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Everything posted by Mice!

  1. Yeah come on, id never heard of Spanish blue bells is it right
  2. Mice!

    Big Cat

    I think i would at least be firing into the air, about the same time i wet myself
  3. Wow Dougy that's good going how many traps have you got down?
  4. I completely missed that as well, another school day 👏 And six fillets 15p 👏
  5. No such thing as bad publicity, people are talking about it which means he is being given the chance to air his views, probably new full well what was going to happen. There was something on last year with M strachen I think on the same thing illegal bird trapping
  6. That's definitely silly not like were in Spain, quite how a waste of money on the roof gets done is beyond me
  7. It's all you hear people saying that the Tories have made cut backs but they had to it couldn't carry on the way it was. The child services was one that affects me no doubt there are others. It seems to be the only thing our local labour candidate can bring up poor chap
  8. Well round here kids services got cut so play groups ran by the council went, used to be £1.50 for an hour and half really good for kids and mum
  9. Old pigeon popper, don't be sorry you paint a lovely picture. Thinking back I lived by a park with coal land over the other side of road and both sets of grand parents a half hour drive away in what always seemed perfect Countryside, lots of bird song trees open land to wander and "what's round that corner" thank my dad for that one ☺
  10. Well no one is happy about the cut backs put in place they affect most people somehow but the way things were before the coalition with labour something had to change. Haven't read todays paper yet bought one special to see what's been said, looking like an interesting couple of months. Will the May local elections still go ahead?
  11. Well sounds like a winner thanks all I'll give one a go
  12. Well going off this thread, labour voters won't vote cos they have no one to vote for so it should be a slam dunk. And everyone on here is playing nice, would never have guessed at that with politics
  13. Take at look at the woodlands trust website
  14. It's already been said but looks like Spanish blue bells or a hybrid
  15. Hi there, thinking of getting a slow cooker so I can start doing more in the kitchen. I tend to leave it to the missus because she does it better with less mess so less ear ache for me. Are people using these or is it going to end up another kitchen gimic, can I buy a cheap ish one from Aldi or Argos or do you need to be paying for a better model. I like the idea of sorting tea at dinner then heading out but obviously you want to come home to a nice meal, my kids are great eaters but not sure how soggy mush would go down. Thanks for reading Mice!
  16. It's definitely a case of "hitting them while there down" given that labour lost Scotland to her that shan't be named, this should seal the deal for May leaving the way clear for her to handle brexit as she wants without labour sticking there nose in, could even give her up north a slap how good a result would that be. Looks like strong leadership to me
  17. Nearest I can find just saying blue scillia
  18. Always see a few on a roundabout driving to work, two women were pointing and waving at them yesterday like they had seen a zebra! Always look healthy tho 🙂
  19. Well I was out with the dog before work tonight looking at blue flowers in the woods but only finding blue bells dog finds a squirrel then a buzzard comes in all of ten twelve feet away before she turned away seeing me!!
  20. Mice!

    Garage floor

    It's just the floor? If it really bugs you could you not just put a carpet (old one) down then you can hoover it 😉
  21. Think everyone must have gone to bed early tonight maybe, that's a very "precious" offer from you.
  22. I was thinking a stuffed bird from a car boot.
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