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Muddy Funker

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Everything posted by Muddy Funker

  1. Interview went really well. FEO was more than happy with gun safe and seperate ammo safe, he said my security was better than most. Fingers crossed I'll have co terminous allowing 22LR and 17HMR in 4-6 weeks :-) I'm chuffed
  2. Something along these lines perhaps? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/50-Cal-Large-Ammo-Box-Genuine-Army-NATO-Surplus-Tool-Box-Fat-50-Cal-EMPTY-/261049279402?pt=UK_Collectables_Militaria_LE&hash=item3cc7bfe3aa You could drill and bolt it somewhere (loft) and padlock it closed.
  3. I've got my interview at 10am today :-) This was only a couple of weeks after handing in forms, I'm also an SGC licence holder whose tocket expires in Sept. Fingers crossed a co terminous cert will arrive before then!!! If the interview goes well of course lol.
  4. I'd be happy to see the death penalty brought back in certain cases, but that's a whole other debate!!
  5. That's cold blooded. I think in these instances there should be no minimum term, life should mean life.
  6. I can see a pattern forming here lol!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVGhlXd3XaE
  7. Nice one, I posted my FAC application a couple of weeks ago, SGC runs out in Sept so I'm getting co terminous too. FEO called today and he's popping round on Weds next week. I'm more than happy with that!!!
  8. That's wrong mate, if a bailiff acting on behalf of a court has the correct paperwork he can instruct a locksmith to drill the locks and walk straight in.
  9. You should run for commissioner as you seem to have all the answers on how to fix the police Edit: My opinion is that it's not a perfect world and some people in this thread forget that. Mistakes will happen it's as simple as that. If some of you think you can do better then do so.
  10. Hi Guys, I was out ferreting with a mate today and while doing so were talking about shooting and fishing. We've decided to have a day soon where we go shooting for pigeon in the morning, ferreting in the afternoon and then fishing in the evening. Feather and fur in the Surrey area then down to Shoreham for the fish. Anyone done this? We thought it was a blinding plan for a great day!!!
  11. I agree that harsher sentancing is no deterent, but the longer someone is locked up the longer they can't commit crime. I hear it all the time in my job that prison is useless ect,,,,,, if Billy Burglar is locked away, then he can't break into our homes so prison does work. We just need more of them.
  12. Usual slag off the police thread then Honestly people in this country really don't know how good they have it compared to the rest of the world, but I digress. Routinely arm all police? Ridiculous. Have more ARV's and AFO's? Absolutely.
  13. I got the **** ripped out of me for this but I bought a 206 1.4 HDI. Due to running costs I couldn't afford a fast car. 550+ miles to a tank and £30 a year road tax, I'm the one thats laughing
  14. Based purely on this comment I will be downloading a few episodes hahaha.
  15. Smallholding with lots of land, animals, shooting ect. A micro brewery all made from lovely shiny
  16. I was going to point this out, not wishing to be a pain but there is a sense of irony here. So it's not acceptable for you to kill anything, but fish are fair game lol.
  17. Anyone know of Sussex's take on this? My paperwork went in a week ago.
  18. I think the one thing to remember is whatever option you choose accept it's a lengthy process. They don't just hand these things out for obvious reasons. I've been shooting air weapons over 25 years, had SGC for 5 years and only now am applying for FAC. Luckily I'm signed off on some land. I'm not saying it should take anyone else this long but just stick at it and youll get there!!
  19. How has it ended up tatty if you don't mind me asking? I've had mine nearly 5 years and it's fine, it lives in a wallet in the gun slip. Only gets taken out when i buy carts.
  20. I've recently bought a second hand 452 set up and I love it. The HW and Annie look beautiful but I'm a bit of a tart and would cry if I dinked the stock, I've always been like this lol. The 452 is affordable, more than fit for purpose, and I won't cry if I knock it I've got an HW100 though and it's so, so good. Amazing piece of kit so I understand why people rate the make.
  21. Thanks for the reply, Something well worth considering, got a few questions that I'll pm to you over the weekend. Cheers
  22. I appreciate there's more to it than money, but how much is membership? Thanks.
  23. I posted this on a beer forum and no one really gave a toss? http://www.thehomebrewforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=19114 Probably around 40 years old at a guess and it tasted incredible, very similar to a Fullers Vintage from 2006 I had recently. As I posted on the other forum hopefully not worth a fortune, I've drunk 3 now hahaha, it's what it's for after all :-)
  24. I'm on some home brewed ale with local West Sussex honey included in it. It's having the desired effect haha!!
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