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Everything posted by fortune

  1. When I was at school, mens/boys haircuts changed from the old style >> mow it off short back and sides to some sort of shape and style. There were a couple of barbers in the town and one was a mow it off convict style and the other did style cut. Because we lived about ten miles from town Mother started to cut my hair and she did a pretty good job of it. In later years one of my daughters took over and then another one trained as a hairdresser so she has cut it for some time. I wonder how much money I have saved by getting free haircuts. I tell the daughters that I had paid for the cuts by having to put up with them and being a free taxi service to their friends, clubs, pubs and waiting around for them. I think that they got the better deal.
  2. You have to consider if it will shoulder up ok for you. A lot of people can shoot Berretta but not Browning and vice versa. Also some can shoot either with no problems. Two of my son in laws really like my Browning to look at but neither feel happy shooting it and if I were to give it to either of them they would off load it pretty soon for a Berretta of some description. Personally I don't have a problem shooting anything. As far as I am concerned it's a gun and I just concentrate on the target. Single trigger, double trigger,o/u, SBS, pump, auto. It's just a gun to me.
  3. Who won't have a clue and will just come out with a make it up as you go along statement.
  4. I bet that you had a big thank you bonus in your pay at the end of the month. unless Malc recieved it by mistake.
  5. Give more detail about the system that you have now. Who has decided that it isn't a small repair. It's a big shell out for a new boiler and then to find out that a fuse had blown or similar.
  6. That's a lot of investment in a random 410.
  7. Naah. If you shot the scout and he didn't return from patrol, how would the waiting assembly of pigeons know what had happened to the scout. He might have stopped off at the red lion For a swift half and be fast asleep up some tree or gotten waylaid by some female pigeon of the night and be stuck up to the axles in the feme fatale. Just observe the fact that the pattern is in the wrong place, set out wrong or that the hide and shooter are so visable that the incoming birds fly straight past.
  8. The wood extension is quite common and would be a lot better than some modern pad which will probably look completely out of character. Why not wait and see how he gets on with shooting the gun before doing anything to it at all.
  9. Naah. If they don't come in to the pattern you are in the wrong place. I know that it can be frustrating when you set up and birds sail right over the pattern and ignore them but they have got their sights set on a different field. There was a thread on here some years ago about how some bloke insisted that you had to cut the eyelids off of the decoys because the birds coming in would see that the decoy birds had their eyes shut and the incoming birds veered away because of it. Yeah right!! The fact that the shooter was being seen by the incoming birds didn't seem to have entered the equation. Weird ideas abound.
  10. The whole situation of every force and every feo making it up as they go along is one of how it is and a total nonsense. Although it is stated about how you have to have a cabinet, it is only guidance.There is no fixed need for a cabinet that is mandatory. Security is all that is required. When you read through the answers to this thread it's surprising that a lot of people have the confidence to own or use firearms. Blind compliance with random made up rules without question can be a very bad thing. It has always surprised me about the pernickerty rules and yet you just walk out of the house with the tool in your hand. Over the years I have had many renewals and none of the visiting inspectors have asked any questions about the method or anything technical about the security in fact the last two inspections haven't even checked the storage or what guns I have in storage. I could have lost one and not been able to account for it for the past ten years and no one would be any the wiser if it hadn't turned up somewhere. PS I haven't lost any.
  11. There is a government department who you can contact. I have found them to be very helpful in the past. I don't think that it is a good idea to mention that you want to screw every penny that you can out of them, but to be able to claim what you are justifiably entitled to. Here is a link? https://www.gov.uk/redundancy-payments-helpline. Keep focused on what you are entitled to and not a hate campaign to screw every penny out of the company. I think that you should be entitled to 13 weeks in lieu of notice - any weeks that you work that you will be paid for just like a normal working week. And probably 1-1/2 weeks basic pay for each FULL year of service up to 20 years. Good luck for your future.
  12. They wont worry you, as they dont generally confront in person, although there are some nutters about that will. It's more you come back to the motor to find 4 punctured tyres and other damage. if there isn't anyone about it comes back down to you. Plod ain't interested there's nothing they can do about it if there is no one to pursue.. All they will do is issue a crime number for you to give to your insurer. great isn't it. you'll need a pushbike. or a lift to get home.
  13. I have been watching the stubbles and there aren't many birds coming in to them at all. There seem to be more birds dispersed around local domestic gardens. I'm not joking but probably I could shoot more out of my front room window with an air rifle coming in to eat grain spilt by the sparrows from the bird feeder than setting up out on a field. There are a lot of birds out on the roads gritting. It is a very different situation to the amount that some shoot on here.
  14. Mine has been doing it for a long time. I just reset the screw in the side and it works ok.
  15. I have an old Wahl trimmer that I use on the Spaniel. Sometimes the beastly thing goes into clatter mode and the Spaniel does not like it at all. I have to reset the screw and have a chat with the Spaniel that everything is going to be ok.
  16. That's a nice way to reply to this generous offer. Some people reply to offers like this in a Very ungracious manner. Good hunting for the lad. I started out with a single Webley bolt action 410 deluxe model. The stock had a bit of checkering on it. Back in those days most ironmongers sold #5 shot but I would have been a lot better off using #7 or #8. I went Into the ironmongers and asked for a box of 410 cartridges. when I saw the size of the box I said that I thought that they were longer. The ironmonger said that I wanted fourlong. 3"didn't exist then. The only trouble with 410 and all Small bores is that the cartridges are expensive compared to 12 bore.
  17. I don't know how true it is but I have heard that some devices give off a high pitched whistle that we can't hear but can be detected. Perhaps it is this which is alerting Charlie to your presence. Beasts are strange though. I was up a tower with another bloke waiting for Charlie and it came into the field and we tracked it's progress using a pair of IR Binos. All appeared to be steady and there was no incident or noise to upset it but all of a sudden Charlie raced off of the field. We both thought, what happened there? 15 minutes later Charlie shot back through the hedge at the same place like he had been kicked through it.
  18. That's what most gunsmiths were/are like. It's the quality of the work and the knowledge of the craftsman not how clean and tidy it is.
  19. Anything decent in the box?
  20. "Lock and load" !!!, Has trumpy been watching this bloke. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R._Lee_Ermey I think that there are a load of readneck vids on you tube. >> Kick *** sort of fellow. >> poor little donkey / mule.
  21. yep, and a tortoise on a track during jeep safari through the mountains. the driver pulled up and picked up the tortoise and put it off the road. Good spotting.
  22. There are others like this. >> "What game cartridges have you got in at the moment"? Reply. >" The Barbour jackets are over there"! Scratch head! "No I'm after cartridges". "Oh, the wellies are over there". Perhaps the bloke had lost his hearing through not using ear defenders. But I have seen some bad customer service. It's a bit counter productive if you are trying to sell stuff
  23. dont forget to follow the government guidelines in the event. Take the kitchen door off and prop it up against a wall and drape with a blanket or two and fill a couple of milk bottles up with water. that should protect you from the blast and radiation and allow you to survive for at least a couple of months.
  24. Although there was a bit of banter between you and others in the shop, did you actually buy the Powder that you wanted or did you walk out or get told to ****** off?
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