird release trap that isn’t an outrageously expensive electronic one I would be interested. Everywhere seems to be out of stock of the rope pull release ones.
  8. I’ve been working throughout albeit with at times 3.5 days a week on standby to go at a ring of the phone. The biggest worry for me has been getting deskilled in a lot of the things we do, I have definitely been going rusty in the areas that have totally dried up. Fortunately the other half got got a new job and a pay rise mid pandemic which has helped avoid too much stress for us.
  9. Alibaba is good for wholesale amounts of things. I have a pending order for 1200 items when I actually wanted 200. The minimum order was 4800 but after some haggling and getting the order number down the price was right. It will take close to six months from order to delivery as the supplier in China is having to import a component from Japan first, but the unit price works out at about 15% of what I would have had to pay in the UK so hopefully I can make enough profit on the excess to make the whole exercise worthwhile. aliexpress is much faster for small numbers of things available off the shelf but generally considerably more expensive.
  10. Wb123

    3 mobile,

    I’m on 3 and it’s been fine for the last ten years. Moving away as the signal at work is terrible (big steel framed building with a deal with 02 to pipe their signal only throughout the building so can’t really blame 3 for it). The WiFi calling is ****, I get 2 seconds of connection before fifteen seconds of silence and then a connection. If I am expecting work calls I turn the WiFi off. I understand this is an issue with all networks using the technology rather than just 3.
  11. I would again say if unsure letting it go is the only option, in my book you did the right thing.
  12. I’m in Northern Ireland so I would be surprised if anyone on here would be up for it, but people might know what sort of day rates I would be looking at...
  13. When I lost a lot of work at the start of the pandemic I started doing some work on my disco. I have the boot floor out, it needs some chassis work, new boot floor, new rear cross member, and some patching to the inner wings and wheelarches. I have the repair panels and some plate to cut up but now work is picking up and I don’t have time. Does anyone know if the plague has many welders/mechanics out of work and if so would advertising the job and a day rate be a reasonable way to finish the job? If so any idea what is the going rate for cash per day? I would guess there is a weeks work in it.
  14. One, at full arms length. I can confirm however that by some miracle the dog certainly isn’t gunshy, though I may be now. Used for driving some form of bolt gun though a cows head. A cows head I now assume is armoured like a battleship.
  15. Bought a blank firing revolver and some blanks for the dog last week. I failed to read the box on the blanks and have had four days of tinnitus as they were cattle slaughter blanks. In the spirit of avoiding repeats I thought it might help to remind anyone else who struggles to read instructions that sometimes it’s a good idea.
  16. Wb123

    Holidays in UK

    I almost always holiday in the UK. Still a long list of places left to see, and generally pretty cheap but I tend to wildcamp.
  17. I use one of these https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F201718967185 I have had others before but found anything less than 10A means trouble on those days when the car won’t start and you have to be at work pretty sharpish. If buying again I would probably consider buying an even higher current one.
  18. The MOT doesn’t check all that much. More on newer stuff but it is no replacement for proper maintenance.
  19. Bleeding and getting a variation for an air pistol would be potentially troublesome. But thank you very much. I could get a spring loaded poultry bolt gun off ticket, but to stick within the rules I would still have to bleed them.
  20. Good luck. I have a few acres at home and it makes life much easier having easy access to space. If no field is forthcoming your local gundog clubs may have an agreement for some training space.
  21. That is worth a look, thank you very much. Nitrogen would be most humane but the cylinders are much more expensive than CO2 and I already have a CO2 regulator.
  22. I use a second hand set of leicas and a cheap £60 set if there is a high chance of damage. In bright light and good conditions on close things the difference is minimal to nonexistent. Push any of those boundaries and the differences become very clear. Well worth the extra £300 I spent to me. At work we use a reasonable amount of optical kit and I can definitely see the difference between the £1.5k and £80k set, and agree with the department that the £1.5k set should only be used for training. I’m not sure where the extra money went on a £450k set I got to use once went, but the work I was doing would not have been pushing the limits of the either set. My next purchase, when there is enough spare cash will be a set of loupes to replace my Chinese ones. The step from my first £50 set to a £400 set was massive, the difference between those and the £3.5k set that comes next is still pretty big going on the demonstrator set. I’m not sure I could bring myself to spend the £7k on a Zeiss set though. I fully expect that 80% of the time when conditions are favourable my next set will perform just as well as my current ones, but it’s the other 20% that causes problems.
  23. High concentration CO2 is legal for poultry if I remember rightly but pigs get more distressed by it and need a multistage system with low then high concentration once they lose consciousness.
  24. Wb123

    Lawn damage.

    Looks very similar to the damage badgers do to my lawn. Pigs are more destructive, though the badgers here don’t go near the pig barn.
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