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Going sea fishing


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Hey guys. I've been talking to a mate of mine and I'm going on a deep sea trip out of Minehead next weekend. I've got half an idea of how to sea fish - I've done it before, but my main issue is sea sickness. Last time I went out I managed two hours, mainly just working our way out and stopping to do a bit of bait fishing on the way before beginning my 4 hour rubby dubby session (donating my breakfast to the fish) :hmm:


That's the sad bit, I've never managed to go a whole day on a boat without feeling terrible. I got to witness all my mates dragging in half a dozen Tope each, with my catch being just Mackerel from on the way out! It's a real shame.


Is there anything you seasoned sea fishermen on here could recommend I take to ease this a bit? I love going out on the boat. The skipper (Steve Webber) is a real top bloke and he runs a really first class boat (Osprey II I think). It's fast, comfortable (well kind of), by far the best fishing boat I've ever been on. I really want to just enjoy my trip without chucking my guts up all day. I gave up for a bit because it was so bad but my mate just told me this trip is only a 5 hour rather than an 8 so I'm going to give it another go.


What tablets can you get to keep you feeling at least half decent all day? I'd really appreciate your advice!

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lay off the beer and cury the night before and get a good nights sleep. small breakfast the next morning, and keep eating small amounts whilst fishing.


A tried and tested method i have used is ginger. Dont think eating half a pack of gingernuts biscuits will help, as i think they contain extract of ginger.


1: take a thumbsized piece of ginger, peel and grate.

2: fill flask with hot water.

3: a good few sloshes of lemon.

4: a LOAD of honey.

5: another LOAD of grated root ginger.


As well as tasting great and keeping you warm, it seems to keep sickness at bay. :hmm:

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Alright, being a Vetern getting as seasick as you can possibly go sort of chap (And then doing it again the next year) I can give you these tips!



Firstly!: Take motion sickness pills - any brand will do as the all contain the same chemical.

IMPORTANT IF you take montion sickness pills - do so WITH SOME FOOD. I can't stress this enough, if you have them on an empty stomach it'll make you feel worse.


Second: Eat what you think you can handle.


Third: Drink lots of tea/water. (Stock up on biccys and chomp on these if you don't feel like heavy food)


Forth: Stay warm, being cold can make the effects worse.


Fifth: Feeling sick? - Stay above deck, and look at the horizion, try not to walk about too much and stay out of the way of any harsh smells (Diesal exhast, solvents, - brasso will always set me off).


If your going to be sick - do the following.


1: Vomit on the FLOOR not over the side of the ship. Dangleing half your body weight in a rough sea of the side of a ship is a really stupid thing to do (For obvious reasons) and the sick can just be cleaned with a hose in no time.


2. If you do vomit, eat something, and you'll proberbly vomit this up again too (and keep eating). The issue here is that you are going to vomit no matter what, so you might as well vomit up something less painful (say, some toast) than what will happen if you don't have anything in your stomach. At this point you will start vomiting through your various biles and stomach acids and this is really, really unpleasant.



And lastly - don't worry about getting sea sick. I can promise you that you can tell when someone has been really, properly seasick, because they'd never take the micky out of anyone else who is.


''You'll spend the first six hours wanting to die, and the next six wishing you where dead''






But!, on a positive note, you do get used to the motion, I've always found kipping at the start of a trip will get your body used to it eaisly. (And, I've been in very rough seas in some very light boats, so don't take this too seriously if it's nothing major)

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Keep watching the horizon/shorline, this sorts the motion part of it out but if it is foggy you`ve had it.


Strawberry jam was an old Royal Navy trick for seasickness, if it didn`t stop you being sick at least it tasted nice on the way up .........I`ll get me coat !

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It's true about the horizon. I think seasickness is caused by your brain getting confused by the messages it's getting from the balance bits in your inner ear. The horizon is the only thing out there that you know isn't moving, so your brain realises what level is again and can compensate for the messages that your inner ear keeps sending.


Something like that anyway :hmm: . That's what I used to tell the victims when I had boats :hmm::lol::oops:


Also don't keep looking in the bottom of the boat. When baiting up, hold the hook up so you can see the horizon behind it. Raise your rod tip so that if you're looking at it, you can still see the horizon behind it.


It's also partly psychological, so try not to dwell on it and don't keep thinking that you're going to be sick. I've often noticed that my victims were fine if they were catching loads of fish, but if the fishing went a bit quiet, they'd start looking a bit green round the gills :lol:

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thats it chard, its all about the inner ear. :hmm: Ive only been sick once, but felt green a few times. i must admit though, the ginger drink goes down even if i feel fine. :hmm::oops: heck, ive been known to make it when fishing from the beach. i just wobble my head to feel queesy. :lol:

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Ok, I'll try all of the tricks mentioned! I'll take some pills with a small breakfast (I had a jumbo breakfast bap last time :hmm: ) and try the ginger drink. The eat more if you're sick comment works for me. Even when I'm ill I do that because as said, it hurts less! I was hoping there would be some magic cure, maybe not then :hmm:

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Keep watching the horizon/shorline

Do that, and keep a full stomach as the others have said, works for me.

I never think about puking, but the people I have been sailing with who obsess about it are normally the worst affected (e.g sgt bang)

Think about the fishing and not about the spewing.

But if you do chuck, can you get someone to take pictures for us :hmm:

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And the best pills to take are called "joy rides" I used to suffer really badly with seasickness and still do get it from time to time.


All the advice is spot on, except perhaps the ginger drink :hmm:


Seasickness is exactly the same as shooting, 90% of it is in your head. Takely the seasickness tablets probably doesn't do anything other than make you think in your head that you won't be sick as you have taken the tablets.


Even if you are sick don't think about it and keep fishing. :hmm:

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And the best pills to take are called "joy rides" I used to suffer really badly with seasickness and still do get it from time to time.


All the advice is spot on, except perhaps the ginger drink :oops:


Seasickness is exactly the same as shooting, 90% of it is in your head. Takely the seasickness tablets probably doesn't do anything other than make you think in your head that you won't be sick as you have taken the tablets.


Even if you are sick don't think about it and keep fishing. :hmm:



well Mr. thats you off the 'lets have a ginger drink' list then. :lol: :lol: :hmm:

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As above. The horizon will give you a fixed point to focus on. Personally I've never had trouble with it so can't really offer any more advice than that. Most folk will sell their soul when their out on a boat and feeling rough. Time before last when four of us went out 2 of the guys were in a pretty rough way. One of them had a pretty decent Bass which I tried to buy off him while he was chundering over the side. He wouldn't give it up for any price (obviously he valued it more than his soul).

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We use to take a big bag of Mint Imperials Sweets, so as soon as you felt it coming on, get a big mouthful & clock the horizon, also, good point being mentioned, looking down when baiting up, that will bring it on even quicker.


A lots in the head once you feel sick, but as soon as you start catching fish, you won't be feeling sick anymore.


If you are, remember which way the winds blowing.. :angry:



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Hate to say this but MC is spot on about the "joy rides"they sound a bit gay but they are brilliant :sick: .Sorry to contradict Bleeh but joyrides contain a different chemical to the others.In a two year period i went fishing 8 times and every time i would get on the boat throw up all day and then hand over 50 quid for the privilege(ive even been sick on the pontoon before i even got on the boat ??? )My pharmacist put me on to joyrides telling me that they were the only ones he could find that were differerent


So its happy days now, hav,nt been sick in years :hmm:


Ooh ginger, makes me want to puke just typing the word :good:

Edited by longshanks
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i feel realy sad about this allmy family were sailers grandad a herring fisherman out of yarmouth uncle a iceland trawler man dad a round the world merchaht manand then thers me the last time out 12 minutes then lying in the bottom off boat wanting to die and could not if you really find something that works let me know

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