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Muddy Funker

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Everything posted by Muddy Funker

  1. Muddy Funker


    Haha that's pretty cool. It was very close to showing my house, it was only a couple of doors away Tied into google street view no doubt.
  2. I moved from Surrey to West Sussex a couple of years ago. I made sure on the day in question the cabinet could be unbolted, moved then bolted back at the new address. Then I notified Surrey, I seem to remember they wanted the original back and told me to use a copy, don't quote me on that. It actually took a while before Sussex made contact and sent someone round to check safe, but now I have a cert issued by Sussex. It was no bother, as long as it's bolted up and you tell them where they're happy
  3. The red button is superb!!! Watching the archery earlier fantastic! And Aida Roman - HELLOOOO!!!!! :blink:
  4. I know this has been done to death, If all your son is looking for is insurance then look no further than what Blaser has suggested. These are the guys I'm with
  5. I shied away from an iphone for ages purley because I hate following crowds. Relented and got a 4S a few months ago and I now understand why everyone has one. It just does everything, it's effortless to use.
  6. My head hurts!!! My 2 year variable ran out a few months ago and at the time I wasn't able to do any better than just letting it go to the standard variable (halifax) this was 3.5% I think. Then after a month or so I got the delightful news it was moving up to 4%. I haven't looked around to be honest but might there be something better out there at the moment? I don't expect anyone to search for me, but a few lines of advice and a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
  7. I wasn't talking about them hitting with exactly the same energy, I'm sure with two average rifles and two average pellets the difference would be neligable.
  8. I chopped in 22 for 177 years ago and have never looked back. You hit them in the head and they die with hardly a twitch it's as simple as that. I've never understood the 22 hits harder arguement, if both rifles are set just below the limit then surely they hit with the same energy? I can only go on my observations an below the legal limit it's 177 for me every time, I'd never go back.
  9. This is pretty much my method. Works just fine
  10. Embarrassingly I do have one, A small permission is literally an open field for horses with no cover. I lie in open land and shoot back into the hedgerow where the rabbits appear. Probably don't really need it but it makes me feels like a super stealthy ninja sniper so it's all good
  11. Damn, only just read this!!!! Hardly anything like this comes up in the South it would seem
  12. It's funny you say that but I had my FAC visit a few weeks ago and I cleaned the house up not that I let it get too bad!! I know the guy as well so it's not like a first impression but I think it's worth doing. If you take pride in your house then maybe you take pride in your shooting/safety , that was my train of thought? Get some of these too Boasters,,,, Hobnobs are useless next to these haha
  13. Bump back to page 1. No linux/ubuntu experts?
  14. Me too, listen to these guys!!! It's free and it works
  15. I bought of this Ebay member, you get loads for your money http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DIATOMACEOUS-EARTH-A-FULL-1000ml-Sprinkler-Bottle-/170484790505?pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Poultry&hash=item27b1af74e9 The chooks looked like ghosts after a good dosing but seemed to love it. Not very traditional but I've got an Eglu with plastic roosting bars, it's so easy to keep clean and bug free. Might be for townies but there no denying they are seriously functional!!
  16. He was always going to be found not guilty of Manslaughter in my opinion. What I would say though is that there should be a conviction for assualt in relation to the baton strike, that would see him out of the job minus pension. There is no way on earth he could have forseen what the outcome would be, drunk bloke, underlying health issues ect,,, hundreds of people would have been pushed/hit that day without issue. However, I don't think the force used was reasonable in the circumstances, the bottom line is it was an old bloke being obstructive at best, he wasn't posing a threat and he was leaving the area (slowly). It's really hard to see clearly but if that baton strike did go in then that should be the focus. The push could be justified I don't think the strike ever could. Red mist which allegedly Harwood was known for anyway, looks like it got the better of him again. He doesn't deserve to wear the uniform. I'm a copper too, and I've also had complaints. It's true that they can only be avoided if you never leave the office like some. Most have been for silly things and have never been upheld. I've been hurt and have had to hurt people but have never had a complaint from anyone for excess force so I'm glad I'm getting that right. There's no smoke without fire though eh, if complaints are racking up against an officer then it's only right they should be looked at closely, especially if it's always in relation to similar things.
  17. Hi Guys, I've got a nice little media centre pc built artound a Shuttle system. I won't bore you with specs unless you need it to help with this prob. I have a small Western Digital internal drive with Ubuntu 12.04 installed and I've really liked having this operating system, I wanted to try something that wasn't windows and I've been more than happy with it. The problem is this, I tried to recover some data that my other half deleted and I thought I'd succeeded in doing so, i used this http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec Now what happened is rather than recovering the data to one of the two 1TB hard drives also in the machine I managed to select the drive with the operating system on it , instantly filling it to capacity 250G. After this the computer just would not boot and I was getting all sorts of error messages after the initial boot screens. I haven't saved any of these messages. Using an Iphone for internet and google I slogged at this for hours and managed to access the drive in recovery mode. I've gone into root menu and deleted the Photorec files, I've not done this blind but using info I found on the net, I don't think I've changed other values. I managed to get the thing up and running again which I felt quite proud of lol. Problem now is that I can only use the operating system as a guest and not my user profile, this is obviously a huge ballache as i need to log into every site I visit every time I go there, no bookmarks ect. I'm also having problems accessing other hard drives on the system. I know there are others out there that have had this problem of only being able to log in as a guest but I was after some help first hand. I rather ask here and get calling a total computer mong by you lot rather than join a linux/ubuntu forum and get called the same by some spotty nerd. I'm not totally useless when it comes to computers buit if any info is forthcoming it needs to be fairly foolproof!! Any help is greatly appreciated!!! Thanks!
  18. I went to Florida a few years ago just after the rules changed. Some woman went to a pay and shoot range and blatted her son in the head, not sure if she then did the same to herself. They stopped turn up and shoot not long after if I remember correctly. Not sure about Cali?
  19. Here you go mate I used this to fit a new battery but the first 5 minutes of the video should see you good in relation to screen. Parts from Amazon or Ebay. I think the screen is called a digitiser?
  20. I think we've well established it's illegal to shoot racers. Yes I've shot one on the wing by mistake, if you need reminding pigeon shooting cam be pretty fast and furious. Send me to prison why don't you
  21. I personally wouldn't bother, no doubt the 1417 is a beautiful bit of kit but will you shoot any better with it? But while I wouldn't bother. if you've got the money and want a trade up then why the devil not!!!
  22. The Final Inspection Author: Author Unknown The policeman stood and faced his God, which must always come to pass. He hopes his shoes were shining just as brightly as his brass. "Step forward now, policeman. How shall I deal with you? Have you always turned the other cheek? To my church have you been true?" The policeman squared his shoulders and said, "No Lord I guess I ain't. Because those who carry badges can't always be a saint. I've had to work most Sundays, and at times my talk was rough... And sometimes I've been violent because the streets are awful tough. But I never took a penny that wasn't mine to keep... Though I worked alot of overtime when the bills just got too steep. And I never passed a cry for help, though at times I shook with fear. And sometimes, God forgive me, I've wept unmanly tears. I know I don't deserve a place among the people here. They never wanted me around except to calm there fear. If you've a place for me here, Lord, it needn't be so grand. I never expected or had too much, but if you don't... i understand." There was silence all around the throne where the saints had often trod, as the policeman waited quietly for he judgement of his God. "Step forward now, policeman. You've borne your burdens well. Come walk a beat on heaven's streets. You've done your time in hell."
  23. I forgot the PW 704yd hindsight, armchair warrior gun The security grabbed whoever it was around the waist, both will have a few bruises, big deal. The police can't do right it's no wonder some don't care anymore.
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