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Everything posted by PPP

  1. Hoping someone might have an idea of where to get spares, brownells don’t have what I need which is the small spring that sits inside the mechanism that stops the extendable legs extending (makes up a simple button), thanks in advance
  2. Excellent, thanks. The stud is in a place where you wouldn’t fit a bipod so I’ll just gently drill the stock and epoxy a new stud in Thanks
  3. Hhhm, good point, maybe I’ll try a different bipod...
  4. What grinds my gears is when the team decides what we are all tipping, happened twice this season where been out of the shooting but it’s decided I should tip the same as those who haven’t been... Ill tip what I like thanks and if the agent is really offended he can cut his egregious fee and make up wages and I wouldn’t use them again..
  5. Nope.... there’s a stud on the stock but the barrel band means a bipod won’t sit flush
  6. Does this do anything other than get in the way of me fitting a bipod? Can I discard it?
  7. Not quite, it it is very expensive, the harder that you practice the more you refine your equipment to give yourself every chance and the more hard work and effort you put in the ‘luckier’ you get..
  8. Having shot, beaten and picked up with in a number of teams, in reality it’s not purely the height of the birds that’s the problem but people shooting at birds that are too good for them and outside of their skill set, I also beleive the greater distance the greater the chances of a clean miss. There are some excellent shots in this country who will pull down high birds at no worse a ratio than a poor team on normal birds (ignoring pillow chasers at sub 25yrds) Everyone should take responsibility for their own actions and not rely on maths to try to criticise others, this puts shooting in a slippery slope. Bizarely there isn’t the angry rhetoric against low pillowcased birds rendering them unfit for consumption or people turning up at an average shoot and clipping everything as they can’t shoot... Perhaps each day should start off with a few clays togauge competency of the team? You can’t pitch up with a decent stalker and go straight out after deer unless he’s seen that you can shoot, why should birds be different? Although, it might hurt the industry because a noticeable proportion of people would be sent home. Shoot birds that you can ethically and cleanly kill and that give you pleasure, save the criticism for the antis please..
  9. Musto if the sizing fits you, especially if you can find them in the John Norris sale..
  10. I’ve got some 5 year old balmoral still going strong but both pairs Mrs has bought haven’t lasted at all well, 2 years and 1 year... I wouldn’t buy anymore!
  11. Wow this is super cool, but I can’t fit more guns in cabinet .
  12. PPP

    Which truck..

    Purely as a passenger, whilst deer stalking (also known as wandering around being charged 140 for the privilidge) the hilyx seemed nice Good call if only they did v8 in uk, standard oil burner is terrifyingly under powerred
  13. PPP

    Which truck..

    Do something for myself??!! That’s not how things work now, just look at the ‘shooting wanted’ section... In all seriousness I looked at a Navarro 2 years ago but the dealer was a muppet so i gave up, didn’t try others, I could do with a shortlist, there are loads now!
  14. Inner redneck won’t be repressed and is demanding I buy a truck, which of the current crop is best? Needs to be as car like as poss and ideally not too slow, fuel economy and polar bears not a concern, thanks.
  15. Moving into a line of leather pigeon shooting masks next Mel?
  16. Do we know level 3 security consists of?
  17. Brilliant, this is exactly my experience (although I prefer the thinner reticle of Hawke over nikko) Recently backed up with my experience of binoculars, I went to shop prepared to spend up to 500 if I could see the difference, ended up with Nature Trek for 140 (as suggested on here) as I couldn’t make value of the incremental difference (although they were worth the 70 more than vantage to me) I am however sold on the 56 mm lens and will be buying 3-12*56 Hawke Endurance before long..
  18. Thanks, this sounds a good plan Thanks, I’ve got one kicking around some where..
  19. What do you guys use to clean scopes and binos? I’ve been using Zeis wipes but not convinced!
  20. That’s awesome, time to send my cert in to get clays added!
  21. Yeah, recently moved shooting bags out to garage to keep domestic bliss, but this one has sneaked back in!
  22. Thanks for the suggestions gus, I went with nature trek in the end having not an enough improvement to justify spending more. Are there any issues with keeping them in the shooting bag in the garage?
  23. I wish they wouldn’t refer to guns and rifles as weapons, they don’t call knives or cars weapons.. It paints a picture of negative intent.
  24. Doubt it, most of these houses are in offshore holding companies or trusts (hence the change in stamp a few years ago) with multiple nominee ownership structures meaning a recovery is impossible. Just more quickly and poorly thought out legislation and a token gesture at best to try to keep us plebs quiet.. London is still the best city in the world to be domiciled if you can afford to be outside of the law.
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