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Muddy Funker

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Everything posted by Muddy Funker

  1. Sorry had to go to work last night so couldn't reply. It sounds a little daft, so it says on cert you can zero at an approved range ect but you're not allowed to target shoot. Surley zeroing is shooting at a target?? I'm just gonna have to see what my cert says when it's in my hands then see where I stand with FEO and the range. I'm sure once I'm a member at a range then it'll be a simple task of allowing target shooting/zeroing also? At least I hope it is.
  2. I think I'm with you, so your cert will allow but your club will not until you are out of your probation is that correct? So do you have to shoot with a club gun until out of your probation, then you'll be able to take your own?
  3. Thanks for the reply, Where you say it doesn't cover me for target shooting. Would this be from the clubs point of view or the certificates? What I'm getting at is if the cert says for zeroing at a range ect will i be able to use it as a probationary member at a club? Thanks.
  4. I thought I'd bump this rather than start a new thread. While waiting for the FAC to come through I thought it'd be a nice idea to join a club, my pest control permission is a campsite so quite often shooting is restricted. Now when applying I've requested 22LR and 17HMR for pest control, I don't think I've put down for target use as it wasn't a thought at the time. Pardon the pun but have I shot myself in the foot here or will the cert come back to allowing zeroing at an approved range ect? The FAC has actually been granted and is being delivered next week hopefully, I loath to ask for changes to it the day it arrives. I'm in W Sussex if that makes any difference.
  5. That looks like a ballache to be fair,,, Any chance you could just stick it out for 6 months then request it be removed?
  6. I've just been granted my co term cert in West Sussex, it was an SGC renewel and FAC grant. It was 8 for me also. 2 blank, 1 signed by me, 1 counter signed for the SGC. 1 blank, 1 signed by me, 2 counter signed for FAC. No bother to me?
  7. Just got back from my visit, Really nice looking place with what seems like a friendly group of members I got a really good vibe for the place. Terry the manager is a top bloke, really appreciated the time he spent having a chat and showing me around, I'll be putting in my form soon as pay day arrives. Well worth a look for us Southern shandy drinking members
  8. Hi Terry, Thanks for the reply, phone is on the fritz at the moment but I'd really like to come down and say hello. The website and facilities there look great. I'll pop down tomorrow (saturday) if thats ok. Thanks again!!!
  9. ******* stupid is my response.
  10. It wouldn't matter if there was reasonable excuse, unless maybe he's maybe a copper taking equipment home as he's not at his base station the following day? I don't know them all off the top of my head but some things there is no lawful authority or reasonable excuse for. Ninja weapons, batons, butterfly knives ect. you carry any of that, you get done. Edit: It has no effect, an arrest does not mean guilty. It's just a part of the process, to enable the gathering of evidence by way of interview, search, seizure ect. It's only if you accept a caution or get convicted in court that information is disclosable to any employers/future employers. Arrest does however get you created on the system of the force that made the arrest but that information is for police eyes only.
  11. Guys, I'm looking to join a rifle club in West Sussex the closer to Horsham the better. I know there are a few about and I've found some online but some of the websites are just so poor with so little info they're hardly inspiring,,,,, Are any of you here members of clubs in this area? I'm looking to be able to shoot air rifle but most importantly .22LR out to a hundred yards. Also are there any places that allow use of 17HMR? Next question is when my FAC comes through it will obviously be restricted to my land, how will this fair with shooting at a club? Will this be possible with the correct membership and permission? Ford Rifle Range in Yapton looks good and I've emailed them. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Thank You. G.
  12. How about chancing it with some French Beans?
  13. Practical? - Absolutely not, 10 shots imo is worthless. Pointless? - Absolutely not, it shows what's capable and showcases what Daystate can do. I think it's amazing that something like this can be built, I imagine it'd be a remortgage to buy one though. Need 100ft lbs? Get a .22 rimmy
  14. Muddy Funker


    Haha that's pretty cool. It was very close to showing my house, it was only a couple of doors away Tied into google street view no doubt.
  15. I moved from Surrey to West Sussex a couple of years ago. I made sure on the day in question the cabinet could be unbolted, moved then bolted back at the new address. Then I notified Surrey, I seem to remember they wanted the original back and told me to use a copy, don't quote me on that. It actually took a while before Sussex made contact and sent someone round to check safe, but now I have a cert issued by Sussex. It was no bother, as long as it's bolted up and you tell them where they're happy
  16. The red button is superb!!! Watching the archery earlier fantastic! And Aida Roman - HELLOOOO!!!!! :blink:
  17. I know this has been done to death, If all your son is looking for is insurance then look no further than what Blaser has suggested. These are the guys I'm with
  18. I shied away from an iphone for ages purley because I hate following crowds. Relented and got a 4S a few months ago and I now understand why everyone has one. It just does everything, it's effortless to use.
  19. My head hurts!!! My 2 year variable ran out a few months ago and at the time I wasn't able to do any better than just letting it go to the standard variable (halifax) this was 3.5% I think. Then after a month or so I got the delightful news it was moving up to 4%. I haven't looked around to be honest but might there be something better out there at the moment? I don't expect anyone to search for me, but a few lines of advice and a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
  20. I wasn't talking about them hitting with exactly the same energy, I'm sure with two average rifles and two average pellets the difference would be neligable.
  21. I chopped in 22 for 177 years ago and have never looked back. You hit them in the head and they die with hardly a twitch it's as simple as that. I've never understood the 22 hits harder arguement, if both rifles are set just below the limit then surely they hit with the same energy? I can only go on my observations an below the legal limit it's 177 for me every time, I'd never go back.
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