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Everything posted by PERCE

  1. I've got a young cocker that marks / retrieves well BUT he'd rather hunt. So to get his labrador skills up to scratch I do short sharp retriever drills, I get after him if he tries to ****** off & hunt. After I finish his retriever drills I take him for a hunt as a reward.
  2. I paid £267 for elbows + hips & including BVA fee earlier this year with my regular vets. I'm not sure of price or actual location but somebody took a bitch that I bred to a vet in Cheshire where they take the pictures without a GA, must work as they got 0 elbow & 0,0 hips.
  3. I can't remember where but you can buy products like this from elsewhere that are used in construction etc. They're considerably cheaper & will do the same job. Join http://www.gundogtrainingforum.co.uk/phpbb/ & do a search I think that I posted a link to a supplier on a thread in there.
  4. The lab pup I have is 8 months by 4 months he was running hard & chasing anything I threw for him & was starting to hunt for anything he miss marked. At 4 months you're playing with a dog & you're looking to make him realise the best fun is be playing with you.
  5. Aye but the ones that have the correct spelling cost way more money
  6. I'd never clip a spaniel, grooming the dead hair out with a ferminator or similar is far better.
  7. Your dog is quite literally taking the **** out of you.
  8. I have nothing against place board training or clicker training, if it's a way to get a dog do something, not a problem. At 14 weeks I'm playing with a pup, I want it to have desire to be with me, to retrieve,to hunt, to swim etc. But until it'll do all these things I will not put any pressure of formal training on it. No steadiness, no sit & stays.
  9. With a 14 week old pup I wouldn't be doing any of these things but I'm sure someone will be along to tell me I'm wrong.
  10. I've fed RAW for quite a while now. I also have weaned litters on RAW. To start off with I measured quantities but now I feed by eye. My lot get anything I can get. I buy minced tripe & chicken but I get regular free supplies of lamb & fish from various sources. It's like everything, you need to get organised & have a system.
  11. I've never quite worked out why Chris Upton posted this video. I saw it last year but it's resurfaced again lately & the abuse he's had on Facebook has been unreal. If anything can be learnt from it, if you train in a public place be very careful what you do. A simple repositioning of a dog or a bit of a row with one could be seen by a do gooder as something much more sinister.
  12. He's got a dog that's a very moderate retriever at best & you think he should be steadying it up to thrown dummies?
  13. I think he meant hip & elbow bva scored + eye tested by bva.
  14. I had a pup that chipped at the vets at 6 weeks of age. When it's new owners took it at 12 weeks it had to be chipped again as the original chip wasn't there.
  15. http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/topic/283372-cab-dog-box/
  16. I've just sold my Landcruiser due to fuel costs. Bought a Forester, a bit tinny compared to the LC but it's nice enough to drive & will do 50mpg on a decent run out. A bit strange at first to be back in a manual but I've soon got used to it. I'm vat registered & probably should have gone down the pick up route but I couldn't face having one as the family vehicle.
  17. I'd wait until the pup is mature & then seek a second opinion.
  18. Did you take your dog to be examined by a vet on the BVA council? http://www.bva.co.uk/public/documents/EP_list_Jan_2012.pdf Earlier this year I had a dog examined by somebody on the list & it would seem two other vets don't know what they're talking about!
  19. Just seen this, very succinct!
  20. Hand in hand in my book, you're splitting hairs.
  21. All he's doing is teasing a young dog to introduce the desire to retrieve, all part of a key stage game, it's tug of war in the mildest of sense. http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/topic/277646-looking-for-a-first-dog/ http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/topic/280536-help-labrador-retrieving-problems/ I suspect that both these threads revolve around problems caused by not doing simple little games such as shown in the video with the young springer.
  22. You get what you pay for, cheap & cheerful. Self assembly, aluminium frame fastened together with plastic plugs, boarding fairly cheap & nasty. Okay if you've got one or two dogs but not robust enough for a pack. I had a single door one that I bought off ebay.de when the euro exchange rate was good, paid less than £40 for it delivered. I'd be looking for a 2nd hand Lintran, much better value & fairly common on ebay. I've just bought a new CAB, great service & quality kit, at a price though.
  23. I most certainly will not be queuing for one of them. I do however own a red one, by the Irish Championship winner out of a nicely bred bitch.
  24. Correct, there's a lot of rubbish been bred for colour & $$$$.
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