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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. Cheers chaps, the better half has taken in the result of our labours. I will let you know if i hear anything.
  2. Last year we paid just under £40 a month for gas and electricity combined. New place i am told is £27 a month electricity, and it looks like 500l of heating oil which cost about £300 will see us through at the current rate of usage.
  3. So far a bottle of red has failed to help as much as usual. It feels like applying for university again. I will sleep on it, cringe at what i have spat onto paper, and rehash it tomorrow. It seemed like it would be an easy five minute job, i was profoundly wrong.
  4. Its pretty simple really, we pay too little on health, about 6% of GDP last I heard. Most western developed nations spend around 10%. To upscale and match that will need around another 60 billion pounds every year which is not sloshing around in the exchequer. Ultimately we either need to pay a lot more tax, or people will have to top up. Given the national attitude to tax I think it is quite clear where we are heading.
  5. My better half's employer have an unexpected vacancy. I know on a work night out two weeks back they mooted the idea of contracting me in for the odd days work here and there with some positivity, so now I am trying to write a speculative letter to the appropriate director to try and put forward my CV. Any tips for writing these? Most of my usual job applications go through computers designed to turn us into numbers to avoid discrimination. No letters or even interviews are often included, so my skills are somewhat lacking for this task.
  6. Not to mention the huge amount that goes into making the things, then disposing of them after the uneconomical to repair electrical issues at eight to ten years old. I'm sticking with my old disco and more than happy with the ecological impact of keeping it going. Slightly less clean at the tailpipe but much more ecologically friendly to build and maintain.
  7. I'd try to talk to someone who does it for at least part of their living, but if you do go full DIY try and discretely eyeball her chest. She might need the toe of the chamfering somewhat depending on how she is formed so to speak. My better half is five foot ten which avoids much trouble, but when given her gun another lady of comparable features but much shorter height found it most uncomfortable.
  8. Citroen bx 4x4 estate. May struggle to find one but easy to work on, huge amounts of space, decent ground clearance when you want it, lockable centre diff, not too bad on fuel, classic insurance. The hatch was still capable of holding an awful lot and would be easier to find. If you want something newish you may be in trouble though.
  9. You can get any doctor with suitable access to your records to do it. I looked at setting up doing this as a private sideline, the problem is transferring access to your records will be £50 if any paper entries remain, £10 if not. Add a suitable fee to cover time and indemnity and you will struggle to find anyone making a reasonable living doing it under £60. You might find a private GP happy to do it but a consultation fee and transferring records will likely come to around £60 or a bit more, plus any letter charge which they may or may not charge under the circumstances. A side issue is that to be operating on non NHS funded work the average GP needs to be billing about £250 an hour to cover himself, building, indemnity, and his staff. Given that figure is a few years old, costs have increased and to review your records suitably thoroughly given the horrendously unreliable coding systems will take at least 20 minutes, at £60 I suspect your GP is undervaluing the work involved. I looked at setting up doing it as a sideline, my lack of building and staff costs could have enabled me to do it cheaper, but access to notes and indemnity looked set to produce a functional minimum price around £60 if electronic records only. Much more if a patients record included paper (which most will).
  10. It has to be looked at in perspective. Short notice fares aimed at business travellers who put on expenses and have to go whatever the price. A while back I was sent with a couple of colleagues from Hull to Oxford and back for a total cost of just under £2k, but apparently came with significant tax advantages for the company paying. Advance fares often very reasonable if you can plan ahead. Given the overcrowding the fares are clearly not above that which the market will support. My better half has to do a lot of short notice public transport work which seems to average about £500 per day on the road, all getting picked up without quibble by the business, again it supposedly has benefits in administration fees and passing the billing between companies. Her employer charge the company who contract them plus a percentage, they then pass it on etc etc. A friend did some work in the rail side a while back and reckoned the season ticket holders were the most subsidised of the lot once you allowed for the huge excess requirement for rolling stock and system capacity to cope with the rush hour surges.
  11. I never have, so far as I remember at home my parents never did, or asked us to, or paid anyone else to. For the 35 year service life of UPVC windows they aren't going to rot away for want of a wipe.
  12. Never cleaned a upvc frame in my life, and ive lived in many places with them. If it is that importand why cant the residents do it?
  13. I have emailed you a template for an origami parabolic reflector dish. Get it printed on the biggest sheet of good quality card you can get. Apply waitrose finest tinfoil, aim at your local mast through a suitable window (may need to do some trig off walls), and see if you can get a decent data signal. Some assembly is required.
  14. I got around such a problem with an unlimited tethering mobile contract and a parabolic reflector dish to get decent signal in what was otherwise a dead zone. This was about five or six years ago so the technology should have improved and you may get by with less tin foil for the dish.
  15. Wb123

    BASC Chairman

    If only we could come up with military courts, without a jury of common people, where soldiers can be tried by people experienced in war and able to understand the conditions these men operate in by personal experience.
  16. Do you send a sales rep you know your customers hate? Do you buy from the rfd who is a complete ***** or the one ten miles further up the road who is pleasant and includes a brew with every purchase over £50? We want to get the best wecan here, which means selling ourselves as people they want to work with.
  17. Sounds like the right time to move on to me. Pilloried for reporting back honestly (his one job), due to go in a few months, why not go know and allow his successor continuity over the march triggering onwards. An honourable man doing the right thing in my book. I'd buy him a pint any day.
  18. Id be fine with it. A radar key is only £2.50 and provides access to much cleaner unvandalised loos.
  19. I saw kiddies and elderly people with falling furniture injuries pretty frequently while working A&E. If you have either around i'd consider supporting chests of drawers or shelves.
  20. If I was interested in trap shooting, and it was a leftie, I could be sorely tempted. It had me at mammoth tusk.
  21. Like burns night, easter, and various other things, it makes a good excuse to try and meet up with mates scattered far and wide.
  22. Good point, i did just after moving over, new prescription in the right eye (left eye dominant). I asked the optician if it would affect my eye dominance and he thought not. I shoot from the left shoulder both eyes open.
  23. My shooting has been generally deteriorating since moving to northern ireland and doing a lot less of it. Today i reached a spectacular new low, 16/50 on the mornings sporting shoot, followed by missing both barrels on a walked up pheasant in the afternoon that would have plucked itself and landed ready to eat on a plate if i had one to lay out. I have been practicing my mount in the house, swinging along ceiling lines, but my actual shooting just keeps getting worse. My local clay ground have limited opening i can get to around work, and no coaching available. My next nearest place i know of is an hour away and also looks very tricky to do around work. One of the old boys at the shoot this morning very kindly shot a 14 to save me too much embarrasment, but my shooting is getting rather embarrassing. In the past off episodes have been improved by moving to my side by side which has a bit more cast and shoots a little higher, but i have been missing left and right with no bias to either. Ive only shot my over under for the last six months to try and keep something consistent given the reduction in shooting. Given the difficulty getting formal coaching are there any exercises i can do at home to try and work on the basics?
  24. Wb123

    What a waste

    What i find most riling about this is that were I in politics or the police and looking to preserve and pursue my career this is exactly what i would be doing. We have allowed society to become detached from sporting use of firearms to the extent that this is where we end up. Pea shooters being regarded as deadly weapons and a thread every week about how to avoid being suspected as a sporting shooter by Your neighbours. The problem has two roots, democracy having too much influence of policing and politics (not something i am arguing to get rid of) and a shooting population who regard their sport as a state secret. Consequently the non shooting population only get negative exposure and quite understandably end up with an anti shooting lean, which those whose career depends on pandering to the democratic wishes of the people in one way or another must follow. The only way to counter this is by involving the greater community in our pursuits, something we dont acheive by pretending every west end gangster is looking to break in and steal our beloved twelve bore or stalking rifle.
  25. I have a few shotguns, though thinking back its over six months since I used anything other than the over under. I was tempted for a while to shoot the side by side only as I seem to hit more with it, but the over under is a lot more comfortable for a session on the clays.
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