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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. This lunatic was out campaigning like the best of them. To be fair most people I met campaigning one way or the other had one or another very specific cause that seemed to motivate them, and then decided the incredibly murky uncertain middle ground fell the way they wanted it to. I was pretty torn 50:50 between remain and leave. Me and the other half decided one would vote each way as it seems the rest of the country also did.
  2. True, though sadly I fear we may be waiting some time for an entirely honourable honourable politician to pursue our cause. In the mean time I'll take whatever we can get.
  3. Me too but sometimes we have to stick together despite our differences, too often do we fail to unite for the common good. With the greatest of respect I feel this is an instance where despite his lapse of form we should gather together. I have written to the chap offering any assistance he may need to help improve the system, and I implore my shooting peers to do the same.
  4. We are all going about this the wrong way. Rather than being outraged at the incredulity of his response we should be writing to him expressing our similar experiences and asking how we might support him in fixing the system for all our sakes.
  5. Over here a safe over one ton weight does not have to be secured. Assuming you have means to transport one an old safe potentially part filled with bricks then weigh bridged could do the trick without having to drill any holes. You could claim it was a novelty TV stand.
  6. But you can write he or she, for now. As ambivalent about Brexit as I may be, I do fear it will encourage these extreme liberal types to try and mould the country. I have a distant associate who is a militant vegan who vehemently believes that with Brussles no longer such an influence they will have more chance of advancing crazy lefty policy.
  7. I had a similar experience but being a lefty may have been my saving grace and could only buy one gun whilst there.
  8. I enjoyed that, thanks for sharing. I was of the understanding they now made their boots in morrocco with a consequent drop in quality. Can anyone shed any light on the truth of such rumours?
  9. Big can of worms. I bought a bottom end bar one model macbook in 2006 that i still use as my sole computer (i have an ipad also). It was however of the time when they were user serviceable. It has had a few new hard drives, screen replaced, backlight inverter replaced, a couple of cables, one or two batteries and a couple of chargers. All easily done diy at low cost. Total cost per year computing works out at about £120-130 at a rough calculation. Im not sure i would expect a new one to last that well.
  10. Apparently defaulting to 'it' wherever gender is uncertain is not acceptable, im not sure we needed to invent a pronoun though for the situation.
  11. My brother uses a 1kg bar as a doorstop. More for novelty value though, he invests in shares for a living and seems to favour silver producers when he thinks the price of silver will move.
  12. I was paying just under £150 a thousand last time i bought in wiltshire. Oddly they were £180 a thousand in Hull.
  13. Everywhere I have lived it has been in the contract, places without contracts put together by some lawyer type somewhere have been scared off immediately bar one case (cottage on my current permission sadly vetoed by the other half) where they then asked if I wanted some shooting. Didn't rent the place but do now shoot there.
  14. I love my neoprene lined Aigles, for most things they are my go to. That said for a long walk I'd sooner wear boots.
  15. Good point, I had forgotten the tax efficiencies of being self employed. That may make his functional rate somewhat better than in my previous analysis.
  16. Thinking about this one over breakfast the chap is self employed so some of the costs hidden from most of us in our total cost of employment should be explored. My pay per hour on the payslip for instance is about £18 when you derive it per contracted hour though I work many more. The total cost to my employer per contracted hour of work apparently works out around £45. This is part of the reason I don't do extra work for less than £45 an hour much to their irritation. £13 an hour billing, assume average 40 hours a week billable on average over the whole year. After 20 days leave a year paid for, and 2.8% sickness (supposed national average) that leaves £11.56 an hour. Pension will take some more, given he is paying effectively both employer and employee contributions he will need to put away around 20% in total assuming he started early and doesn't mind a less comfortable existence post retirement. That leaves £8.96 an hour ignoring equipment costs, insurances etc. If he is a good chap and doing a good job then I think he is being had here and you need to take your parents for a quiet word about how they treat their employees.
  17. Sounds good, but id rather support my favourite rfds unless online can go significantly cheaper. We go through about 6000 cartridges a year, even if paying £20 a thousand overthe odds (i dont) to buy them at my shooting ground, the ground would just up the price of clays to return the lost income if everyone bought online. For game carts i can see more logic in shopping around. Also, i need an rfd up the road in buisness. If they go out of buisness i cant buy guns online, get repairs, send guns away etc...
  18. Ferret, terrier, or a proper cat shut up there for the night. Not any old cat but one with deep seated psychological issues.
  19. Seems suspiciously cheap, but then my grandmothers gardener probably comes close to that when you look at just how much he does for his day rate.
  20. I have always bolted a safe in a concealed place then made good on departure. No problems yet, everywhere has prohibited firearms. Once i made the mistake of telling an agent i would be looking to secure a safe whilst house hunting and was immediately off the books.
  21. I did consider trying to set up doing this, the issue was getting indemnity for it and getting access to records, all for a rate that would allow a competitive price. The problem here is that a paper copy of the records is price capped at £50, which it is likely any practice looking to maximise income from this will also be charging. If all records are held electronically this drops to £10 but this situation is likely to be rather unusual in my experience. Shipping the copy of the record to me would need to be covered which again is unless entirely electronic likely to be around £15 for special delivery. Then costs for returning a letter to GP advising them of the outcome and police at roughly £1.50. Assuming an average of 20 minutes work per case (some may be much much more), and not being able to safely reply in a portion of cases which it would be nice not to charge for, it gets tricky to see how I can pay my tax, NI, student loan, and bring home £20 an hour without charging such that the total cost to the patient would be well over £65 even assuming £0 indemnity costs which is entirely fanciful. Also I would like to see more than £20 an hour coming home for taking on such work.
  22. I went electric, i loved being able to shave whilst doing other things, then stopped alltogether. It took a while to get used to a beard but i dont think i would go back to shaving.
  23. I always used to call BS on this topic, until a mate bought me a quaich and now I swear the glass does have an influence, but its more subtle than many would claim. A Glencairn or a quiach are my two favourite ways to enjoy a spot, sometimes I will compare the same whisky from each glass (especially if something unadulterated from the cask). On reflection though, my finest memories of enjoying a nice malt are all from a large titanium mug I have had for years. It is large and deep which really gathers the aromas for the nose (and eyes), but has a nice thin base you can warm with your hands. It only gets used for whisky when on a trip so the setting helps also.
  24. Looks like a nice waistcoat. I have a coat in their teflon coated tweed. Its not particularly waterproof and within a few months the lining in the sleeves had slid down such that the slightest rain would soak up the inside of the sleeves. It looks nice though.
  25. One of the reasons I love my BPS. It leaves a pile of empties between your feet.
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