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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. Flux and lancaster have both been very amenable to the weird and wonderful in my experience.
  2. Wb123

    Best Option?

    Do it yourself, failing thatif you want to sell will one work on three?
  3. Main oil feed line wore through, engine out in a layby and soldered up on a camping stove. I was however travelling with some sockets and a friend who was suitably minded.
  4. Go to work happy in the knowledge that I could afford to walk out.
  5. I love my Peltor Protacs to bits, but they are a bit bulky, especially on the left hand side.
  6. If this is still going I'll take it.
  7. Wb123

    Shot cam

    Looking forward to seeing what people get as well.
  8. I paid £40 for a loader bag with speed loader loops from ebay. Someone on here was selling the same ones. The quality is pretty ****, the strap started to fall off in no time and it clearly wasn't ever designed to carry the weight of the cartridges it could fit, the point at which the strap attached being below its centre of gravity when full so it would try to turn upside down at every opportunity, then ripping the strap attachments and worsening the problem. That said an evening with some sturdy cord and a hole punch has fixed the main problem and produced a functional bag that will do the job for a few years before it falls apart. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Brand-New-Leather-Cartridge-Bag-With-Beautiful-Design-Attached-Brass-Buckles-3P7-/262652242187?hash=item3d274b290b:g:F1cAAOSwNSxVArfa That looks like the one, some jokers are asking nigh on £75 on ebay for them. If you give one a shot send me a message and I will send photos of the modification I made to render it usable.
  9. I love my neoprene lined Aigles very much. As comfortable and supportive as any walking boots I have had, seem to be lasting well, and warm in winter. Too warm for spring/summer and early autumn though if actually moving around. Summer and winter wellies are the way forward.
  10. I had my eyes tested, a new set of spectacles acquired at great expense, now I can't hit a damned thing. I'm pretty sure I can see better, at least everything is clearer (especially with my right eye which is my non dominant one), but the clays are either suddenly made of kevlar or my gun doesn't point where it used to. Would going back to my old glasses if I can find them solve the problem or am I stuffed? I shoot off the left shoulder and am fairly strongly left eye dominant. I used to shoot with both eyes wide open, now I seem to have as much luck shooting from the hip as in any other configuration.
  11. No she didn't. I will gently probe at some point.
  12. I have my first permission, the bit that troubles me is the request to eradicate pheasants from the land. No pheasants are released on the permission, so presumably they will be the fruit of someone's labour nearby. If i shoot them, tasty as they may be, it will just create a vacuum drawing more away from their intended ground. Do i set to it and blast away to keep the freezer full, shoot the odd one for the land owner to enjoy, or turn into an even more terrible shot whenever one presents itself? I am leaning toward the second option.
  13. In my case i get access as i am family. I think commercially it tends to be £100,000 minimum deposit, but you wouldnt put all your eggs in one fund. To be fair im not sure what you get that investing in a suitable fund through your stockbroker doesnt provide, beyond being able to call your fund manager for a chat.
  14. Depends on your appetite for risk. My brother is in this line of work and has averaged 15% a year for me, but its not on a low risk strategy. He tells me his high risk fund is up 27% for the year so far.
  15. As much as i fail to see any appeal in airsoft, we all need to stand together. This chap possibly hasnt thought the greater rammifications through.
  16. Im in a special situation as covered by my mainland shotgun certificate until they finish processing my fac. Until then they assure me i have no ammunition limitations as per my gb shotgun cert but cannot have my air rifle unless my previous constabulary will add it to the shotgun certificate which obviously they cant do. The alternative was to request a temporary certificate of approval for the air rifle and moderator but to keep things simple I've left it with my brother. We have now managed to shoot our way through enough cartridges to be within the 2000 limit once our facs arrive. Fortunately prices seem pretty good for cartidges here considering the small numbers people buy them in. So far i have been highly impressed with the psni firearms and explosives lot. They have been a pleasure to deal with, and i was in contact with them a fair bit before coming over.
  17. Only have shotguns here, awaiting my fac before bringing the air rifle over.
  18. I arrived less than two weeks ago. I've met the optician and thats it.
  19. I love them but can rarely find them.
  20. Fantastic place, i miss it very much.
  21. Bother, just moved from Hull. I'd have loved to take this up whilst i was there.
  22. My record is 74 consecutive days, i worked with a chap who was on 212 though. In a strange way after 21 or so i hit a euphoric tired yet happy state where i feel i no longer need rest and can continue my life more productively than before with minimal rest, then crash and burn a couple of weeks later.
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