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Everything posted by jmooney

  1. You think you're sick of hearing it...try living over here.... Personally I don't think either one of them was right for the job. Romney was too scary and probably would have started a war with Iran and I'm not sure Obama is taking us in the right direction either. I guess misguided wandering is better than a war with Iran though. On both sides of my family I'm only the third or fourth generation removed from folks who were "Subjects of The Queen of England and Ireland" as it says on all their immigration papers. The rate things are going I'm of the mind to say that well this was a grand experiment but time to go back to our homeland....
  2. Fantastic! Those Pheasant head especially are stunning!
  3. I'd have browned my trousers if I'd have seen that. The only good snake is one far enough away from me that I can pretend they don't exist.
  4. Thanks. You know how much I'm wanting a 110 now? Not a problem, they're only like hen's teeth over here. Here's a nice one: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Land-Rover-Defender-110-DIESEL-1986-NEW-RESTORATION-LAND-ROVER-DEFENDER-LHD-CUSTOM-110-STATION-WAGON-/320988490485?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item4abc67aaf5#ht_2101wt_1167 Only £41,000.00 How about this one: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1993-Land-Rover-Defender-110-Base-/261106781161?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item3ccb2d4be9#ht_6473wt_1167 Only £71,000.00 I am living in the wrong country.....
  5. Blimey, I've been rather successful learning to speak British English mate, Cherrio, pip, pip and pass the bloody ******** crumpets. On a more serious note, I'm interested to hear as well. I've been itching to learn French.
  6. "Oh look Martha, they've installed a Leisure Center here....."
  7. :lol: :lol: I've got everyone in my office staring at me for busting up laughing on that one... Fresh bacon sarnies on the shoot?
  8. He seems to be an amazing bloke. You are lucky to have him as a friend. Pass on my best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  9. I'll also swim against the flow on this one. I've never had much of a relationship with my dad. He left when I was 8 and I had to do mandatory visits but he didn't really want to. He cheated on my mom and married the "person" he cheated with. So after him living at home with my and my mom beating the **** out of me every now and then I got to go and spend every other weekend with him and his wife who was rather abusive to me as I grew up, not physically but psychologically and emotionally. I see him from time to time and we are cordial ( I last saw him in July) and last I saw her was Christmas Eve last year and I hope it's the last time I ever see her. I can't say I'd be horribly upset if I never saw him again either. He hasn't done a damn thing for me other than put my mother in a family way. Worse he sat by and watched while his wife tortured the bloody hell out of me. Don't feel as though you have to sacrifice yourself just to "have a relationship" with your father. Lord knows I've been down that road and been hurt badly every time.
  10. jmooney

    More pigs

    Oink + Oink + BOOOM = Pork Roast for Sunday Lunch
  11. Nope, they are double action only as are most non 1911 style, again mostly for safety issues as carrying a cocked single action semi is just as dangerous as a cocked single action revolver.
  12. That is only correct for "1911" style single action automatics. Glocks, Most Sig Sauer, Ruger, etc are double action only same as a revolver. In fact most Police Departments have restrictions against carrying SA style auto pistols because to have them in "Condition 1" meaning ready to draw and fire the hammer has to be cocked and if the gun were to be dropped or the hammer had something impact it, the gun could unintentionally fire.
  13. My wife went to college in west Philadelphia, it's not the nicest place on earth. I try to avoid places that I feel like I need to be armed but sometimes it's nice to have it for peace of mind. Truthfully the most often I carry now is when running my dogs in case they were to be attacked. I would rather live in a town like yours, it would suit me better anyway :-) My carry gun in a Taurus .38, it's a copy of the S&W J frame. I can see you have good taste my friend!
  14. There are two reasons that the revolver fell out of use with our PD's. First being the criminals were much better armed than the police and had weapons with high capacity and I don't know if you've ever tried to reload a revolver when your life depended on it, thankfully I haven't but I can't imagine it's got a good chance of success. Secondly the .38 was turning out to be ineffective again criminals that were high on most the currently available street drugs and they needed a more powerful round. Initially they went with higher powered revolvers but the lawyers go involved and in a fit of what can best be described as "Health and Safety for Criminals" deemed the higher powered revolver rounds too powerful to shoot criminals with. There is also certain other issues with a PO carrying something like a .41 or .44 Magnum especially in a place like NYC. If they respond to something in a low rent apartment building and fire two .44 Magnums, they're going through at least 2 or 3 walls before they stop and you have a situation similar to what you see above. Lastly I think a lot of this problem is training. Many PO's don't take training with their sidearm seriously. There are many who only shoot two or three times a year to maintain qualification and never take part in any training on using it in adverse situations and you wind up with the above result. I'm not condemning revolvers by any means, it's what I carry when I carry for self defense (my state issues Concealed Carry Permits) I prefer the simple reliability and I'm not a PO, my only objective is to not be a victim.
  15. No new gun laws at this point that I can see. New York City has some of the strictest in the nation already. There isn't anything they can do there that wouldn't risk treading on the Constitution plus we're too close to an election for anyone to do anything that might alienate the Gun Rights voters especially since a Democrat is trying to win a second term and most folks that are on the gun rights side of things are Republicans.
  16. jmooney


    Is there any kind of guide online or in print as to what's appropriate tweeds for who? Like what a keeper wears, guns, beaters, pickers up, etc?
  17. I have RA and there is ton's of information out there on it as well as tons of treatments. First thing I would want to know is how they diagnosed it. There are blood tests for it but there not always conclusive. The reason I'd ask this is because RA generally affects you bi-laterally, meaning that you hardly ever get it on just on side and it usually goes after hands, wrists, and knees first. Again I say usually because it's really unique in almost every case. What type of treatment do they have her on? Any chance of taking her for a second opinion or to a specialist? Rheumatology is a whole specialty in itself. Take care, Jim
  18. Well done! As above, more info on the arm please!
  19. Over here it varies from state to state. Where I live you can get a license at 12 after passing a safety course but you can't hunt alone till 16. Until you are 16 you have to be within close enough distance to a licensed hunter 18 or over that you can carry on a clear conversation.
  20. Just kicked over a category on 1st July. 36 now.
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